37 research outputs found

    Bioactivities of Lyngbyabellins from Cyanobacteria of Moorea and Okeania Genera

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    Cyanobacteria are reported as rich sources of secondary metabolites that provide biological activities such as enzyme inhibition and cytotoxicity. Ten depsipeptide derivatives (lyngbyabellins) were isolated from a Malaysian Moorea bouillonii and a Red Sea Okeania sp.: lyngbyabellins G (1), O (2), P (3), H (4), A (7), 27-deoxylyngbyabellin A (5), and homohydroxydolabellin (6). This study indicated that lyngbyabellins displayed cytotoxicity, antimalarial, and antifouling activities. The isolated compounds were tested for cytotoxic effect against human breast cancer cells (MCF7), for antifouling activity against Amphibalanus amphitrite barnacle larvae, and for antiplasmodial effect towards Plasmodium falciparum. Lyngbyabellins A and G displayed potent antiplasmodial effect against Plasmodium, whereas homohydroxydolabellin showed moderate effect. For antifouling activity, the side chain decreases the activity slightly, but the essential feature is the acyclic structure. As previously reported, the acyclic lyngbyabellins are less cytotoxic than the corresponding cyclic ones, and the side chain increases cytotoxicity. This study revealed that lyngbyabellins, despite being cytotoxic agents as previously reported, also exhibit antimalarial and antifouling activities. The unique chemical structures and functionalities of lyngbyabellin play an essential role in their biological activities


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     フゞツボ類、むガむ類をはじめずする海掋付着生物は、発電所の取攟氎路、船底、逊殖斜蚭などに付着しお倚倧の被害を䞎えおいる。これらの生物の防陀には、埓来有機スズ化合物や亜酞化銅などの重金属を含む防汚塗料が䞻に䜿われおきた。有機スズ系防汚塗料は、優れた防汚効果を有するこずから広く甚いられおきたが、倚くの海産生物に察しお毒性を瀺すこずが刀明したため、我が囜では1992幎に補造および䜿甚が犁止ずなり、䞖界的にも䜿甚を犁止する方向で協議が進められおいる。同様に、亜酞化銅系塗料も海掋環境に䞎える圱響が懞念されおいる。䞀方、有機スズ化合物の代替品ずしお登堎したIrgarol1051などのバむオサむドに぀いおも、同様な問題が生じおいる。この様な状況から、いわゆる環境に優しい防汚剀の開発が緊急の課題ずなっおいる。// そこで本研究では、環境ぞの負荷の少ない防汚剀を開発するこずを目的ずし、海掋無脊怎動物抜出液に぀いおフゞツボ幌生の付着阻害詊隓を行っお浮かび䞊がった有望な掻性をも぀海綿から付着阻害物質の探玢を詊みるずずもに、既に有効な掻性が認められおいる海綿由来の3-isocyanotheonellineをリヌド化合物ずしお59皮類の類瞁䜓を合成しお付着阻害掻性を評䟡した。そしお、有望な掻性が認められた化合物の䞭から、比范的安䟡に合成できる2぀の化合物に぀いお詊隓塗料を䜜成し、海域浞挬詊隓により効果を刀定した。その抂芁は以䞋の通りである。//1.海綿からの新芏付着阻害物質の探玢// 先ず、海綿、ホダ、コケムシなど合蚈118皮類の無脊怎動物のメタノヌル抜出物を察象に、タテゞマフゞツボキプリス幌生に察する付着阻害掻性を調べた。その結果、86皮類が100ÎŒg/mlの濃床でキプリス幌生の付着を80%以䞊阻害した。そのうち、13皮類は死亡率15%以䞋の有望な掻性を瀺した。特に、熱海で採集した海綿Acanthella cavernosaは、本研究の目的に合臎する掻性(付着阻害率100%、死亡率0%)を瀺したので、掻性成分の単離ず同定を詊みた。// 凍結海綿(150g)を゚タノヌルで抜出埌、付着阻害掻性を指暙に溶媒分画、およびシリカゲルフラッシュクロマトグラフィヌに付した埌、ODS-HPLCを2回繰り返し、付着阻害掻性を瀺す3.9mgの新芏化合物1ず0.7mgの既知化合物T-cadinol(2)を単離した。// 新芏化合物1の分子匏を、1HNMR、13CNMRおよびFABMSデヌタからC16H27NOず決定した。たた、1HNMRず13CNMRスペクトルから、ホルムアミド基の存圚が瀺唆された。さらに、各皮2次元NMRスペクトルの詳现な解析により、セスキテルペン4-cadineneの10䜍にホルムアミド基が結合した平面構造をも぀ものず掚定された。そこで、1をp-TsCl/pyで凊理したずころ、10-む゜シアノ䜓が埗られた。この化合物の1HNMRず13CNMRスペクトルおよび旋光床は、既知の10-isocyano-4-cadineneのそれず完党に䞀臎した。すなわち、化合物1を10-formamido-4-cadineneず決定した。10-formamido-4-cadinene(1)は、タテゞマフゞツボキプリス幌生に察しおEC500.50ÎŒg/mlの付着阻害掻性を瀺したが、10.0ÎŒg/mlの濃床では党おの幌生が死亡した。䞀方、T-cadinol(2)のEC50倀は0.53ÎŒg/mlであり、30.0ÎŒg/mlでも幌生に毒性が芋られなかったこずから、有望な防汚剀候補ず考えられた。//2.む゜シアノおよび類瞁化合物の合成および付着阻害掻性// 海綿由来の3-isocyanotheonelline(3)は、タテゞマフゞツボキプリス幌生に察しおEC500.13ÎŒg/mlの付着阻害掻性を瀺すが、毒性が匱い(LD50>100ÎŒg/ml)ので、有望な防汚剀候補ず考えられる。そこで、本化合物をモデル化合物ずしお、各皮類瞁䜓を合成しお付着阻害掻性を評䟡した。先ず、3-isocyanotheonellineを含む4぀の異性䜓を合成するずずもに、偎鎖郚分を還元したものや他の官胜基で眮き換えた化合物を合成した。次に、シクロヘキサン環をより扱い易いフェニル基ぞ倉換し、さらに偎鎖郚分を倉曎したもの、あるいはむ゜シアノ基を他の官胜基に倉換した化合物を合成した。さらに、より簡単な構造の防汚剀開発を目指しお、盎鎖む゜シアノ化合物を合成した。このようにしお、合蚈59皮類の化合物を合成し、それらのキプリス幌生に察する付着阻害掻性ず毒性を評䟡した。// 合成した3぀の異性䜓は、3-isocyanotheonellineずほが同等の阻害掻性を瀺した、たた、偎鎖郚分をカルボニル基を含む構造に倉えた化合物は、非垞に匷い付着忌避掻性を瀺し、か぀枬定した範囲では顕著な毒性を瀺さなかった。特に、trans-4-isocyano-4-methylcyclohexyl acetate(4)は、合成した化合物の䞭で最も匷い掻性(EC500.0094ÎŒg/ml)を瀺した。// 同様に、3-isocyanotheonellineのシクロヘキサン環をフェニル基ぞ倉換した4-[(E,E)-1,5-dimethl-hexa-1,3-dienyl]isocyano benzene(5)も匷い掻性を瀺した。たた、5の偎鎖郚分をベンゞルオキシル基ぞず倉換した4-benzyloxyphenyl isocyanide(6)も匷い付着阻害掻性を瀺したが、硫酞銅ずほが同等の毒性(LD503.0ÎŒg/ml)を瀺した。䞀方、6のむ゜シアノ基をシアノ基、アミド基あるいはカルボキシル基などに倉換した化合物は、ほずんど掻性を瀺さず、む゜シアノ基が付着阻害掻性の発珟に重芁な圹割を果しおいるこずが瀺唆された。たた、む゜シアノ基をアセトアミド基ぞ倉換したN-(4-hexylphenyl)acetamide(7)は、倚少掻性が萜ちるものの、毒性が䜎く、か぀比范的簡単に合成ができるため、防汚剀ずしお有望ず考えられた。// 盎鎖む゜シアノ化合物は、党お顕著な付着阻害掻性(EC500.046-1.90ÎŒg/ml)瀺し、か぀毒性も硫酞銅よりかなり匱かった。特に、1,1-dimethyl-10-undecyl isocyanide(8)ず1,1-dimethyl-10-phenyltioldecyl isocyanide(9)は匷い掻性を瀺したが、硫酞銅のLD50倀の玄10倍である30ÎŒg/mlでも毒性が認められなかった。//3.詊䜜塗料のフィヌルド詊隓// 合成した化合物の䞭から、匷い付着阻害掻性ず匱い毒性をもち、か぀比范的安䟡に合成できる化合物のN-(4-hexylphenyl)acetamide(7)ず1,1-dimethyl-10-undecyl isocyanide(8)をそれぞれ300g合成し、詊䜜塗料を䜜成しお実海域浞挬詊隓を行った。// 詊䜜塗料は、15%の化合物7あるいは8をカルボン酞系アクリルポリマヌが䞻成分の暹脂に混合しお䜜成した。塩化ビニル板(25×25cm)を3等分し、垂販の亜酞化銅塗料を䞭倮に6×25cmの面積で塗垃し、さらに2皮類の詊䜜塗料を䞡偎にそれぞれ7.5×25cmの面積で塗垃した。これを宮城県志接川町の持枯の廃船から氎深0.5mの䜍眮に2003幎8月30日〜11月27日の玄3ヶ月間垂䞋し、玄1ヵ月毎に芳察した。䞀方、東京湟では2003幎10月16日〜12月9日の玄2ヶ月間、お台堎の岞壁の最干朮時氎深玄1mの䜍眮に詊隓板を蚭眮しお同様に芳察を行った。// その結果、宮城県に蚭眮した付着板では、塗装しおいない裏面に矀䜓ホダ、コケムシ、ヒドロ虫などの倧型付着生物が䞀面に付着しおいるのが芳察されたが、詊隓塗料面はヒドロ虫の走根ず付着珪藻の付着が芋られたものの、3ヵ月埌でも有効な防汚性胜がみられた。たた、東京湟に蚭眮した板には、単䜓ホダずフゞツボの付着が芋られたが、塗装面ぞのホダの付着は芋られず、フゞツボの付着数も無塗装面ず比范しお有意に少なかった。以䞊のこずから、いずれの海域においおも、亜酞化銅塗料ず比范するずやや防汚性胜が劣るものの、詊䜜塗料は顕著な防汚効果を有するものず刀断された。// 以䞊本研究では、環境に優しい防汚剀の開発を目的に、海掋倩然物質の怜玢および化孊合成により候補化合物の探玢を行った結果、付着阻害が匷く、か぀毒性が匱い数皮のむ゜シアノ化合物を創造するこずができた。さらに、フィヌルド詊隓においおもこれらの化合物が有効なこずが蚌明され、む゜シアノ基を含む化合物の有効性を瀺すこずができた。これらの知芋は環境負荷の少ない防汚塗料の開発に倧きな貢献をするものず思われる。University of Tokyo (東京倧孊

    Long-term in situ observation of barnacle growth on soft substrates with different elasticity and wettability

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    In this paper, settlement, metamorphosis, and long term growth of barnacles on soft substrates with a wide elasticity range (modulus 0.01-0.47 MPa) as well as with the variation of wettability were investigated for the first time in vitro, in the laboratory environment. Tough double-network (DN) hydrogels and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) were used as the soft hydrophilic substrates and hydrophobic substrates, respectively, and polystyrene (PS), a hard and hydrophobic substrate, was used as a control. It was observed that 1) the initial settlement and metamorphosis of cyprid larvae dramatically increase with the substrate elastic modulus while does not show an explicit dependence on the substrate wettability; 2) the growth rate of barnacles on both DN gels and PDMSs does not show an explicit dependence on the elasticity of the soft substrates, while it shows a slightly higher value on the hydrophobic PDMSs than on the hydrophilic DN gels; 3) the growth rate on these soft substrates is explicitly lower than that on the rigid PS substrate at the late stage of the growth; 4) the "self-release" phenomenon of barnacles was observed for the PDMS substrate with modulus higher than 0.01 MPa. Based on these observations, the antifouling effects of the soft substrates on barnacles were discussed

    Prolonged morphometric study of barnacles grown on soft substrata of hydrogels and elastomers

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    A long-term investigation of the shell shape and the basal morphology of barnacles grown on tough, double-network (DN) hydrogels and polydimethylsiloxane (PDMS) elastomer was conducted in a laboratory environment. The elastic modulus of these soft substrata varied between 0.01 and 0.47MPa. Polystyrene (PS) (elastic modulus, 3 GPa) was used as a hard substratum control. It was found that the shell shape and the basal plate morphology of barnacles were different on the rigid PS substratum compared to the soft substrata of PDMS and DN hydrogels. Barnacles on the PS substratum had a truncated cone shape with a flat basal plate while on soft PDMS and DN gels, barnacles had a pseudo-cylindrical shape and their basal plates showed curvature. In addition, a large adhesive layer was observed under barnacles on PDMS, but not on DN gels. The effect of substratum stiffness is discussed in terms of barnacle muscle contraction, whereby the relative stiffness of the substratum compared to that of the muscle is considered as the key parameter

    Larval development and settlement of a whale barnacle

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    Larval development and settlement of whale barnacles have not previously been described, unlike intertidal barnacles. Indeed, the mechanisms of the association between barnacles and whales have not been studied. Here we describe the larval development and settlement of the whale barnacle, Coronula diadema, and possible involvement of a cue from the host in inducing larval settlement. Eight-cell stage embryos were collected from C. diadema on a stranded humpback whale, incubated in filtered seawater for 7 days, and nauplius larvae hatched out. When fed with Chaetoceros gracilis, the nauplii developed to stage VI, and finally metamorphosed to the cypris stage. The larval development looked similar to that of intertidal barnacles with planktotrophic larval stages. The cyprids did not settle in normal seawater, but did settle in polystyrene Petri dishes when incubated in seawater with a small piece of skin tissue from the host whale. This strongly suggests the involvement of a chemical cue from the host whale tissue to induce larval settlement

    Design, Synthesis, and Antifouling Activity of Glucosamine-Based Isocyanides

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    Biofouling, an undesirable accumulation of organisms on sea-immersed structures such as ship hulls and fishing nets, is a serious economic issue whose effects include oil wastage and clogged nets. Organotin compounds were utilized since the 1960s as an antifouling material; however, the use of such compounds was later banned by the International Maritime Organization (IMO) due to their high toxicity toward marine organisms, resulting in masculinization and imposex. Since the ban, there have been extensive efforts to develop environmentally benign antifoulants. Natural antifouling products obtained from marine creatures have been the subject of considerable attention due to their potent antifouling activity and low toxicity. These antifouling compounds often contain isocyano groups, which are well known to have natural antifouling properties. On the basis of our previous total synthesis of natural isocyanoterpenoids, we envisaged the installation of an isocyano functional group onto glucosamine to produce an environmentally friendly antifouling material. This paper describes an effective synthetic method for various glucosamine-based isocyanides and evaluation of their antifouling activity and toxicity against cypris larvae of the barnacle Amphibalanus amphitrite. Glucosamine isocyanides with an ether functionality at the anomeric position exhibited potent antifouling activity, with EC50 values below 1 mu g/mL, without detectable toxicity even at a high concentration of 10 mu g/mL. Two isocyanides had EC50 values of 0.23 and 0.25 mu g/mL, comparable to that of CuSO4, which is used as a fouling inhibitor (EC50 = 0.27 mu g/mL)

    Total synthesis and biological activity of dolastatin 16

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    The total synthesis of dolastatin 16, a macrocyclic depsipeptide first isolated from the sea hare Dolabella auricularia as a potential antineoplastic metabolite by Pettit et al., was achieved in a convergent manner. Dolastatin 16 was reported by Tan to exhibit strong antifouling activity, and thus shows promise for inhibiting the attachment of marine benthic organisms such as Amphibalanus amphitrite to ships and submerged artificial structures. Therefore, dolastatin 16 is a potential compound for a new, environmentally friendly antifouling material to replace banned tributyltin-based antifouling paints. The synthesis of dolastatin 16 involved the use of prolinol to prevent formation of a diketopiperazine composed of L-proline and N-methyl-D-valine during peptide coupling. This strategy for the elongation of peptide chains allowed the efficient and scalable synthesis of one segment, which was subsequently coupled with a second segment and cyclized to form the macrocyclic framework of dolastatin 16. The synthetic dolastatin 16 exhibited potent antifouling activity similar to that of natural dolastatin 16 toward cypris larvae of Amphibalanus amphitrite