13 research outputs found

    Loss of imprinting at the Dlk1-Gtl2 locus caused by insertional mutagenesis in the Gtl2 5' region

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    BACKGROUND: The Dlk1 and Gtl2 genes define a region of mouse chromosome 12 that is subject to genomic imprinting, the parental allele-specific expression of a gene. Although imprinted genes play important roles in growth and development, the mechanisms by which imprinting is established and maintained are poorly understood. Differentially methylated regions (DMRs), which carry methylation on only one parental allele, are involved in imprinting control at many loci. The Dlk1-Gtl2 region contains three known DMRs, the Dlk1 DMR in the 3' region of Dlk1, the intergenic DMR 15 kb upstream of Gtl2, and the Gtl2 DMR at the Gtl2 promoter. Three mouse models are analyzed here that provide new information about the regulation of Dlk1-Gtl2 imprinting. RESULTS: A previously existing insertional mutation (Gtl2lacZ), and a targeted deletion in which the Gtl2 upstream region was replaced by a Neo cassette (Gtl2Δ5'Neo), display partial lethality and dwarfism upon paternal inheritance. Molecular characterization shows that both mutations cause loss of imprinting and changes in expression of the Dlk1, Gtl2 and Meg8/Rian genes. Dlk1 levels are decreased upon paternal inheritance of either mutation, suggesting Dlk1 may be causative for the lethality and dwarfism. Loss of imprinting on the paternal chromosome in both Gtl2lacZ and Gtl2Δ5'Neo mice is accompanied by the loss of paternal-specific Gtl2 DMR methylation, while maternal loss of imprinting suggests a previously unknown regulatory role for the maternal Gtl2 DMR. Unexpectedly, when the Neo gene is excised, Gtl2Δ5' animals are of normal size, imprinting is unchanged and the Gtl2 DMR is properly methylated. The exogenous DNA sequences integrated upstream of Gtl2 are therefore responsible for the growth and imprinting effects. CONCLUSION: These data provide further evidence for the coregulation of the imprinted Dlk1 and Gtl2 genes, and support a role for Dlk1 as an important neonatal growth factor. The ability of the Gtl2lacZ and Gtl2Δ5'Neo mutations to cause long-range changes in imprinting and gene expression suggest that regional imprinting regulatory elements may lie in proximity to the integration site

    Dlk1 Is Necessary for Proper Skeletal Muscle Development and Regeneration

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    Delta-like 1homolog (Dlk1) is an imprinted gene encoding a transmembrane protein whose increased expression has been associated with muscle hypertrophy in animal models. However, the mechanisms by which Dlk1 regulates skeletal muscle plasticity remain unknown. Here we combine conditional gene knockout and over-expression analyses to investigate the role of Dlk1 in mouse muscle development, regeneration and myogenic stem cells (satellite cells). Genetic ablation of Dlk1 in the myogenic lineage resulted in reduced body weight and skeletal muscle mass due to reductions in myofiber numbers and myosin heavy chain IIB gene expression. In addition, muscle-specific Dlk1 ablation led to postnatal growth retardation and impaired muscle regeneration, associated with augmented myogenic inhibitory signaling mediated by NF-κB and inflammatory cytokines. To examine the role of Dlk1 in satellite cells, we analyzed the proliferation, self-renewal and differentiation of satellite cells cultured on their native host myofibers. We showed that ablation of Dlk1 inhibits the expression of the myogenic regulatory transcription factor MyoD, and facilitated the self-renewal of activated satellite cells. Conversely, Dlk1 over-expression inhibited the proliferation and enhanced differentiation of cultured myoblasts. As Dlk1 is expressed at low levels in satellite cells but its expression rapidly increases upon myogenic differentiation in vitro and in regenerating muscles in vivo, our results suggest a model in which Dlk1 expressed by nascent or regenerating myofibers non-cell autonomously promotes the differentiation of their neighbor satellite cells and therefore leads to muscle hypertrophy

    Portable bioluminescence systems and methods for in vivo monitoring of molecular and metabolic events in animals

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    A system for monitoring biological processes in vivo is provided. The system comprises an implantable luciferase biosensor comprising luciferase in a biocompatible matrix and a caged luciferin probe. The caged luciferin probe can be administered to a living subject and upon encountering a biological activity, e.g., enzyme activity, the caged luciferin probe releases free luciferin which can then interact with the biosensor luciferase to generate light. The light can then be detected and/or measured by a light detector. Compositions, methods and kits related to the system are provided herein

    Real-Time Imaging and Quantification of Peptide Uptake in Vitro and in Vivo

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    Peptides constitute an important class of drugs for the treatment of multiple metabolic, ontological, and neurodegenerative diseases, and several hundred novel therapeutic peptides are currently in the preclinical and clinical stages of development. However, many leads fail to advance clinically because of poor cellular membrane and tissue permeability. Therefore, assessment of the ability of a peptide to cross cellular membranes is critical when developing novel peptide-based therapeutics. Current methods to assess peptide cellular permeability are limited by multiple factors, such as the need to introduce rather large modifications (e.g., fluorescent dyes) that require complex chemical reactions as well as an inability to provide kinetic information on the internalization of a compound or distinguish between internalized and membrane-bound compounds. In addition, many of these methods are based on end point assays and require multiple sample manipulation steps. Herein, we report a novel "Split Luciferin Peptide" (SLP) assay that enables the real-time noninvasive imaging and quantification of peptide uptake both in vitro and in vivo using a very sensitive bioluminescence readout. This method is based on a straightforward, stable chemical modification of the peptide of interest with a D-cysteine tag that preserves the overall peptidic character of the original molecule. This method can be easily adapted for screening peptide libraries and can thus become an important tool for preclinical peptide drug development

    Multi-Modal Imaging with a Toolbox of Influenza AReporter Viruses

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    Reporter viruses are useful probes for studying multiple stages of the viral life cycle. Here we describe an expanded toolbox of fluorescent and bioluminescent influenza A reporter viruses. The enhanced utility of these tools enabled kinetic studies of viral attachment, infection, and co-infection. Multi-modal bioluminescence and positron emission tomography–computed tomography (PET/CT) imaging of infected animals revealed that antiviral treatment reduced viral load, dissemination, and inflammation. These new technologies and applications will dramatically accelerate in vitro and in vivo influenza virus studies

    Bioluminescent-based imaging and quantification of glucose uptake in vivo

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    Glucose is a major source of energy for most living organisms, and its aberrant uptake is linked to many pathological conditions. However, our understanding of disease-associated glucose flux is limited owing to the lack of robust tools. To date, positron-emission tomography imaging remains the gold standard for measuring glucose uptake, and no optical tools exist for non-invasive longitudinal imaging of this important metabolite in in vivo settings. Here, we report the development of a bioluminescent glucose-uptake probe for real-time, non-invasive longitudinal imaging of glucose absorption both in vitro and in vivo. In addition, we demonstrate that the sensitivity of our method is comparable with that of commonly used F-18-FDG-positron-emission-tomography tracers and validate the bioluminescent glucose-uptake probe as a tool for the identification of new glucose transport inhibitors. The new imaging reagent enables a wide range of applications in the fields of metabolism and drug development