39,330 research outputs found
Prospects for a mHz-linewidth laser
We propose a new light source based on having alkaline-earth atoms in an
optical lattice collectively emit photons on an ultra-narrow clock transition
into the mode of a high Q-resonator. The resultant optical radiation has an
extremely narrow linewidth in the mHz range, even smaller than that of the
clock transition itself due to collective effects. A power level of order
is possible, sufficient for phase-locking a slave optical local
oscillator. Realizing this light source has the potential to improve the
stability of the best clocks by two orders of magnitude.Comment: minor revisions + shortening; factor 2 algebra mistake correcte
Hofstadter-type energy spectra in lateral superlattices defined by periodic magnetic and electrostatic fields
We calculate the energy spectrum of an electron moving in a two-dimensional
lattice which is defined by an electric potential and an applied perpendicular
magnetic field modulated by a periodic surface magnetization. The spatial
direction of this magnetization introduces complex phases into the Fourier
coefficients of the magnetic field. We investigate the effect of the relative
phases between electric and magnetic modulation on band width and internal
structure of the Landau levels.Comment: 5 LaTeX pages with one gif figure to appear in Phys. Rev.
Fluctuation and localization of acoustic waves in bubbly water
Here the fluctuation properties of acoustic localization in bubbly water is
explored. We show that the strong localization can occur in such a system for a
certain frequency range and sufficient filling fractions of air-bubbles. Two
fluctuating quantities are considered, that is, the fluctuation of transmission
and the fluctuation of the phase of acoustic wave fields. When localization
occurs, these fluctuations tend to vanish, a feature able to uniquely identify
the phenomenon of wave localization.Comment: 10 pages, 4 figure
Probability-guaranteed set-membership state estimation for polynomially uncertain linear time-invariant systems
2018 IEEE. Personal use of this material is permitted. Permission from IEEE must be obtained for all other uses, in any current or future media, including reprinting /republishing this material for advertising or promotional purposes, creating new collective works, for resale or redistribution to servers or lists, or reuse of any copyrighted component of this work in other worksConventional deterministic set-membership (SM) estimation is limited to unknown-but-bounded uncertainties. In order to exploit distributional information of probabilistic uncertainties, a probability-guaranteed SM state estimation approach is proposed for uncertain linear time-invariant systems. This approach takes into account polynomial dependence on probabilistic uncertain parameters as well as additive stochastic noises. The purpose is to compute, at each time instant, a bounded set that contains the actual state with a guaranteed probability. The proposed approach relies on the extended form of an observer representation over a sliding window. For the offline observer synthesis, a polynomial-chaos-based method is proposed to minimize the averaged H2 estimation performance with respect to probabilistic uncertain parameters. It explicitly accounts for the polynomial uncertainty structure, whilst most literature relies on conservative affine or polytopic overbounding. Online state estimation restructures the extended observer form, and constructs a Gaussian mixture model to approximate the state distribution. This enables computationally efficient ellipsoidal calculus to derive SM estimates with a predefined confidence level. The proposed approach preserves time invariance of the uncertain parameters and fully exploits the polynomial uncertainty structure, to achieve tighter SM bounds. This improvement is illustrated by a numerical example with a comparison to a deterministic zonotopic method.Peer ReviewedPostprint (author's final draft
Planar cyclotron motion in unidirectional superlattices defined by strong magnetic and electric fields: Traces of classical orbits in the energy spectrum
We compare the quantum and the classical description of the two-dimensional
motion of electrons subjected to a perpendicular magnetic field and a
one-dimensional lateral superlattice defined by spatially periodic magnetic and
electric fields of large amplitudes. We explain in detail the complicated
energy spectra, consisting of superimposed branches of strong and of weak
dispersion, by the correspondence between the respective eigenstates and the
``channeled'' and ``drifting'' orbits of the classical description.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, to appear in Physical Review
A model of rotating hotspots for 3:2 frequency ratio of HFQPOs in black hole X-ray binaries
We propose a model to explain a puzzling 3:2 frequency ratio of high
frequency quasi-periodic oscillations (HFQPOs) in black hole (BH) X-ray
binaries, GRO J1655-40, GRS 1915+105 and XTE J1550-564. In our model a
non-axisymmetric magnetic coupling (MC) of a rotating black hole (BH) with its
surrounding accretion disc coexists with the Blandford-Znajek (BZ) process. The
upper frequency is fitted by a rotating hotspot near the inner edge of the
disc, which is produced by the energy transferred from the BH to the disc, and
the lower frequency is fitted by another rotating hotspot somewhere away from
the inner edge of the disc, which arises from the screw instability of the
magnetic field on the disc. It turns out that the 3:2 frequency ratio of HFQPOs
in these X-ray binaries could be well fitted to the observational data with a
much narrower range of the BH spin. In addition, the spectral properties of
HFQPOs are discussed. The correlation of HFQPOs with jets from microquasars is
contained naturally in our model.Comment: 8 pages, 4 figures. accepted by MNRA
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