66 research outputs found

    Die synergistische Wirkung der Wasserparameter, Temperatur, Sauerstoffgehalt und Stroemung auf das Akkumulationsverhalten des Schwermetalls Quecksilber (HgCl2) in verschiedenen Karpfenorganen (Cyprinus carpio L)

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    Available from the library of Muenchen Univ. (DE) / FIZ - Fachinformationszzentrum Karlsruhe / TIB - Technische InformationsbibliothekSIGLEDEGerman

    Human impacts on ecological heritage - Mediterranean monk seal in the Cilician Basin

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    As a direct consequence of the human impacts on the Mediterranean, inhabiting populations of certain species, like Mediterranean Monk Seal Monachus monachus (Hermann, 1779), have suffered from a dramatic decline. The Cilician Basin is one of the last regions of the Mediterranean, where a small monk seal population still regularly reproductive, is present. In this study, ill possible factors which may adversely affect the population, have been evaluated and immediate protection measures specifically adressed to the region are suggested

    Heavy metals in hair samples of the mediterranean monk seal (<em>Monachus monachus</em>).

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    For the first time the concentrations of copper, zinc, mercury, cadmium and lead in hair samples of the Mediterranean Monk Seal, one of the world&#39;s rarest mammals, were determined. The hair samples were collected in the absence of the animals from six caves located in the Ionian Sea, Greece. Our data suggest the importance of hair analysis as a useful indicator for heavy metals in these rare animals

    Integrated water management and CP implementation for wool and textile blend processes.

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    The textile industry worldwide involves a large number of washing, bleaching, dyeing, and conditioning processes. The industry is well-known for its extensive water consumption and discharges. Each process wastewater stream has a unique pollutant characteristics and flow rate. The segregation of weakly polluted streams, and their separate treatment and reuse for appropriate processes may result in a considerable reduction in water consumption and wastewater discharge. A wool and blends textile enterprise was investigated in an attempt to achieve optimum water management. The segregated streams were selected by assessment of the processes and comprehensive characterization of the wastes generated. Cleaner Production (CP) implementation options were developed and compared. The methodology was applied as a case study for an integrated wool, wool-PES blends and clothing industry study in Istanbul. Economical and applicable treatment alternatives complying with the criteria for reuse and discharge were designed and operated under laboratory conditions. Furthermore, a cost assessment of the CP options was made based on the stream segregation and reuse

    Decomposition pathways and reaction intermediate formation of the purified, hydrolyzed azo reactive dye C.I. Reactive Red 120 during ozonation.

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    In this study, an aqueous solution of purified, hydrolyzed C.I. Reactive Red 120 (RR 120, Color Index), was selected as a model to investigate the degradation pathways and to obtain additional information on the reaction intermediate formation. The dye was purified to avoid the influence of the impurities on the ozonation process and on the formation of oxidation by-products. To simulate the dye-bath effluents from dyeing processes with azo reactive dyes, a hydrolyzed form of the dye was chosen as a representative compound. High performance liquid chromatography/mass spectrometry and its tandem mass spectrometry was chosen to identify the decomposition pathways and reaction intermediate formation during the ozonation process.In addition total organic carbon and high performance ion chromatography analysis were employed to obtain further information on the reaction processes during ozonation. Purified, hydrolyzed RR 120 was decomposed under the direct nucleophilic attack by ozone resulting in oxidation and cleavage of azo group and aromatic ring, while the triazine group still remained in the solution even after prolonged oxidation time (120 min) due to its high resistance to ozonation. Phenol, 1,2-dihydroxysulfobezene, 1-hydroxysulfonbezene were detected as the degradation intermediates, which were further oxidized by O3 and &middot;OH to other open-ring products and then eventually led to simple oxalic and formic acid identified by HPIC

    Perspectives of Ecological Management of Wastewater in China : Slow-Rate Land Treatment Systems - A Case Study.

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