13 research outputs found

    Climate Change and Transportation

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    Measuring Economic Benefits of Intermodal Transportation

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    Modelling Economic Consequences of Climate Change Impacts on Ground Transportation in Atlantic Canada

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    Transportation is one of the most important sectors of Atlantic Canada’s economy. In a sense it is a backbone of the regional economy since it provides means for moving people and freight throughout the region and eventually stimulates regional economic growth and development through national and international trade. However, according to numerous studies, the region is vulnerable to climate change impacts which among other things will affect transportation infrastructure and operations. In this study, climate change impacts are analyzed with respect to the New Brunswick/Nova Scotia Transport Corridor (NB/NS TC) located in Atlantic Canada – the main trade gateway in the region that connects seaports with the North American continent. First, major climate change impacts in the area are identifi ed. Second, the best economic model to evaluate consequences of the climate change impacts is chosen. Third, using the existing literature and studies that describe future climate changes in the region, various scenarios of future challenges for the NB/NS TC are specifi ed. Finally, economic consequences of the regional climate change impacts on the NB/NS TC are evaluated. The above specifi ed consequences are imposed on a dynamic economic model and their cumulative impacts are traced over time

    Економіка підприємства

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    У підручнику розглянуто сучасні актуальні процеси розвитку підприємств: правові засади власності, інтелектуальний капітал, мережеві структури, конкурентну політику, трансформацію та реструктуризацію підприємств; проаналізовано інструментарій, що забезпечує порівнянну вартісну оцінку витрат і результатів діяльності; приділено увагу питанням пошуку і реалізації найбільш ефективних напрямів розвитку підприємства в умовах невизначеності. Для викладачів і студентів економічних спеціальностей, для тих, хто вивчає економічні дисципліни на неекономічних спеціальностях, для фахівців і керівників підприємств.В учебнике рассмотрены современные актуальные процессы развития предприятий: правовые основы собственности, интеллектуальный капитал, сетевые структуры, конкурентную политику, трансформацию и реструктуризацию предприятий; проанализированы инструментарий, обеспечивающий сравнимую стоимостную оценку затрат и результатов деятельности; уделено внимание вопросам поиска и реализации наиболее эффективных направлений развития предприятия в условиях неопределенности. Для преподавателей и студентов экономических специальностей, для тех, кто изучает экономические дисциплины на неэкономических специальностях, для специалистов и руководителей предприятий.The textbook considers the modern current processes of enterprise development: legal principles of ownership, intellectual capital, network structures, competition policy, transformation and restructuring of enterprises; comparable cost-benefit analysis; the book focuses on the search and implementation of the most significant areas of enterprise development in conditions of uncertainty. For teachers and students of economic specialties, those who study economic disciplines in non-economic specialties, for professionals and business leaders

    Modelling Transportion as a Network Industry

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    network economics

    Liquid-Crystalline Dispersions of Double-Stranded DNA

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    In this review, we compare the circular dichroism (CD) spectra of liquid-crystalline dispersion (LCD) particles formed in PEG-containing aqueous-salt solutions with the purpose of determining the packing of ds DNA molecules in these particles. Depending on the osmotic pressure of the solution, the phase exclusion of ds DNA molecules at room temperature results in the formation of LCD particles with the cholesteric or the hexagonal packing of molecules. The heating of dispersion particles with the hexagonal packing of the ds DNA molecules results in a new phase transition, accompanied by an appearance of a new optically active phase of ds DNA molecules. Our results are rationalized by way of a concept of orientationally ordered “quasinematic„ layers formed by ds DNA molecules, with a parallel alignment in the hexagonal structure. These layers can adopt a twisted configuration with a temperature increase; and as a result of this process, a new, helicoidal structure of dispersion particle is formed (termed as the “re-entrant„ cholesteric phase). To prove the cholesteric pattern of ds DNA molecules in this phase, the “liquid-like„ state of the dispersion particles was transformed into its “rigid„ counterpart