12 research outputs found


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    André Édouard. I. Ernest Gaubert. — Pierre Louys. — Biographie précédée d’un Portrait-frontispice — Paris, Bibliothèque Internationale d’édition, E. Sansot et Cie 1904. II. Ernest Gaubert. — Jean Lorrain. — Biographie critique — Paris, E. Sansot et Cie, 1905. In: Revue internationale de l'enseignement, tome 52, Juillet-Décembre 1906. pp. 85-86

    Criticism on University Extension Education

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    臺灣社會急遽變遷,知識與資訊迅速澎脹,人們或是為學習適應社會變遷的 生存知能、或是為精進職業上的專業知識、或是為規劃生涯發展、或為追求自我 實現、或為瞭解生命的意義、或為關懷社會(或社區)的歷史、文化、生活及公共 事務、抑或是其他的動機,人們必需持續地學習且終其一生都需要學習,唯有建 立一個「學習社會」(learning society),才能充分提供社會大眾各種學習機會, 因此,建立一個終身學習社會是臺灣未來教育的遠景,也是教育改革的方針。顯 然的,臺灣正積極地邁向「終身學習社會」發展,為落實終身學習的理想,一個 「終身學習社會」應提供多元的教育資源及管道,大學推廣教育是為其中的一 環,大學如何調整由傳統「象牙塔」的菁英教育走向終身教育的理念? 我國大學推廣教育雖然行之多年,但是直到目前社會大眾對它的認知尚無一 定的準則,直到目前為止,各大學辦理推廣教育呈現多樣化,但是否合乎教育理 念?一直是學者探討的主題。過去幾年許多學者也曾想藉由學理的探討,企圖對 大學推廣教育定位,但是,學理上的探討,各有不同的論點。同時在執實際的執 行上,目前各大學辦理推廣教育也是呈混亂的局面,甚至沒學理的基礎。特別是 前年大學推廣教育法通過,各大學積極辦理各種推廣教育計畫之際,實有必要檢 討社會大眾對大學推廣教育的一些迷思,本文即是以「學習社會」及「終身教育」 理念為基礎架構,釐出幾項準則(criteria),然後再根據確定的準則,蒐集大學 推廣教育的實際推行的情況,對大學推廣教育提出批判。 本文所釐出的的主要準則為:(1)大學推廣教育的內涵;(2)大學推廣教育與 校內外各種教育資源的連結;(3) 大學推廣教育服務對象及服務原則;(4) 大學 推廣教育的課程與教學的主導方式。University extension education develops its educational principles upon the idea of “Learning Society.” The idea of learning society is generally regarded as that being attendant upon modern societal changes and/or the contingent expansion of knowledge, every person has to continuously learn, as well as the society has responsibilities to provide adequate educational opportunities and resources. University extension, in a learning society, is an important channel for those who are in urgent need of learning to access to the educational opportunities and resources. While facing with the clientele amidst differentiation of ages, sexes and levels of formal education, university has to deliberately plan varying educational approaches which are independent from its traditional ways of academicoriented. This research, therefore, intends to applied “criticism” evaluation method to examine the existing programs of university extension and use the information to judge the quality and the meanings of the programs provided by university extension. The procedure of the criticism evaluation in this research is included three steps: (1) setting criteria by means of literature review: identifying educational characteristics of university extension based on the rationale of learning society; (2) gathering information based on the criteria set in the above step: illuminating the perspectives of all programs provided by the university extension; and (3) judging the quality and meanings of university extension by means of comparing the gathered information with the criteria. Throughout literature review, this research identified sets of criteria: (1) the significant values of the university extension; (2) the linkage of the resources within the university and between the university and outside society; (3) availability of the accesses to which that the targeted clientele reach; (4) the governance of the extension programs