45,082 research outputs found

    Scaling laws of resistive magnetohydrodynamic reconnection in the high-Lundquist-number, plasmoid-unstable regime

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    The Sweet-Parker layer in a system that exceeds a critical value of the Lundquist number (SS) is unstable to the plasmoid instability. In this paper, a numerical scaling study has been done with an island coalescing system driven by a low level of random noise. In the early stage, a primary Sweet-Parker layer forms between the two coalescing islands. The primary Sweet-Parker layer breaks into multiple plasmoids and even thinner current sheets through multiple levels of cascading if the Lundquist number is greater than a critical value Sc4×104S_{c}\simeq4\times10^{4}. As a result of the plasmoid instability, the system realizes a fast nonlinear reconnection rate that is nearly independent of SS, and is only weakly dependent on the level of noise. The number of plasmoids in the linear regime is found to scales as S3/8S^{3/8}, as predicted by an earlier asymptotic analysis (Loureiro \emph{et al.}, Phys. Plasmas \textbf{14}, 100703 (2007)). In the nonlinear regime, the number of plasmoids follows a steeper scaling, and is proportional to SS. The thickness and length of current sheets are found to scale as S1S^{-1}, and the local current densities of current sheets scale as S1S^{-1}. Heuristic arguments are given in support of theses scaling relations.Comment: Submitted to Phys. Plasma

    Higgs Boson in RG running Inflationary Cosmology

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    An intriguing hypothesis is that gravity may be non-perturbatively renormalizable via the notion of asymptotic safety. We show that the Higgs sector of the SM minimally coupled to asymptotically safe gravity can generate the observed near scale-invariant spectrum of the Cosmic Microwave Background through the curvaton mechanism. The resulting primordial power spectrum places an upper bound on the Higgs mass, which for finely tuned values of the curvaton parameters, is compatible with the recently released Large Hadron Collider data.Comment: 7 pages, no figur

    Regio- and Stereoselective Ruthenium Catalyzed Hydrovinylation of 1,3-Dienes: Application to the Generation of a 20S-Steroidal Sidechain

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    The addition of ethylene to 1,3-dienes and 1-vinylcycloalkenes, catalyzed by two ruthenium complexes, proceeds in a regioselective fashion to afford 3-methyl-1,4-dienes as products. For a steroidal-based 1-vinylcycloalkene, the addition is stereospecific, giving a product with a 20(S) configuration

    Thermodynamic properties of a dipolar Fermi gas

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    Based on the semi-classical theory, we investigate the thermodynamic properties of a dipolar Fermi gas. Through a self-consistent procedure, we numerically obtain the phase space distribution function at finite temperature. We show that the deformations in both momentum and real space becomes smaller and smaller as one increases the temperature. For homogeneous case, we also calculate pressure, entropy, and heat capacity. In particular, at low temperature limit and in weak interaction regime, we obtain an analytic expression for the entropy, which agrees qualitatively with our numerical result. The stability of a trapped gas at finite temperature is also explored

    Spontaneous spin textures in dipolar spinor condensates

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    We have mapped out a detailed phase diagram that shows the ground state structure of a spin-1 condensate with magnetic dipole-dipole interactions. We show that the interplay between the dipolar and the spin-exchange interactions induces a rich variety of quantum phases that exhibit spontaneous magnetic ordering in the form of intricate spin textures.Comment: 4.1 pages, 4 figure

    Multi-vortex dynamics in junctions of charge density waves

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    Ground state reconstruction by creation of topological defects in junctions of CDWs is a convenient playground for modern efforts of field-effect transformations in strongly correlated materials with spontaneous symmetry breakings. Being transient, this effect contributes also to another new science of pump-induced phase transitions. We present a dynamical model for behavior of the CDW in restricted geometries of junctions under an applied voltage or a passing current. The model takes into account multiple interacting fields: the amplitude and the phase of the CDW complex order parameter, distributions of the electric field, the density and the current of various normal carriers. A particular challenge was to monitor the local conservation of the condensed and the normal charge densities. That was done easily invoking the chiral invariance and the associated anomaly, but prize is an unconventional Ginsburg-Landau type theory which is not analytic with respect to the order parameter. The numerical modeling poses unusual difficulties but still can demonstrate that vortices are nucleated at the junction boundary when the voltage across, or the current through, exceed a threshold.Comment: To be published in proceedings of the conference SUPERSTRIPES-2014, A. Bianconi ed., J. Supercond. Nov. Mag., (2015

    Analytic Model Of Electron Self-Injection In A Plasma Wakefield Accelerator In The Strongly Nonlinear Bubble Regime

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    Self-injection of background electrons in plasma wakefield accelerators in the highly nonlinear bubble regime is analyzed using particle-in-cell and semi-analytic modeling. It is shown that the return current in the bubble sheath layer is crucial for accurate determination of the trapped particle trajectories.Physic

    Highly Cooperative Tetrametallic Ruthenium-μ-Oxo-μ-Hydroxo Catalyst for the Alcohol Oxidation Reaction

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    The tetrametallic ruthenium-oxo-hydroxo-hydride complex {[(PCy3)(CO)RuH]4(μ4-O)(μ3-OH)(μ2-OH)} (1) was synthesized in two steps from the monomeric complex (PCy3)(CO)RuHCl (2). The tetrameric complex 1 was found to be a highly effective catalyst for the transfer dehydrogenation of alcohols. Complex 1 showed a different catalytic activity pattern toward primary and secondary benzyl alcohols, as indicated by the Hammett correlation for the oxidation reaction of p-X-C6H4CH2OH (ρ = −0.45) and p-X-C6H4CH(OH)CH3 (ρ = +0.22) (X = OMe, CH3, H, Cl, CF3). Both a sigmoidal curve from the plot of initial rate vs [PhCH(OH)CH3] (K0.5 = 0.34 M; Hill coefficient, n = 4.2 ± 0.1) and the phosphine inhibition kinetics revealed the highly cooperative nature of the complex for the oxidation of secondary alcohols

    Using Simple Neural Networks to Correct Errors in Optical Data Transmission.

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    We have demonstrated the applicability of neural-network-based systems to the problem of reducing the effects of signal distortion, and shown that such a system has the potential to reduce the bit-error-rate in the digitized version of the analogue electrical signal derived from an optical data stream by a substantial margin over existing techniques