2 research outputs found

    Effect of termite mounds and chemical fertilizer on the cotton and maize yield: An evidence from the Pendjari Region (north west Benin)

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    Like in many other developing countries, smallholder farmers in the Pendjari region located in NorthBenin have low crop productivities and further earn low income. This is due in a large part to soil fertility decline and expensive chemical fertilizers. In these settings, the soil fertility potential of termite mounds is a free-of-charge option to explore. A study is conducted in Tanguieta and Materi to analysepossible effect of termite mound and chemical fertilizer on cotton and maize yield. A Generalized Power Production Function is used on farming system and household data collected on a random sample of 152 farmers with questionnaire. The results suggest that cotton and maize yield functions are elastic to the quantity of chemical fertilizers and to the density of termite mounds. Termite mound and chemical fertilizer are shown to have effect on cotton yield. In addition, 79.2% of cotton producers in the study area have the optimal factor combination according to these two inputs while the opposite is true for maize producers. These results also suggest that farmers may know how to valuate termites’ fertility effect without knowing how to combine it with the chemical fertilizer. Key words: Generalized Power Production Function, Termite, Fertilizers, Pendjari, Benin

    Facteurs determinant l’utilisation des engrais mineraux et organiques par les producteurs de mais en zones Soudanienne et soudano-sahelienne du nord-Benin

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    En zones soudaniennes et soudano-sahĂ©liennes du Nord-BĂ©nin, la durabilitĂ© de la fertilitĂ© des sols est menacĂ©e par la pression dĂ©mographique et  les alĂ©as climatiques, base de la faible productivitĂ© des cultures. Une Ă©tude sur les facteurs dĂ©terminants l’utilisation des engrais minĂ©raux et  organiques a Ă©tĂ© rĂ©alisĂ©e en se basant sur une enquĂŞte auprès de 262 producteurs de maĂŻs dans trois zones agroĂ©cologiques du Nord BĂ©nin. Un  modèle Logit a Ă©tĂ© estimĂ© pour dĂ©terminer les variables influençant la dĂ©cision d’utiliser l’engrais minĂ©ral, l’engrais organique et leur combinaison.  Les rĂ©sultats rĂ©vèlent que les variables telles que l’âge, le nombre d’annĂ©es de scolarisation, la participation des producteurs Ă  un essai de  dĂ©monstration sur la fertilitĂ© des sols, le nombre de boeufs, la durĂ©e de marche village-CARDER d’une part et, la taille du mĂ©nage, l’expĂ©rience en  agriculture, le mode d’accès Ă  la terre d’autre part, ont respectivement une influence significative nĂ©gative et positive sur les probabilitĂ©s  d’utilisation de l’engrais minĂ©ral, de l’engrais organique et de leur combinaison aux seuils de 1 %, de 5 % et de 10 %. Enfin, pour accroĂ®tre le taux  d’adoption de ces pratiques, il faut une sensibilisation accrue des producteurs. De plus, faciliter l’accès aux intrants bio, crĂ©dits et marchĂ©s, inciter les  producteurs Ă  adopter les nouvelles pratiques de gestion durable des terres, et les variĂ©tĂ©s amĂ©liorĂ©es tolĂ©rantes Ă  la sĂ©cheresse.   English title: Factors determining the use of fertilizers by maize producers in northern Benin In the Sudanese and Sudano-Sahelian zones of Northen Benin, the sustainability of soil fertility is threatened by demographic pressure and climatic  hazards, the basis of low crop productivity. A study on the determining factors of the use of mineral and organic fertilizers was carried out based on  a survey of 262 maize producers in three agro-ecological zones of North Benin. A model was estimated to determine the variables influencing the  decision to use mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer and their combination. The results reveal that variables such as age, number of years of schooling,  participation of producers in a demonstration trial on soil fertility, number of oxen, duration of village-CARDER walking from a on the one  hand and, the size of the household, the experience in agriculture, the mode of access to land on the other hand, have respectively a  significant negative and positive influence on the probabilities of using mineral fertilizer, organic fertilizer and their combination at the 1%, 5% and  10% thresholds. Finally, to increase the adoption rate, we need to raise awareness among producers. In addition, facilitate access to organic inputs,  credits and markets, encourage producers to adopt new sustainable land management practices, and improved varieties tolerant to drought. &nbsp