2 research outputs found

    DGP Cosmological model with generalized Ricci dark energy

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    The braneworld model proposed by Dvali, Gabadadze and Porrati (DGP) leads to an accelerated universe without cosmological constant or other form of dark energy for the positive branch (ϵ=+1)(\epsilon =+1). For the negative branch (ϵ=−1)(\epsilon =-1) we have investigated the behavior of a model with an holographic Ricci-like dark energy and dark matter, where the IR cutoff takes the form αH2+βH˙\alpha H^2 + \beta \dot{H}, being HH the Hubble parameter and α\alpha, β\beta positive constants of the model. We perform an analytical study of the model in the late-time dark energy dominated epoch, where we obtain a solution for rcH(z)r_cH(z), where rcr_c is the leakage scale of gravity into the bulk, and conditions for the negative branch on the holographic parameters α\alpha and β\beta, in order to hold the conditions of weak energy and accelerated universe. On the other hand, we compare the model versus the late-time cosmological data using the latest type Ia supernova sample of the Joint Light-curve Analysis (JLA), in order to constraint the holographic parameters in the negative branch, as well as rcH0r_cH_0 in the positive branch, where H0H_0 is the Hubble constant. We find that the model has a good fit to the data and that the most likely values for (rcH0,α,β)(r_cH_0, \alpha, \beta) lie in the permitted region found from an analytical solution in a dark energy dominated universe. We give a justification to use holographic cut-off in 4D for the dark energy in the 5 dimensional DGP model. Finally, using the Bayesian Information Criterion we find that this model it is disfavored compared with the flat Λ\LambdaCDM model.Comment: 9 pages, 3 figure