17 research outputs found

    Effects of Calreticulin on Viral Cell-to-Cell Movement

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    Cell-to-cell tobacco mosaic virus movement protein (TMV MP) mediates viral spread between the host cells through plasmodesmata. Although several host factors have been shown to interact with TMV MP, none of them coresides with TMV MP within plasmodesmata. We used affinity purification to isolate a tobacco protein that binds TMV MP and identified it as calreticulin. The interaction between TMV MP and calreticulin was confirmed in vivo and in vitro, and both proteins were shown to share a similar pattern of subcellular localization to plasmodesmata. Elevation of the intracellular levels of calreticulin severely interfered with plasmodesmal targeting of TMV MP, which, instead, was redirected to the microtubular network. Furthermore, in TMV-infected plant tissues overexpressing calreticulin, the inability of TMV MP to reach plasmodesmata substantially impaired cell-to-cell movement of the virus. Collectively, these observations suggest a functional relationship between calreticulin, TMV MP, and viral cell-to-cell movement

    Status of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in farmers’ fields in Ghana

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    A survey for cassava mosaic disease (CMD) was carried out in Ghana from 2007−2008 to determine the status of cassava mosaic begomoviruses in farmers’ fields. The survey covered cassava growing areas in five major cassava producing regions of Ghana. Out of 136 fields visited, the plants in 5% were not affected by CMD, 18% contained plants with mild symptoms, whereas 77% had cassava with moderately severe or severe symptoms. A total of 412 cassava leaf samples and a symptomatic Manihot glaziovii sample were analyzed using polymerase chain reaction. African cassava mosaic virus (ACMV) alone was detected in 42.0% of symptomatic cassava leaves with the remaining 58% being mixed infected by ACMV and East African cassava mosaic virus (EACMV). Mixed ACMV and EACMV infections were detected in symptomatic M. glaziovii, two non-symptomatic cassava samples and in individual whitefly vectors. EACMV was not detected alone in any cassava or whitefly sample. South African cassava mosaic virus (SACMV), Indian cassava mosaic virus (ICMV), East African cassava mosaic Zanzibar virus (EACMZV) and the Uganda strain of EACMV were not detected in any cassava or whitefly sample. The occurrence of high proportion of mixed infections of cassava by cassava mosaic begomoviruses (CMBs), which could lead to emergence of new species or variants in the country, require concerted effort to mitigate the CMD problem

    A genetic system for detection of protein nuclear import and export

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    We have developed a simple genetic assay to detect active nuclear localization (NLS) and export signals (NES) on the basis of their function within yeast cells. The bacterial LexA protein was modified (mLexA) to abolish its intrinsic NLS and fused to the activation domain of the yeast Gal4p (Gal4AD) with or without the SV40 large T-antigen NLS. In the import assay, if a tested protein fused to mLexA-Gal4AD contains a functional NLS, it will enter the cell nucleus and activate the reporter gene expression. In the export assay, if a tested protein fused to mLexA-SV40 NLS-Gal4AD contains a functional NES, it will exit into the cytoplasm, decreasing the reporter gene expression. We tested this system with known NLS and NES and then used it to demonstrate a NES activity of the capsid protein of a plant geminivirus. This approach may help to identify, analyze, and select for proteins containing functional NLS and NES

    Yeast-Plant Coupled Vector System for Identification of Nuclear Proteins1[OA]

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    Nuclear proteins are involved in many critical biological processes within plant cells and, therefore, are in the focus of studies that usually begin with demonstrating that the protein of interest indeed exhibits nuclear localization. Thus, studies of plant nuclear proteins would be facilitated by a convenient experimental system for identification of proteins that are actively imported into the cell nucleus and visualization of their nuclear accumulation in vivo. To this end, we developed a system of vectors that allows screening for cDNAs coding for nuclear proteins in a simple genetic assay in yeast cells, and verification of nuclear accumulation in planta following one-step transfer and autofluorescent tagging of the identified clones into a multiple cloning site-compatible and reading frame-compatible plant expression vector. In a recommended third experimental step, the plant expression cassette containing the identified clone can be transferred, also by a one-step cloning, into a binary multigene expression vector for transient or stable coexpression with any other proteins

    Induction of karyopherin α1 expression by indole-3-acetic acid in auxin-treated or overproducing tobacco plants

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    Macromolecules may transfer between the cytoplasm and the nucleus only through specific gates—the nuclear pore complexes (NPCs). Translocation of nucleic acids and large proteins requires the presence of a nuclear localization signal (NLS) within the transported molecule. This NLS is recognized by a class of soluble transport receptors termed karyopherins α and β. We previously characterized the expression pattern of the tomato karyopherin α1 (LeKAPα1) promoter in transformed tobacco plants. Expression of LeKAPα1 was mainly observed in growing tissues where cell division and extension is rapid. The expression pattern of LeKAPα1 resembled that of auxin-responsive genes. This led us to suggest that auxin participates in the regulation of LeKAPα1 expression. Here we characterized the correlation between auxin level and the activity of the LeKAPα1 promoter. To this end, transgenic tobacco plants carrying the GUS reporter gene under the control of the LeKAPα1 promoter were treated with various levels of exogenous auxin. We also studied transgenic plants in which we increased the endogenous levels of auxin. For this, we expressed in plants both the LeKAPα1 promoter-GUS reporter and the Agrobacterium tumefaciens iaaM gene, which increases the endogenous levels of auxin. The results indicate that the auxin indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) can induce LeKAPα1 expression. We also identified that the sites and levels of LeKAPα1 expression correlated with the endogenous pathways of polar auxin transport