7 research outputs found

    Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of the Peroxodiferric Intermediate of <i>Ricinus communis</i> Soluble Ī”<sup>9</sup> Desaturase

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    Large-scale quantum and molecular mechanical methods (QM/MM) and QM calculations were carried out on the soluble Ī”<sup>9</sup> desaturase (Ī”<sup>9</sup>D) to investigate various structural models of the spectroscopically defined peroxodiferric <b>(P</b>) intermediate. This allowed us to formulate a consistent mechanistic picture for the initial stages of the reaction mechanism of Ī”<sup>9</sup>D, an important diferrous nonheme iron enzyme that cleaves the Cā€“H bonds in alkane chains resulting in the highly specific insertion of double bonds. The methods (density functional theory (DFT), time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT), QMĀ­(DFT)/MM, and TD-DFT with electrostatic embedding) were benchmarked by demonstrating that the known spectroscopic effects and structural perturbation caused by substrate binding to diferrous Ī”<sup>9</sup>D can be qualitatively reproduced. We show that structural models whose spectroscopic (absorption, circular dichroism (CD), vibrational and MoĢˆssbauer) characteristics correlate best with experimental data for the <b>P</b> intermediate correspond to the Ī¼-1,2-O<sub>2</sub><sup>2ā€“</sup> binding mode. Coordination of Glu196 to one of the iron centers (Fe<sub>B</sub>) is demonstrated to be flexible, with the monodentate binding providing better agreement with spectroscopic data, and the bidentate structure being slightly favored energetically (1ā€“10 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>). Further possible structures, containing an additional proton or water molecule are also evaluated in connection with the possible activation of the <b>P</b> intermediate. Specifically, we suggest that protonation of the peroxide moiety, possibly preceded by water binding in the Fe<sub>A</sub> coordination sphere, could be responsible for the conversion of the <b>P</b> intermediate in Ī”<sup>9</sup>D into a form capable of hydrogen abstraction. Finally, results are compared with recent findings on the related ribonucleotide reductase and toluene/methane monooxygenase enzymes

    Structural and Spectroscopic Properties of the Peroxodiferric Intermediate of <i>Ricinus communis</i> Soluble Ī”<sup>9</sup> Desaturase

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    Large-scale quantum and molecular mechanical methods (QM/MM) and QM calculations were carried out on the soluble Ī”<sup>9</sup> desaturase (Ī”<sup>9</sup>D) to investigate various structural models of the spectroscopically defined peroxodiferric <b>(P</b>) intermediate. This allowed us to formulate a consistent mechanistic picture for the initial stages of the reaction mechanism of Ī”<sup>9</sup>D, an important diferrous nonheme iron enzyme that cleaves the Cā€“H bonds in alkane chains resulting in the highly specific insertion of double bonds. The methods (density functional theory (DFT), time-dependent DFT (TD-DFT), QMĀ­(DFT)/MM, and TD-DFT with electrostatic embedding) were benchmarked by demonstrating that the known spectroscopic effects and structural perturbation caused by substrate binding to diferrous Ī”<sup>9</sup>D can be qualitatively reproduced. We show that structural models whose spectroscopic (absorption, circular dichroism (CD), vibrational and MoĢˆssbauer) characteristics correlate best with experimental data for the <b>P</b> intermediate correspond to the Ī¼-1,2-O<sub>2</sub><sup>2ā€“</sup> binding mode. Coordination of Glu196 to one of the iron centers (Fe<sub>B</sub>) is demonstrated to be flexible, with the monodentate binding providing better agreement with spectroscopic data, and the bidentate structure being slightly favored energetically (1ā€“10 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>). Further possible structures, containing an additional proton or water molecule are also evaluated in connection with the possible activation of the <b>P</b> intermediate. Specifically, we suggest that protonation of the peroxide moiety, possibly preceded by water binding in the Fe<sub>A</sub> coordination sphere, could be responsible for the conversion of the <b>P</b> intermediate in Ī”<sup>9</sup>D into a form capable of hydrogen abstraction. Finally, results are compared with recent findings on the related ribonucleotide reductase and toluene/methane monooxygenase enzymes

    CD/MCD/VTVH-MCD Studies of <i>Escherichia coli</i> Bacterioferritin Support a Binuclear Iron Cofactor Site

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    Ferritins and bacterioferritins (Bfrs) utilize a binuclear non-heme iron binding site to catalyze oxidation of FeĀ­(II), leading to formation of an iron mineral core within a protein shell. Unlike ferritins, in which the diiron site binds FeĀ­(II) as a substrate, which then autoxidizes and migrates to the mineral core, the diiron site in Bfr has a 2-His/4-carboxylate ligand set that is commonly found in diiron cofactor enzymes. Bfrs could, therefore, utilize the diiron site as a cofactor rather than for substrate iron binding. In this study, we applied circular dichroism (CD), magnetic CD (MCD), and variable-temperature, variable-field MCD (VTVH-MCD) spectroscopies to define the geometric and electronic structures of the biferrous active site in <i>Escherichia coli</i> Bfr. For these studies, we used an engineered M52L variant, which is known to eliminate binding of a heme cofactor but to have very minor effects on either iron oxidation or mineral core formation. We also examined an H46A/D50A/M52L Bfr variant, which additionally disrupts a previously observed mononuclear non-heme iron binding site inside the protein shell. The spectral analyses define a binuclear and an additional mononuclear ferrous site. The biferrous site shows two different five-coordinate centers. After O<sub>2</sub> oxidation and re-reduction, only the mononuclear ferrous signal is eliminated. The retention of the biferrous but not the mononuclear ferrous site upon O<sub>2</sub> cycling supports a mechanism in which the binuclear site acts as a cofactor for the O<sub>2</sub> reaction, while the mononuclear site binds the substrate FeĀ­(II) that, after its oxidation to FeĀ­(III), migrates to the mineral core

    Characterization of Metastable Intermediates Formed in the Reaction between a Mn(II) Complex and Dioxygen, Including a Crystallographic Structure of a Binuclear Mn(III)ā€“Peroxo Species

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    Transition-metal peroxos have been implicated as key intermediates in a variety of critical biological processes involving O<sub>2</sub>. Because of their highly reactive nature, very few metalā€“peroxos have been characterized. The dioxygen chemistry of manganese remains largely unexplored despite the proposed involvement of a Mnā€“peroxo, either as a precursor to, or derived from, O<sub>2</sub>, in both photosynthetic H<sub>2</sub>O oxidation and DNA biosynthesis. These are arguably two of the most fundamental processes of life. Neither of these biological intermediates has been observed. Herein we describe the dioxygen chemistry of coordinatively unsaturated [Mn<sup>II</sup>(S<sup>Me2</sup>N<sub>4</sub>(6-Me-DPEN))] <sup>+</sup> (<b>1</b>), and the characterization of intermediates formed en route to a binuclear mono-oxo-bridged MnĀ­(III) product {[Mn<sup>III</sup>(S<sup>Me2</sup>N<sub>4</sub>(6-Me-DPEN)]<sub>2</sub>(Ī¼-O)}<sup>2+</sup> (<b>2</b>), the oxo atom of which is derived from <sup>18</sup>O<sub>2</sub>. At low-temperatures, a dioxygen intermediate, [MnĀ­(S<sup>Me2</sup>N<sub>4</sub>(6-Me-DPEN))Ā­(O<sub>2</sub>)]<sup>+</sup> (<b>4</b>), is observed (by stopped-flow) to rapidly and irreversibly form in this reaction (<i>k</i><sub>1</sub>(āˆ’10 Ā°C) = 3780 Ā± 180 M<sup>ā€“1</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup>, Ī”<i>H</i><sub>1</sub><sup>ā§§</sup> = 26.4 Ā± 1.7 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>, Ī”<i>S</i><sub>1</sub><sup>ā§§</sup> = āˆ’75.6 Ā± 6.8 J mol<sup>ā€“1</sup> K<sup>ā€“1</sup>) and then convert more slowly (<i>k</i><sub>2</sub>(āˆ’10 Ā°C) = 417 Ā± 3.2 M<sup>ā€“1</sup> s<sup>ā€“1</sup>, Ī”<i>H</i><sub>2</sub><sup>ā§§</sup> = 47.1 Ā± 1.4 kJ mol<sup>ā€“1</sup>, Ī”<i>S</i><sub>2</sub><sup>ā§§</sup> = āˆ’15.0 Ā± 5.7 J mol<sup>ā€“1</sup> K<sup>ā€“1</sup>) to a species <b>3</b> with isotopically sensitive stretches at Ī½<sub>Oā€“O</sub>(Ī”<sup>18</sup>O) = 819(47) cm<sup>ā€“1</sup>, <i>k</i><sub>Oā€“O</sub> = 3.02 mdyn/ƅ, and Ī½<sub>Mnā€“O</sub>(Ī”<sup>18</sup>O) = 611(25) cm<sup>ā€“1</sup> consistent with a peroxo. Intermediate <b>3</b> releases approximately 0.5 equiv of H<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> per Mn ion upon protonation, and the rate of conversion of <b>4</b> to <b>3</b> is dependent on [MnĀ­(II)] concentration, consistent with a binuclear MnĀ­(O<sub>2</sub><sup>2ā€“</sup>) Mn peroxo. This was verified by X-ray crystallography, where the peroxo of {[Mn<sup>III</sup>(S<sup>Me2</sup>N<sub>4</sub>(6-Me-DPEN)]<sub>2</sub>(<i>trans</i>-Ī¼-1,2-O<sub>2</sub>)}<sup>2+</sup> (<b>3</b>) is shown to be bridging between two MnĀ­(III) ions in an <i>end-on trans</i>-Ī¼-1,2-fashion. This represents the <i>first characterized example of a binuclear MnĀ­(III)ā€“peroxo</i>, and a rare case in which more than one intermediate is observed en route to a binuclear Ī¼-oxo-bridged product derived from O<sub>2</sub>. Vibrational and metrical parameters for binuclear Mnā€“peroxo <b>3</b> are compared with those of related binuclear Feā€“ and Cuā€“peroxo compounds

    Spectroscopic Studies of Single and Double Variants of M Ferritin: Lack of Conversion of a Biferrous Substrate Site into a Cofactor Site for O<sub>2</sub> Activation

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    Ferritin has a binuclear non-heme iron active site that functions to oxidize iron as a substrate for formation of an iron mineral core. Other enzymes of this class have tightly bound diiron cofactor sites that activate O<sub>2</sub> to react with substrate. Ferritin has an active site ligand set with 1-His/4-carboxylate/1-Gln rather than the 2-His/4-carboxylate set of the cofactor site. This ligand variation has been thought to make a major contribution to this biferrous substrate rather than cofactor site reactivity. However, the Q137E/D140H double variant of M ferritin, has a ligand set that is equivalent to most of the diiron cofactor sites, yet did not rapidly react with O<sub>2</sub> or generate the peroxy intermediate observed in the cofactor sites. Therefore, in this study, a combined spectroscopic methodology of circular dichroism (CD)/magnetic CD (MCD)/variable temperature, variable field (VTVH) MCD has been applied to evaluate the factors required for the rapid O<sub>2</sub> activation observed in cofactor sites. This methodology defines the coordination environment of each iron and the bridging ligation of the biferrous active sites in the double and corresponding single variants of frog M ferritin. Based on spectral changes, the D140H single variant has the new His ligand binding, and the Q137E variant has the new carboxylate forming a Ī¼-1,3 bridge. The spectra for the Q137E/D140H double variant, which has the cofactor ligand set, however, reflects a site that is more coordinately saturated than the cofactor sites in other enzymes including ribonucleotide reductase, indicating the presence of additional water ligation. Correlation of this double variant and the cofactor sites to their O<sub>2</sub> reactivities indicates that electrostatic and steric changes in the active site and, in particular, the hydrophobic nature of a cofactor site associated with its second sphere protein environment, make important contributions to the activation of O<sub>2</sub> by the binuclear non-heme iron enzymes

    Nuclear Resonance Vibrational Spectroscopic Definition of Peroxy Intermediates in Nonheme Iron Sites

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    Fe<sup>III</sup>-(hydro)Ā­peroxy intermediates have been isolated in two classes of mononuclear nonheme Fe enzymes that are important in bioremediation: the Rieske dioxygenases and the extradiol dioxygenases. The binding mode and protonation state of the peroxide moieties in these intermediates are not well-defined, due to a lack of vibrational structural data. Nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) is an important technique for obtaining vibrational information on these and other intermediates, as it is sensitive to all normal modes with Fe displacement. Here, we present the NRVS spectra of side-on Fe<sup>III</sup>-peroxy and end-on Fe<sup>III</sup>-hydroperoxy model complexes and assign these spectra using calibrated DFT calculations. We then use DFT calculations to define and understand the changes in the NRVS spectra that arise from protonation and from opening the Feā€“Oā€“O angle. This study identifies four spectroscopic handles that will enable definition of the binding mode and protonation state of Fe<sup>III</sup>-peroxy intermediates in mononuclear nonheme Fe enzymes. These structural differences are important in determining the frontier molecular orbitals available for reactivity

    Geometric and Electronic Structure of the Mn(IV)Fe(III) Cofactor in Class Ic Ribonucleotide Reductase: Correlation to the Class Ia Binuclear Non-Heme Iron Enzyme

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    The class Ic ribonucleotide reductase (RNR) from <i>Chlamydia trachomatis</i> (<i>Ct</i>) utilizes a Mn/Fe heterobinuclear cofactor, rather than the Fe/Fe cofactor found in the Ī² (R2) subunit of the class Ia enzymes, to react with O<sub>2</sub>. This reaction produces a stable Mn<sup>IV</sup>Fe<sup>III</sup> cofactor that initiates a radical, which transfers to the adjacent Ī± (R1) subunit and reacts with the substrate. We have studied the Mn<sup>IV</sup>Fe<sup>III</sup> cofactor using nuclear resonance vibrational spectroscopy (NRVS) and absorption (Abs)/circular dichroism (CD)/magnetic CD (MCD)/variable temperature, variable field (VTVH) MCD spectroscopies to obtain detailed insight into its geometric/electronic structure and to correlate structure with reactivity; NRVS focuses on the Fe<sup>III</sup>, whereas MCD reflects the spin-allowed transitions mostly on the Mn<sup>IV</sup>. We have evaluated 18 systematically varied structures. Comparison of the simulated NRVS spectra to the experimental data shows that the cofactor has one carboxylate bridge, with Mn<sup>IV</sup> at the site proximal to Phe<sub>127</sub>. Abs/CD/MCD/VTVH MCD data exhibit 12 transitions that are assigned as dā€“d and oxo and OH<sup>ā€“</sup> to metal charge-transfer (CT) transitions. Assignments are based on MCD/Abs intensity ratios, transition energies, polarizations, and derivative-shaped pseudo-A term CT transitions. Correlating these results with TD-DFT calculations defines the Mn<sup>IV</sup>Fe<sup>III</sup> cofactor as having a Ī¼-oxo, Ī¼-hydroxo core and a terminal hydroxo ligand on the Mn<sup>IV</sup>. From DFT calculations, the Mn<sup>IV</sup> at site 1 is necessary to tune the redox potential to a value similar to that of the tyrosine radical in class Ia RNR, and the OH<sup>ā€“</sup> terminal ligand on this Mn<sup>IV</sup> provides a high proton affinity that could gate radical translocation to the Ī± (R1) subunit