20 research outputs found

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoonethirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnonoilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,SlaughterHousesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market.Poultry meat,export,Revealed comparative advantage,iran,middle east

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoonethirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnonoilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,SlaughterHousesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market

    Iran’s poultry meat export status in the Middle East region

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    Agriculture is literally a matter of life and death in the developing world. Ninety-six per cent of the world’s farmers – approximately 1.3 billion people – live in developing countries. In the rural areas of the developing world, close to 900 million people live on less than 1aday.TheDohamandateencouragedthehopethatdumpingofsubsidisedexportsfromrichcountrieswouldfinallybebroughttoanend,thatmarketaccessfordevelopingcountrieswouldbeimproved,andthatdevelopingcountrieswouldcontinuetobepermittedtousetariffsandotherbordermeasuresaspartoftheirruraldevelopmentstrategies.IntheMiddleEast,agricultureisthelargestcontributortotheGrossDomesticProductandforeignexchange,andisthesecondlargestemployer.Yetdespiteitseconomicimportanceitislargelyoverlookedinthedevelopmentofnewtechnologiesandintheallocationoftrainedhumanresources.AgricultureintheMiddleEastfocusesonnewwaystoimprovefoodproduction,thechallengesofalargelyaridland,andmanaginglimitedagriculturalresources.AgricultureisoneoftheoldestincomesourcesinIran.Closetoonethirdoftheworkingpopulationareengagedinagricultureandrelatedindustriessuchaspoultryfarming.AgricultureplaysasignificantroleintheIranianeconomy.Atnowagricultureaccountforanaverageof27.8percentoftheGDP,andemploy26.1percentofthelaborforce.Alsoagriculturalproductsaccountfor47percentofnonoilexports.PoultryspeciesplayimportantrolesinthelivelihoodofhumanbeingsthroughouttheworldbothinwaysthatarequantifiableeconomicallyandinothersthatcannotandarethereforenotcapturedineconomicindicessuchasnationalGDPestimates.Poultrymeatcontributedirectlytofoodsecuritybecausetherearenotaboosagainsttheirconsumption.WithregardtoF.A.Oannualreports(2004),Iranhasbeenrated1stproducerandalso1stexporterofpoultrymeatintheMiddleEastregion.CapitalstockinthisindustryconsistsofBreedingFarms(lines),GrandParents(GP),Parentstock(PS),Broilers,SlaughterHousesanddependantindustriesofgovernmentalandprivatesectorsis4000BillionsRials(5Billions1 a day.The Doha mandate encouraged the hope that dumping of subsidised exports from rich countries would finally be brought to an end, that market access for developing countries would be improved,and that developing countries would continue to be permitted to use tariffs and other border measures as part of their rural development strategies. In the Middle East,agriculture is the largest contributor to the Gross Domestic Product and foreign exchange,and is the second largest employer.Yet despite its economic importance it is largely overlooked in the development of new technologies and in the allocation of trained human resources. Agriculture in the Middle East focuses on new ways to improve food production, the challenges of a largely arid land, and managing limited agricultural resources.Agriculture is one of the oldest income sources in Iran. Close to one-third of the working population are engaged in agriculture and related industries such as poultry farming.Agriculture plays a significant role in the Iranian economy. At now agriculture account for an average of 27.8 percent of the GDP, and employ 26.1 percent of the labor force.Also agricultural products account for 47 percent of non-oil exports.Poultry species play important roles in the livelihood of human beings throughout the world both in ways that are quantifiable economically and in others that cannot and are therefore not captured in economic indices such as national GDP estimates.Poultry meat contribute directly to food security because there are no taboos against their consumption.With regard to F.A.O annual reports(2004) ,Iran has been rated 1st producer and also 1st exporter of poultry meat in the Middle East region. Capital stock in this industry consists of Breeding Farms (lines) ,Grand Parents(GP), Parent stock (PS), Broilers, Slaughter-Houses and dependant industries of governmental and private sectors is 4000 Billions Rials (5 Billions ). The current production is related to 70% of production units potential ,so with regard to remained considerable potential,it is necessary to make of them in an optimum rate. Therefore poultry products exports particularly poultry meat can be used for increasing of income and development for poultry industry. The objective of this paper was to study the dynamics on comparative advantage of Iran’s poultry meat export in the Middle East market

    Impact of perlator on the cooling liquid flow and hottest point temperature of superconducting windings in HTS transformer

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    The generated heat by the superconducting windings and the other parts such as current leads in transformer increases the hottest point temperature (HPT) and causes the high temperature superconducting (HTS) windings to quench. Due to the properties of superconducting windings, reducing the HPT is of critical importance for the stable operation of the HTS transformer. The cooling system of HTS transformers, not only provides the cryogenic temperature for the proper operation of the superconductors but also is responsible for dissipating the generated heat by the windings. In this paper, the effect of the angle of inlet pipes in cooling system was investigated. This was a simple and effective solution which increases the heat transfer in liquid nitrogen. It was shown that inlet angle has a significant effect on the flow turbulence and the windings temperature. The Perlator is used as a lattice sheet which is installed inside the inlet valve and increases the turbulence of inlet flow of liquid nitrogen to increase heat transfer and reduce HPT. The thermal analysis is obtained by finite element method using ANSYS Fluent software. The influence of changing the inlet pipe angle and different structures of Perlator on heat transfer was investigated

    Identification of Learning Management Systems Functional Areas and Limitations (Case Study: E-Learning Center of University of Tehran)

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    Currently, ICT and educational processes are experiencing development and innovation. This new trend will help promote educational technology and enhance innovations regarding educational planning. E-learning is considered as one of the most prominent ICT applications across the world. Advantages of virtual learning have entailed daily usage in various universities. Learning management systems are specific web-based systems to manage, track students, define courses, and evaluate the learners. However, these systems may involve inefficiencies and disadvantages as well. This paper attempts to identify the LMS functional areas in University of Tehran based on a specific conceptual framework and to present the relevant issues and problems for each dimension. The data for the present study were collected using focused group interviews, system observations. The researchers also compared the documents and the university system with that of other universities. The results of the theme analysis indicated that “communication” and “system cooperation” dimensions are involved with more important problems and issues. The researchers believe that the main issues are due to the test modules, evaluations, and systemic and underlying databases

    Flipping Blended Writing Instruction: Iranian EFL Learners’ Learning of Linking Words in Focus

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    Linking words, an essential tool in creating a coherent relationship between units and paragraphs in written texts, was one of several aspects of the English language that was challenging for many foreign language learners in the writing process. The current study investigated the impacts of flipped blended instruction on Iranian EFL learners’ use of English-linking words in writing. To this end, 40 EFL learners from one institute were selected for this study. To collect the data, an Oxford Placement Test (OPT) was used to ensure the homogeneity of the participants. They were randomly divided into the flipped blended (n=20)  and conventional ( n=20)  groups. Then, a pre-test was given to both groups of learners to examine their ability in using linking words.  Moreover, the flipped blended group received instruction in an online context, while the conventional group received instruction in a traditional learning context. After the treatment, a post-test was given to both the flipped blended and conventional groups. The results of the independent sample t-test demonstrated that there was a statistically significant difference between flipped blended and Conventional groups in terms of choosing linking words. It was observed that the flipped blended method had a  significant effect on improving EFL learners' linking words knowledge. The study discusses the implications of the finding for EFL learners and teachers

    A Study of Necessary Activities for Moving towards Educational Equity in Higher Education

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    Introduction: In the scientific literature, each author has considered "educational equity” from a different perspective and some of its specifications and indices. These indices need to be carefully examined. In this study, the initial aim was to review scientific texts and different perspectives on "educational equity" in higher education to facilitate prioritize measures that enable taking operational steps toward "educational equity." Methods: This study was conducted through Synthesis of Quantitative Literature (classified as a synthesis research). Therefore, based on the gathered scientific literature, necessary activities for reaching “educational equity” were introduced using the content analysis method and extracting, coding, and categorizing the items. Results: The required steps for moving towards “educational equity” were categorized as follows: Steps before entering higher education (including 5 basic subsets), institutional actions and interventions (four subsets), and national actions and interventions (four subsets). Conclusion: In order to achieve equity in higher education, while considering the initial and institutional measures, additional measures need to be taken to achieve "educational equity". These include measures that should be considered at the national level to anticipate the needs of the "labor market" by adopting appropriate policies, so that graduates can apply their skills in the community

    The relationship between weight gain during pregnancy and urinary tract infections in pregnant women of Shahrekord, by using the "Nested case-control study", in 2013.

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    BACKGROUND AND OBJECTIVES Pregnancy is one of the most important and risky periods in mothers and the fetus life, which plays a key role in health and social activity of the person, family and community. This study is trying to see if there is a relation between increasing weight and urinary tract infection (UTI) in pregnancy by using the open nested case-control study in the city of Shahrekord. MATERIALS AND METHODS In a nested case-control study, one cohort including 832 patients was examined until week 26 to 30 of pregnancy and their UTIs were studied. The required information was collected by examining the health records of pregnant women and completion of the data registration forms. Data collection was controlled by using SPSS and analyzed by using an independent t-test, Chi-square test, Pearson correlation and logistic regression. RESULTS According to the results of the cohort study with 832 individuals, average weight gain of the group with a UTI was 11.13 ± 3.9 kg and it was 10.63 ± 3.9 kg in the group without UTI, showing no statistically significant difference (P = 0.245). According to the results, genitourinary problems had the highest predictive value for UTIs and the numbers of infertility and the childbirth variables were in the second and third positions, respectively. CONCLUSION According to the results study we can conclude that screening and treatment of UTIs have been on time and appropriate in health systems of the city of Shahrekord which have lead to the reduction of infant and maternal diseases even with the condition in having no UTI, and continuing this process for screening and treatment is recommended

    An algorithm of smoking stages assessment in adolescents: A validation study using the latent class analysis model

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    Background: Notwithstanding the importance of smoking stages evaluation in adolescents, there is not an appropriate instrument for its measurement. This study aims to introduce an appropriate instrument for measurement of smoking stages in adolescents and to examine its validity using latent class analysis (LCA) model. Methods: We designed an algorithm to measure the smoking stages. The relevancy and clarity of the algorithm was examined by experts and lay experts. We assessed the reliability of our algorithm using test-retest method. Moreover, using the LCA, we studied the validity of the stages measured by the designed algorithm in 4903 students (ages 14-19), who were randomly selected from grade 10 high school students in Tabriz (North-West of Iran). Results: The algorithm content validity indicates high relevancy and clarity percentages. Intra-class correlation of 0.929 was found in the assessment of the reliability of smoking stages (9 stages) in 154 students within a two-week interval. The LCA model revealed nine interpretable classes (G 2 = 0.051, df = 1, P = 0.821) for the measurement of smoking stages. Examination of the smoking cessation stages in a sample of 218 students in the cessation stage demonstrated that the results for five classes could be interpreted (G 2 = 0.001, df = 1, P = 0.975). Conclusions: The results suggested that this algorithm is clear, valid, and reliable