2 research outputs found

    Caracterización tisular miocárdica por ultrasonidos y detección de disfunción diastólica por Doppler pulsado: ¿índices precoces de miocardiopatía diabética?

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    Introduction: There is an intrinsec myocardiopaty related with the diabetes and probably produced for the increment of collagen in the myocardium. Objective: To value the paper of the tissular myocardial characterization by ultrasound and the detection of diastolic dysfunction by pulsated Doppler as precocious indexes of diabetic miocardiopaty. Methods: Transverse, prospective,and controlled study that analyzed the diastolic function with pulsated Doppler in 60 diabetic patients and a control group of 15 healthy individuals; all with a normal pressure, with a negative ergometric test and normal systolic function; 40 presented microvascular complications. The securities of magnitude of recurrent variation were determined at the level of the septum and the posterior wall. The echocardiograms were carried out with the equipment ALOKA 5500 with a multiband transducer of 2.5 MHZ using the beta digital handling program (DMS) and the power Doppler in ecocardiografic views . Results: Reduction of the recurrent variation was obtained in diabetics with respect to the control group at the level of the septum 2D (3.4 ±1.3 vs. 4.4 ± 0.4 dB; p <0.003) and the posterior wall PP2D (3.4 ± 1.3 vs. 6.2 ± 0.4 dB; p <0.000001). Was found a correlation between the presence of diastolic dysfunction and the low magnitudes of ciclic variation (p <0.001). The tissular characterization was more sensitive to detect precocious changes of the myocardium in diabetic patients (p <0.001). Conclusions: The diabetes mellitus is cause of myocardiopaties that originate very precocious alterations in the myocardium of these patients; these changes can be discovered in very early phases by the pulsated Doppler detecting diastolic dysfunction and the tissular characterization by ultrasounds. This last one is more sensitive for the diagnosis of this entity.Fundamento: Existe una miocardiopatía relacionada intrínsecamente con la diabetes y probablemente producida por el incremento de colágeno en el miocardio. Objetivo: Valorar el papel de la caracterización tisular miocárdica por ultrasonido y la detección de disfunción diastólica por Doppler pulsado como índices precoces de miocardiopatía diabética. Métodos: Estudio transversal, prospectivo, controlado que analizó la función diastólica con Doppler pulsado en 60 pacientes diabéticos y un grupo control de 15 personas sanas; todos normotensos, con prueba ergométrica negativa y función sistólica normal; 40 presentaban complicaciones microvasculares. Los valores de magnitud de variación cíclica fueron determinados a nivel del septum y la pared posterior. Los ecocardiogramas se realizaron con el equipo ALOKA 5500 con un transductor multibanda de 2.5 MHZ utilizando el programa beta de manejo digital (DMS) y el Power Doppler en vistas ecocardiográficas Resultados: Se obtuvo reducción de la variación cíclica en diabéticos respecto al grupo control a nivel del septum 2D (3.4 ±1.3 vs. 4.4 ± 0.4 dB; p<0.003) y pared posterior PP2D (3.4 ± 1.3 vs. 6.2 ± 0.4 dB; p< 0.000001). Se encontró correlación entre presencia de disfunción diastólica y magnitudes bajas de variación cíclica (p<0.001). La caracterización tisular fue más sensible para detectar cambios precoces del miocardio en pacientes diabéticos (p<0.001).Conclusiones: La diabetes mellitus es causa de miocardiopatías que originan alteraciones muy precoces en el miocardio de estos pacientes; estos cambios pueden ser descubiertos en fases muy tempranas por el Doppler pulsado detectando disfunción diastólica y la caracterización tisular por ultrasonidos. Esta última es más sensible para el diagnóstico de dicha entidad

    Cardiac Tissue Characterization with Ultrasound and : a very early index of diabetic cardiomyopathy?

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    Introduction: There is an intrinsec myocardiopaty related with the diabetes and probably produced for the increment of collagen in the myocardium. Objective: To value the paper of the tissular myocardial characterization by ultrasound and the detection of diastolic dysfunction by pulsated Doppler as precocious indexes of diabetic miocardiopaty. Methods: Transverse, prospective,and controlled study that analyzed the diastolic function with pulsated Doppler in 60 diabetic patients and a control group of 15 healthy individuals; all with a normal pressure, with a negative ergometric test and normal systolic function; 40 presented microvascular complications. The securities of magnitude of recurrent variation were determined at the level of the septum and the posterior wall. The echocardiograms were carried out with the equipment ALOKA 5500 with a multiband transducer of 2.5 MHZ using the beta digital handling program (DMS) and the power Doppler in ecocardiografic views. Results: Reduction of the recurrent variation was obtained in diabetics with respect to the control group at the level of the septum 2D (3.4 ±1.3 vs. 4.4 ± 0.4 dB; p &lt; 0.003) and the posterior wall PP2D (3.4 ± 1.3 vs. 6.2 ± 0.4 dB; p &lt; 0.000001). Was found a correlation between the presence of diastolic dysfunction and the low magnitudes of ciclic variation (p &lt; 0.001). The tissular characterization was more sensitive to detect precocious changes of the myocardium in diabetic patients (p &lt; 0.001). Conclusions: The diabetes mellitus is cause of myocardiopaties that originate very precocious alterations in the myocardium of these patients; these changes can be discovered in very early phases by the pulsated Doppler detecting diastolic dysfunction and the tissular characterization by ultrasounds. This last one is more sensitive for the diagnosis of this entity.</p