5 research outputs found

    Structure of a human replisome shows the organisation and interactions of a DNA replication machine.

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    The human replisome is an elaborate arrangement of molecular machines responsible for accurate chromosome replication. At its heart is the CDC45-MCM-GINS (CMG) helicase, which, in addition to unwinding the parental DNA duplex, arranges many proteins including the leading-strand polymerase Pol ε, together with TIMELESS-TIPIN, CLASPIN and AND-1 that have key and varied roles in maintaining smooth replisome progression. How these proteins are coordinated in the human replisome is poorly understood. We have determined a 3.2 Å cryo-EM structure of a human replisome comprising CMG, Pol ε, TIMELESS-TIPIN, CLASPIN and AND-1 bound to replication fork DNA. The structure permits a detailed understanding of how AND-1, TIMELESS-TIPIN and Pol ε engage CMG, reveals how CLASPIN binds to multiple replisome components and identifies the position of the Pol ε catalytic domain. Furthermore, the intricate network of contacts contributed by MCM subunits and TIMELESS-TIPIN with replication fork DNA suggests a mechanism for strand separation

    A conserved mechanism for regulating replisome disassembly in eukaryotes.

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    Replisome disassembly is the final step of eukaryotic DNA replication and is triggered by ubiquitylation of the CDC45-MCM-GINS (CMG) replicative helicase1-3. Despite being driven by evolutionarily diverse E3 ubiquitin ligases in different eukaryotes (SCFDia2 in budding yeast1, CUL2LRR1 in metazoa4-7), replisome disassembly is governed by a common regulatory principle, in which ubiquitylation of CMG is suppressed before replication termination, to prevent replication fork collapse. Recent evidence suggests that this suppression is mediated by replication fork DNA8-10. However, it is unknown how SCFDia2 and CUL2LRR1 discriminate terminated from elongating replisomes, to selectively ubiquitylate CMG only after termination. Here we used cryo-electron microscopy to solve high-resolution structures of budding yeast and human replisome-E3 ligase assemblies. Our structures show that the leucine-rich repeat domains of Dia2 and LRR1 are structurally distinct, but bind to a common site on CMG, including the MCM3 and MCM5 zinc-finger domains. The LRR-MCM interaction is essential for replisome disassembly and, crucially, is occluded by the excluded DNA strand at replication forks, establishing the structural basis for the suppression of CMG ubiquitylation before termination. Our results elucidate a conserved mechanism for the regulation of replisome disassembly in eukaryotes, and reveal a previously unanticipated role for DNA in preserving replisome integrity

    Replication-induced DNA secondary structures drive fork uncoupling and breakage

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    Sequences that form DNA secondary structures, such as G-quadruplexes (G4s) and intercalated-Motifs (iMs), are abundant in the human genome and play various physiological roles. However, they can also interfere with replication and threaten genome stability. Multiple lines of evidence suggest G4s inhibit replication, but the underlying mechanism remains unclear. Moreover, evidence of how iMs affect the replisome is lacking. Here, we reconstitute replication of physiologically derived structure-forming sequences to find that a single G4 or iM arrest DNA replication. Direct single-molecule structure detection within solid-state nanopores reveals structures form as a consequence of replication. Combined genetic and biophysical characterisation establishes that structure stability and probability of structure formation are key determinants of replisome arrest. Mechanistically, replication arrest is caused by impaired synthesis, resulting in helicase-polymerase uncoupling. Significantly, iMs also induce breakage of nascent DNA. Finally, stalled forks are only rescued by a specialised helicase, Pif1, but not Rrm3, Sgs1, Chl1 or Hrq1. Altogether, we provide a mechanism for quadruplex structure formation and resolution during replication and highlight G4s and iMs as endogenous sources of replication stress

    Phosphopeptide binding by Sld3 links Dbf4-dependent kinase to MCM replicative helicase activation

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    The initiation of eukaryotic DNA replication requires the assembly of active CMG (Cdc45‐MCM‐GINS) helicases at replication origins by a set of conserved and essential firing factors. This process is controlled during the cell cycle by cyclin‐dependent kinase (CDK) and Dbf4‐dependent kinase (DDK), and in response to DNA damage by the checkpoint kinase Rad53/Chk1. Here we show that Sld3, previously shown to be an essential CDK and Rad53 substrate, is recruited to the inactive MCM double hexamer in a DDK‐dependent manner. Sld3 binds specifically to DDK‐phosphorylated peptides from two MCM subunits (Mcm4, 6) and then recruits Cdc45. MCM mutants that cannot bind Sld3 or Sld3 mutants that cannot bind phospho‐MCM or Cdc45 do not support replication. Moreover, phosphomimicking mutants in Mcm4 and Mcm6 bind Sld3 without DDK and facilitate DDK‐independent replication. Thus, Sld3 is an essential “reader” of DDK phosphorylation, integrating signals from three distinct protein kinase pathways to coordinate DNA replication during S phase