1,328 research outputs found

    Towards Spectral Geometry for Causal Sets

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    We show that the Feynman propagator (or the d'Alembertian) of a causal set contains the complete information about the causal set. Intuitively, this is because the Feynman propagator, being a correlator that decays with distance, provides a measure for the invariant distance between pairs of events. Further, we show that even the spectra alone (of the self-adjoint and anti-self-adjoint parts) of the propagator(s) and d'Alembertian already carry large amounts of geometric information about their causal set. This geometric information is basis independent and also gauge invariant in the sense that it is relabeling invariant (which is analogue to diffeomorphism invariance). We provide numerical evidence that the associated spectral distance between causal sets can serve as a measure for the geometric similarity between causal sets.Comment: 15 pages, 8 figures. v2: Minor edits and additions, references added, discussion added on distinguishing manifoldlike causal sets from non-manifoldlike causal sets, comments added on the extension of results to 4D and on spectral dimensio

    Entanglement Entropy in Causal Set Theory

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    Entanglement entropy is now widely accepted as having deep connections with quantum gravity. It is therefore desirable to understand it in the context of causal sets, especially since they provide in a natural manner the UV cutoff needed to render entanglement entropy finite. Formulating a notion of entanglement entropy in a causal set is not straightforward because the type of canonical hypersurface-data on which its definition typically relies is not available. Instead, we appeal to the more global expression given in arXiv:1205.2953 which, for a gaussian scalar field, expresses the entropy of a spacetime region in terms of the field's correlation function within that region (its "Wightman function" W(x,x′)W(x,x')). Carrying this formula over to the causal set, one obtains an entropy which is both finite and of a Lorentz invariant nature. We evaluate this global entropy-expression numerically for certain regions (primarily order-intervals or "causal diamonds") within causal sets of 1+1 dimensions. For the causal-set counterpart of the entanglement entropy, we obtain, in the first instance, a result that follows a (spacetime) volume law instead of the expected (spatial) area law. We find, however, that one obtains an area law if one truncates the commutator function ("Pauli-Jordan operator") and the Wightman function by projecting out the eigenmodes of the Pauli-Jordan operator whose eigenvalues are too close to zero according to a geometrical criterion which we describe more fully below. In connection with these results and the questions they raise, we also study the "entropy of coarse-graining" generated by thinning out the causal set, and we compare it with what one obtains by similarly thinning out a chain of harmonic oscillators, finding the same, "universal" behaviour in both cases.Comment: v3: 24 pages, 16 figures. More discussion added throughou

    Studies on the SJ Vacuum in de Sitter Spacetime

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    In this work we study the Sorkin-Johnston (SJ) vacuum in de Sitter spacetime for free scalar field theory. For the massless theory we find that the SJ vacuum can neither be obtained from the O(4)O(4) Fock vacuum of Allen and Folacci nor from the non-Fock de Sitter invariant vacuum of Kirsten and Garriga. Using a causal set discretisation of a slab of 2d and 4d de Sitter spacetime, we find the causal set SJ vacuum for a range of masses m≥0m \geq 0 of the free scalar field. While our simulations are limited to a finite volume slab of global de Sitter spacetime, they show good convergence as the volume is increased. We find that the 4d causal set SJ vacuum shows a significant departure from the continuum Motolla-Allen α\alpha-vacua. Moreover, the causal set SJ vacuum is well-defined for both the minimally coupled massless m=0m=0 and the conformally coupled massless m=mcm=m_c cases. This is at odds with earlier work on the continuum de Sitter SJ vacuum where it was argued that the continuum SJ vacuum is ill-defined for these masses. Our results hint at an important tension between the discrete and continuum behaviour of the SJ vacuum in de Sitter and suggest that the former cannot in general be identified with the Mottola-Allen α\alpha-vacua even for m>0m>0.Comment: 43 pages, 25 figure

    Entanglement Entropy and Causal Set Theory

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    We review a formulation of the entanglement entropy of a quantum scalar field in terms of its spacetime two-point correlation functions. We discuss applications of this formulation to studying entanglement entropy in various settings in causal set theory. These settings include sprinklings of causal diamonds in various dimensions in flat spacetime, de Sitter spacetime, massless and massive theories, multiple disjoint regions, and nonlocal quantum field theories.Comment: Invited chapter for the Causal Sets section of the Handbook of Quantum Gravity (Eds. C. Bambi, L. Modesto and I. L. Shapiro, Springer, expected in 2023

    A New Amplification Regime for Traveling Wave Tubes with Third Order Modal Degeneracy

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    Engineering of the eigenmode dispersion of slow-wave structures (SWSs) to achieve desired modal characteristics, is an effective approach to enhance the performance of high power traveling wave tube (TWT) amplifiers or oscillators. We investigate here for the first time a new synchronization regime in TWTs based on SWSs operating near a third order degeneracy condition in their dispersion. This special three-eigenmode synchronization is associated with a stationary inflection point (SIP) that is manifested by the coalescence of three Floquet-Bloch eigenmodes in the SWS. We demonstrate the special features of "cold" (without electron beam) periodic SWSs with SIP modeled as coupled transmission lines (CTLs) and investigate resonances of SWSs of finite length. We also show that by tuning parameters of a periodic SWS one can achieve an SIP with nearly ideal flat dispersion relationship with zero group velocity or a slightly slanted one with a very small (positive or negative) group velocity leading to different operating schemes. When the SIP structure is synchronized with the electron beam potential benefits for amplification include (i) gain enhancement, (ii) gain-bandwidth product improvement, and (iii) higher power efficiency, when compared to conventional Pierce-like TWTs. The proposed theory paves the way for a new approach for potential improvements in gain, power efficiency and gain-bandwidth product in high power microwave amplifiers.Comment: 15 pages, 11 figure

    Aspects of Everpresent Λ\Lambda (I): A Fluctuating Cosmological Constant from Spacetime Discreteness

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    We provide a comprehensive discussion of the Everpresent Λ\Lambda cosmological model arising from fundamental principles in causal set theory and unimodular gravity. In this framework the value of the cosmological constant (Λ\Lambda) fluctuates, in magnitude and in sign, over cosmic history. At each epoch, Λ\Lambda stays statistically close to the inverse square root of the spacetime volume. Since the latter is of the order of H2H^2 today, this provides a way out of the cosmological constant puzzle without fine tuning. Our discussion includes a review of what is known about the topic as well as new motivations and insights supplementing the original arguments. We also study features of a phenomenological implementation of this model, and investigate the statistics of simulations based on it. Our results show that while the observed values of H0H_0 and ΩΛ0\Omega_\Lambda^0 are not typical outcomes of the model, they can be achieved through a modest number of simulations. We also confirm some expected features of Λ\Lambda based on this model, such as the fact that it stays statistically close to the value of the total ambient energy density (be it matter or radiation dominated), and that it is likely to change sign roughly every Hubble timescale.Comment: 28 pages, 10 figure

    Entanglement Entropy of Causal Set de Sitter Horizons

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    de Sitter cosmological horizons are known to exhibit thermodynamic properties similar to black hole horizons. In this work we study causal set de Sitter horizons, using Sorkin's spacetime entanglement entropy (SSEE) formula, for a conformally coupled quantum scalar field. We calculate the causal set SSEE for the Rindler-like wedge of a symmetric slab of de Sitter spacetime in d=2,4d=2,4 spacetime dimensions using the Sorkin-Johnston vacuum state. We find that the SSEE obeys an area law when the spectrum of the Pauli-Jordan operator is appropriately truncated in both the de Sitter slab as well as its restriction to the Rindler-like wedge. Without this truncation, the SSEE satisfies a volume law. This is in agreement with Sorkin and Yazdi's calculations for the causal set SSEE for nested causal diamonds in M2\mathbb{M}^2, where they showed that an area law is obtained only after truncating the Pauli-Jordan spectrum. In this work we explore different truncation schemes with the criterion that the SSEE so obtained obeys an area law.Comment: 30 pages, 16 figure

    Lorentzian Spectral Geometry with Causal Sets

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    We study discrete Lorentzian spectral geometry by investigating to what extent causal sets can be identified through a set of geometric invariants such as spectra. We build on previous work where it was shown that the spectra of certain operators derived from the causal matrix possess considerable but not complete power to distinguish causal sets. We find two especially successful methods for classifying causal sets and we computationally test them for all causal sets of up to 99 elements. One of the spectral geometric methods that we study involves holding a given causal set fixed and collecting a growing set of its geometric invariants such as spectra (including the spectra of the commutator of certain operators). The second method involves obtaining a limited set of geometric invariants for a given causal set while also collecting these geometric invariants for small `perturbations' of the causal set, a novel method that may also be useful in other areas of spectral geometry. We show that with a suitably chosen set of geometric invariants, this new method fully resolves the causal sets we considered. Concretely, we consider for this purpose perturbations of the original causal set that are formed by adding one element and a link. We discuss potential applications to the path integral in quantum gravity.Comment: 20 pages, 4 figure
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