3 research outputs found

    The mechanism of functional divergence of enhancers of duplicated genes in zebrafish

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    Model for motif structure and interaction in enhancers involved in the regulation of midline expression of and in zebrafish. Schemes on the top and bottom represent the structure of the enhancer of (blue) and (red) with the position of the conserved motifs indicated in colored boxes, as in Figures 4 and 5. In the middle, schematic cross-sections of the neural tube with the floor plate (fp) and the notochord (nt) are shown (ventral to the left). Dark green indicates strong enhancer activity. Arrows indicate activator and blunt arrows indicate repression function by individual motifs. Evolution of enhancers of vertebrates. Phylogenetic relationship of the genes and the motif composition of the respective enhancers are shown. gene enhancers are shown in blue and gene enhancers in red. On the left, a predicted pre-duplicated ancestral enhancer is shown. Below, the predicted activity of the ancestral gene is depicted in blue in a schematic cross-section of an embryonic midline. On the right, schematic cross sections of midlines in green indicate (SFPE2 [sonic floor plate enhancer 2]) enhancer activities; shades of green indicate strength of enhancer activity in the respective midline tissues. In blue the expression activity of the respective /genes are shown.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Functional diversification paralog enhancers identified by phylogenomic reconstruction"</p><p>http://genomebiology.com/2007/8/6/R106</p><p>Genome Biology 2007;8(6):R106-R106.</p><p>Published online 8 Jun 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2394741.</p><p></p

    Sequence comparison identifies phylogeny-specific, paralogy-specific, and orthology-specific conserved motifs in sequences

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    Multiple alignment of homolog sequences of and genes of different vertebrate species was carried out. The phylogenetic tree on the left side represents the evolutionary relationship of the vertebrates. Species in blue correspond to of genes, and those in red to of genes. Dark blue boxes depict the conserved motifs, present in both and genes. Light-blue boxes mark motifs present only in genes.<p><b>Copyright information:</b></p><p>Taken from "Functional diversification paralog enhancers identified by phylogenomic reconstruction"</p><p>http://genomebiology.com/2007/8/6/R106</p><p>Genome Biology 2007;8(6):R106-R106.</p><p>Published online 8 Jun 2007</p><p>PMCID:PMC2394741.</p><p></p

    Additional file 2: Table S1. of Expression and knockdown of zebrafish folliculin suggests requirement for embryonic brain morphogenesis

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    Absolute numbers of embryos after injection with control, mismatch or flcn morpholinos. Columns show: injection group - where each group was injected on a different day, treatment group – where embryos were either uninjected, injected with control MO, flcn ATG MO, flcn sp1 MO, flcn sp1 MM, flcn sp2 MO or flcn sp2 MM, classification of embryos – showing the number of embryos which are dead, normal or abnormal. (XLSX 8 kb