6 research outputs found

    Palatabilitas Bakso Dan Sosis Sapi Asal Daging Segar, Daging Beku Dan Produk Komersial

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    Meatball and sausage are two types of popular meat processing. This research was aimed to determine and comparethe palatability of meatball and sausage from fresh beef meat, frozen beef meat and commercial product. The research methodwas level of preference /acceptance of panelists with the organoleptic test included color, aroma, texture, elasticity and flavorof meatball and sausage with five criteria of hedonic scale of: 1 (strongly dislike), 2 (not like), 3 (neutral), 4 (like) and 5 (verylike). The values from panelists were statistically analyzed by using a non parametric Kruskal-Wallis method. The resultshowed that the characteristics of color, aroma, texture, elasticity and taste of the meatball and sausage from fresh meat,frozen meat or commercial product did not differ, although the panelists tended to be more like the meatball and sausage fromfresh meat

    End Correction of a Resonant Standing Wave in Open Pipes of Different Diameters

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    The end correction and diameter of pipe is related according to equation C= xD, C is end correction and D is diameter. Before in the research the value of X= 0.33 for ?/D ratio from 11 to 45.( Taylor 2011) Now the value of x is calculated for ?/D ratio 15 to 99.It was found that the value of x= 0.486 for ?/D ratio from 15 to 99.In order to find the value of x=C/D empirical approach is used. All the major issues in the previous research are solved here by using PASCO System interface workshop 750. Keywords: End Correction, Diameter, Wavelength, Open Pipes from both ends, Wave

    Kajian Kualitas Dadih Susu Kerbau di dalam Tabung Bambu dan Tabung Plastik

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    Assessment on fermented buffalo\u27s milk (dadih) was conducted in Muaro Jalai Village, Kampar Regency in2001. Objective of the study is to assess influence of storage time period to the dadih quality processed and stored inbamboo and propylene tubes. Completely Randomized Design with 10 replications and two treatments were used inthis assessment: (A) processed in bamboo tube, and (B) processed in propylene tube. Each treatment was stored for 3,6, 9 and 12 days. Data collected through organoleptic test consisting of 10 sample panelists. Data collected were taste,aroma, color, preference and thickness of the dadih. Results showed that the dadih quality processed in the propylenetube is relatively better than that in the bamboo tube. Storage period for the still palatable dadih was 9 daysprocessed and stored in propylene tube and 6 days processed and stored in the bamboo tube. Protein and fat contentsof the dadih were decreasing along with length of storage time period. On the other hand, total of bacteria colony andacidity of the dadih were increasing.Key words : storage, quality, fermented milk, tubeDadih merupakan produk susu fermentasi yang cukup digemari di wilayah Sumatera Barat dan Riau.Pengkajian ini dilaksanakan di Desa Muaro Jalai, Kabupaten Kampar, Riau pada tahun 2001. Tujuan pengkajianadalah untuk mengetahui pengaruh lama penyimpanan dari dadih dalam tabung bambu dan tabung plastik terhadapkualitas dan daya simpannya yang masih layak dikonsumsi. Pengkajian ini menggunakan Rancangan Acak Lengkap(RAL) 2 perlakuan dan 10 ulangan. Perlakuan yang dimaksud adalah (A) pembuatan dadih dalam tabung bambu dan(B) pembuatan dadih dalam tabung plastik, masing-masing dengan masa simpan 3, 6, 9 dan 12 hari. Parameter yangdiamati melalui uji organoleptik terhadap 10 orang panelis meliputi rasa, aroma, warna, kesukaan dan kekentalan.Hasil pengkajian menunjukkan bahwa kualitas dadih susu kerbau dalam tabung plastik relatif lebih baik dibandingkandadih dalam tabung bambu. Daya simpan dadih dalam tabung plastik yang masih layak dikonsumsi adalah 9 hari,sedangkan dadih dalam tabung bambu hanya 6 hari. Kadar protein dan lemak dari dadih akan menurun sejalandengan lamanya waktu penyimpanan. Sedangkan total koloni bakteri dan tingkat keasaman dari dadih justrumeningkat dengan lamanya waktu penyimpanan

    The Utilization of Sago Dregs to Increase Body Weight Gain and Feed Conversion Rate of Balitbangtan Superior Native Chicken

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    The utilization of local resource materials as the feed source for native chicken, such as sago dregs, is a potential solution to reduce the cost of conventional chicken feed. Sago dregs is produced from sago processing that is widely available in Meranti Island Regency, Riau Province. This research was aimed to determine how much evaluate the potential of sago dregs for native chicken feed in Meranti Regency. Testing sago-dregs based ration was carried out on 80 four-week-old Balitbangtan superior native chicken in four treatments (n=20) as follows: P1 = 60% fermented sago dregs (FSD)) + 10% corn + 30% trash fish; P2 = 60% FSD + 10% coffee skin + 30% trash fish; P3 = 50% FSD + 50% commercial chicken feed; P4 = 50% non-fermented sago dregs (NFSD)) + 50% commercial chicken feed. The commercial starter was given to 0-4 weeks-old chickens, while treatment feed was given to 4-12 weeks. The parameters observed were body weight gain and feed conversion ratio. The research data obtained were processed statistically using the T-test. The results showed a significantly lower (P <0.05) average body weight of chickens in P2 (630 grams) than that of P3 (808 grams) and of P4 (806 grams). Meanwhile, the P1 chickens’ weight (722 grams) was not significantly different from the others. The feed conversion ratio of P1, P2, P3, and P4 was 3.2, 3.3, 3.1, and 3.5, respectively. Sago dregs is a potential substitute for conventional feed for Balitbangtan's superior native chickens

    Pengolahan pakan sapi fermentasi

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    iv, 48 hlm.; ill.: 21 c