59 research outputs found

    Approximate Range Counting Under Differential Privacy

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    Range counting under differential privacy has been studied extensively. Unfortunately, lower bounds based on discrepancy theory suggest that large errors have to be introduced in order to preserve privacy: Essentially for any range space (except axis-parallel rectangles), the error has to be polynomial. In this paper, we show that by allowing a standard notion of geometric approximation where points near the boundary of the range may or may not be counted, the error can be reduced to logarithmic. Furthermore, our approximate range counting data structure can be used to solve the approximate nearest neighbor (ANN) problem and k-NN classification, leading to the first differentially private algorithms for these two problems with provable guarantees on the utility

    Frequency Estimation Under Multiparty Differential Privacy: One-shot and Streaming

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    We study the fundamental problem of frequency estimation under both privacy and communication constraints, where the data is distributed among kk parties. We consider two application scenarios: (1) one-shot, where the data is static and the aggregator conducts a one-time computation; and (2) streaming, where each party receives a stream of items over time and the aggregator continuously monitors the frequencies. We adopt the model of multiparty differential privacy (MDP), which is more general than local differential privacy (LDP) and (centralized) differential privacy. Our protocols achieve optimality (up to logarithmic factors) permissible by the more stringent of the two constraints. In particular, when specialized to the ε\varepsilon-LDP model, our protocol achieves an error of k/(eΘ(ε)1)\sqrt{k}/(e^{\Theta(\varepsilon)}-1) using O(kmax{ε,1ε})O(k\max\{ \varepsilon, \frac{1}{\varepsilon} \}) bits of communication and O(klogu)O(k \log u) bits of public randomness, where uu is the size of the domain

    When Online Auction Meets Virtual Reality: An Empirical Investigation

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    The online auction is becoming increasingly popular in e-commerce, which allows to sell a product to the buyer with the highest bid. However, the lack of authentic product details for a thorough evaluation still poses challenges to its success. Recently, virtual reality (VR) is introduced to online auctions. We employ a unique dataset to investigate the effects of VR on auction outcomes and bidding activities. Results show that VR enhances buyers’ bidding competition, which in turn increases auction success and price, resulting in a competitive effect. Additionally, we find VR boosts buyers’ strategic responses to the bidding war, leading to a late-bidding effect. Findings contribute to both the theory and practice of VR and online auctions in selling houses

    Expert Knowledge-Guided Length-Variant Hierarchical Label Generation for Proposal Classification

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    To advance the development of science and technology, research proposals are submitted to open-court competitive programs developed by government agencies (e.g., NSF). Proposal classification is one of the most important tasks to achieve effective and fair review assignments. Proposal classification aims to classify a proposal into a length-variant sequence of labels. In this paper, we formulate the proposal classification problem into a hierarchical multi-label classification task. Although there are certain prior studies, proposal classification exhibit unique features: 1) the classification result of a proposal is in a hierarchical discipline structure with different levels of granularity; 2) proposals contain multiple types of documents; 3) domain experts can empirically provide partial labels that can be leveraged to improve task performances. In this paper, we focus on developing a new deep proposal classification framework to jointly model the three features. In particular, to sequentially generate labels, we leverage previously-generated labels to predict the label of next level; to integrate partial labels from experts, we use the embedding of these empirical partial labels to initialize the state of neural networks. Our model can automatically identify the best length of label sequence to stop next label prediction. Finally, we present extensive results to demonstrate that our method can jointly model partial labels, textual information, and semantic dependencies in label sequences, and, thus, achieve advanced performances.Comment: 10 pages, Accepted as regular paper by ICDM 202