2,065 research outputs found

    Summary of electrical component development for a 400-hertz Brayton energy conversion system

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    Design, fabrication, and testing of 12-kilowatt inductor alternator, voltage regulator-exciter, and parasitic loading speed controller - summar

    Alternator and voltage regulator-exciter for a Brayton cycle space power system. Volume 2 - Unbalanced electromagnetic forces

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    Unbalanced electromagnetic forces in Brayton cycle turboalternator for space power syste

    An analysis of the gust-induced overspeed trends of helicopter rotors

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    Equations for analyzing the potential gust-induced overspeed tendency of helicopter rotors are presented. A parametric analysis was also carried out to illustrate the sensitivity of rotor angular acceleration to changes in rotor lift, propulsive force, tip speed, and forward velocity

    Should the FDIC worry about the FHLB? the impact of Federal Home Loan Bank advances on the Bank Insurance Fund

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    Does growing commercial-bank reliance on Federal Home Loan Bank (FHLBank) advances increase expected losses to the Bank Insurance Fund (BIF)? Our approach to this question begins by modeling the link between advances and expected losses. We then quantify the effect of advances on default probability with a CAMELS-downgrade model. Finally, we assess the impact on loss-given-default by estimating resolution costs in two scenarios: the liquidation of all banks with failure probabilities above two percent and the liquidation of all banks with advance-to-asset ratios above 15 percent. The evidence points to non-trivial increases in expected losses. The policy implication is that the FDIC should price FHLBank-related exposures.Banks and banking ; Financial institutions ; Deposit insurance

    The compatible conversion system

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    Compatible conversion system centralizes the solution of general problems arising from the use of direct access mass storage. It also provides a simple stable interface for the conversion of production programs to process on third generation computer system

    Reduction of blade-vortex interaction noise using higher harmonic pitch control

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    An acoustics test using an aeroelastically scaled rotor was conducted to examine the effectiveness of higher harmonic blade pitch control for the reduction of impulsive blade-vortex interaction (BVI) noise. A four-bladed, 110 in. diameter, articulated rotor model was tested in a heavy gas (Freon-12) medium in Langley's Transonic Dynamics Tunnel. Noise and vibration measurements were made for a range of matched flight conditions, where prescribed (open-loop) higher harmonic pitch was superimposed on the normal (baseline) collective and cyclic trim pitch. For the inflow-microphone noise measurements, advantage was taken of the reverberance in the hard walled tunnel by using a sound power determination approach. Initial findings from on-line data processing for three of the test microphones are reported for a 4/rev (4P) collective pitch control for a range of input amplitudes and phases. By comparing these results to corresponding baseline (no control) conditions, significant noise reductions (4 to 5 dB) were found for low-speed descent conditions, where helicopter BVI noise is most intense. For other rotor flight conditions, the overall noise was found to increase. All cases show increased vibration levels

    \u3cem\u3ePhytophthora cinnamomi\u3c/em\u3e Colonized Reclaimed Surface Mined Sites in Eastern Kentucky: Implications for the Restoration of Susceptible Species

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    Appalachian forests are threatened by a number of factors, especially introduced pests and pathogens. Among these is Phytophthora cinnamomi, a soil-borne oomycete pathogen known to cause root rot in American chestnut, shortleaf pine, and other native tree species. This study was initiated to characterize the incidence of P. cinnamomi on surface mined lands in eastern Kentucky, USA, representing a range of time since reclamation (10, 12, 15, and 20 years since reclamation). Incidence of P. cinnamomi was correlated to soil properties including overall soil development, as indicated by a variety of measured soil physical and chemical parameters, especially the accumulation of soil organic carbon. P. cinnamomi was detected in only two of the four sites studied, aged 15 and 20 years since reclamation. These sites were generally characterized by higher organic matter accumulation than the younger sites in which P. cinnamomi was not detected. These results demonstrate that P. cinnamomi is capable of colonizing reclaimed mine sites in Appalachia; additional research is necessary to determine the impact of P. cinnamomi on susceptible tree species at these sites

    Wastewater Sample Site Selection to Estimate Geographically Resolved Community Prevalence of COVID-19: A Sampling Protocol Perspective

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    Wastewater monitoring for virus infections within communities can complement conventional clinical surveillance. Currently, most SARS-CoV-2 (severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2) clinical testing is voluntary and inconsistently available, except for a few occupational and educational settings, and therefore likely underrepresents actual population prevalence. Randomized testing on a regular basis to estimate accurate population-level infection rates is prohibitively costly and is hampered by a range of limitations and barriers associated with participation in clinical research. In comparison, community-level fecal monitoring can be performed through wastewater surveillance to effectively surveil communities. However, epidemiologically defined protocols for wastewater sample site selection are lacking. Herein, we describe methods for developing a geographically resolved population-level wastewater sampling approach in Jefferson County, Kentucky, and present preliminary results. Utilizing this site selection protocol, samples (n = 237) were collected from 17 wastewater catchment areas, September 8 to October 30, 2020 from one to four times per week in each area and compared to concurrent clinical data aggregated to wastewater catchment areas and county level. SARS-CoV-2 RNA was consistently present in wastewater during the studied period, and varied by area. Data obtained using the site selection protocol showed variation in geographically resolved wastewater SARS-CoV-2 RNA concentration compared to clinical rates. These findings highlight the importance of neighborhood-equivalent spatial scales and provide a promising approach for viral epidemic surveillance, thus better guiding spatially targeted public health mitigation strategies
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