2 research outputs found

    Primer reporte de Pseudotelorchis yacarei Catto & Amato, 1993 (Telorchiidae) en Caiman latirostris (daudin, 1802) (Alligatoridae) en Brasil

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    Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802) occurs in South America, where its geographic distribution extends down to Uruguay. Very little is known about helminths in C. latirostris; therefore, the present study reports the first occurrence of Pseudotelorchis yacarei Catto & Amato, 1993 in these animals. Six young and juvenile specimens of C. Latirostris were collected in Caravelas, Bahia, Brazil. The animals were necropsied and six animals had their digestive tracts evaluated for further analysis. In 5 of the 6 hosts analyzed, 16 specimens of P. yacarei were collected from the stomach and small intestine, thus with a prevalence of 83%. Hence, this study presents the broad-snouted caiman as a new host of P. yacarei.Caiman latirostris (Daudin, 1802) es encontrada en Am茅rica del Sur, donde su distribuci贸n geogr谩fica se extiende hasta Uruguay. Existe muy poca informaci贸n en la literatura sobre los helmintos en C. latirostris, por lo tanto, el presente estudio reporta la primera aparici贸n de Pseudotelorchis yacarei Catto & Amato, 1993 en estos animales. Fueron recolectados seis individuos j贸venes y juveniles de C. Latirostris en Caravelas, Bah铆a, Brasil. Fue realizada la necropsia de los animales y siendo evaluados sus tractos digestivos para an谩lisis posteriores. En el est贸mago e intestino delgado de cinco de los seis hospederos analizados fueron recolectados 16 ejemplares de P. yacarei, con una prevalencia de un 83 % para la muestra. Por lo tanto, este estudio presenta al Caim谩n de hocico ancho como un nuevo hospedero de P. yacarei

    Purpuriocillium lilacinum infection in captive loggerhead sea turtle hatchlings

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    This paper reports a case of Purpureocillium lilacinum infection in seven loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta caretta) hatchlings kept in an aquarium under inadequate condition. The fungus was isolated from skin and pulmonary lesions. Metilene blue and NaCl solutions, Schinus terebinthifolius and eucalyptus essential oils Minimum Inhibitory Concentrations were determined indicating new possibilities for treatment. Keywords: Caretta caretta, Disease, Mycosis, Husbandry, Treatmen