15 research outputs found

    介護の現状と課題 : 名寄市における家族のための介護講座アンケートからの一考察

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    地域において高齢者の介護問題,家族の介護問題は身近な課題であり,住み慣れた地域と家族のもとで安心して生活できることが望まれている。 名寄市社会福祉協議会が主催した,地域住民対象の介護講座受講者アンケートの集計・分析をおこなったところ,老老介護と家族が介護による負担感を自覚しているという実情が見えた。要介護者のみならず,家族を含めた支援策の検討の必要性がある。特に大切なことは,自らの生活のあり方を選択し自己決定できること,そしてその望む生活が継続できることが生きる活力に繋がると考える。Issues concerning nursing care for the elderly and within the family are especially important in community nursing, which involves the challenge of enabling care recipients to live comfortably with family in a familiar environment. Analysis of the results of questionnaires administered to participants in a domestic nursing care course for community residents held by the Nayoro City Council of Social Welfare revealed that residents experienced both the burden of nursing care of the elderly by the elderly (elder-to-elder nursing care) as well as that of nursing care within the family. Thus, investigation of support measures that consider the family in addition to individuals in need of nursing care is necessary. In addition, measures that enable care recipients to make their own lifestyle decisions and to sustain the lifestyles they desire are particularly important for promoting a positive attitude toward life

    終末期医療に関する一考察(2) : 看護職員の終末期医療に対する意識と年齢および臨床経験との関係

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    前号(市立名寄短期大学紀要第39巻)では,終末期医療に対する看護職員の意識調査結果の概要から,道北地域における終末期医療の課題について報告した。今回は,同調査結果から終末期医療に対する意識と年齢や臨床経験等との関係について明らかにし,道北地域における終末期医療,特に看護の課題を解決していくための具体的方法を検討しようとするものである。In our previous report (BULLETIN OF NAYORO CITY COLLEGE, NO. 39), we discussed issues regarding terminal care in the North Hokkaido region based on a summary of the results of a survey on the awareness of terminal care among nursing staff. Based on the results of that same survey, we herein elucidate the relationships between awareness of terminal care and factors such as age and clinical experience. This study investigates specific methods for resolving issues of terminal care in the North Hokkaido region, particularly with respect to nursing

    地域福祉専門職における職務環境に関する一考察II : 徳島県内社会福祉協議会職員意向調査を通して

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    地域福祉が社会福祉のメインストリームとなってきた。地域福祉推進の中核的担い手といわれる福祉現場従事者がどのような職務環境におかれているのか,その状況を探るとともに従事者の仕事の価値ややりがい等を明らかにしようとした。今回は徳島県内社会福祉協議会の協力のもとに職員の意向調査を通じて考察を試みた。分析の結果,職務環境を踏まえて職員の仕事の価値を高めるには(1)職員の積極的な意欲,(2)専門性の発揮,(3)上司,同僚との人間関係を大切にすること等が強調されている。Community care has become a major concern of social welfare. We attempted to clarify the working conditions of community care workers, who are said to be the core agents of advancement in social welfare. We sought also to ascertain the degree to which they find value and personal reward in their work. Continuing a discussion first begun in volume 38 of the Bulletin of Nayoro City College (June 2005), we herein consider results of an opinion survey made in cooperation with the Tokushima Council for Social welfare.Through an analysis of this survey data, we identified the following factors as contributing to a heightened estimation of job worth: active involvement in one\u27s work, the application of one\u27s expertise, and good relationships with colleagues and superiors


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    本研究の目的は、終末期ケアを検討するための知見として、高齢者自身が終末期における「生死」に関してどのように考えているかを明らかにすることにある。10例の対象者へ半構成的面接を行い、データを質的に分析した結果7カテゴリーを抽出した。高齢者は〈痛みの回避〉や〈傍にいてほしい〉等《苦痛緩和》を望んでいることがわかった。《死の準備》では〈妻と対話〉〈身辺整理〉や〈遺言〉等を考えていた。《延命は望まない》では〈高度の医療は不要〉等をあげていた。《終の棲家》では、〈できれば自宅〉〈住み慣れた地域〉とする一方、〈病状悪化時病院〉とし、その裏には家族への遠慮もある。《平安なる死》では〈眠るが如き〉や〈自然死〉等を希求していた。《死の恐怖感》では、〈死への恐れ〉を抱き、それを抱く一方、〈死と共に〉生死は表裏一体と考えている。《死後の世界》には〈信じる〉〈肉親に会える〉等、死後の世界を希求していると考えられる。以上のような高齢者の気持ちを汲み取り尊厳・尊重した終末期の《苦痛緩和》ケアが重要であることが示唆された。The purpose of this study is to clarify how senior citizens consider"life and death"at their end-of-life stage, which would be useful for end-of-life care. Semi-structured interview was conducted, targeting 10 subjects, and data was analyzed qualitatively and then 7 categories were extracted. It was found that senior citizens hope"to avoid pain"and "someone will be around them,"etc. to alleviate their agony. To prepare for death, they thought about"conversation with their wives,""putting their affairs straight,"and"testaments,"etc. Those who do not want life-prolonging treatment felt that advanced medicine is unnecessary. They wished to die"at home"or"in a place where they have lived, but they hoped to stay"at a hospital if their symptoms worsen,"caring about their family members. For peaceful death, they wished to"die as if they fell asleep"or"naturally."As for the fear of death, they consider that life and death are two sides of the same coin, while fearing death. They believe in the afterworld and think that they will be able to meet their parents there. This indicates that they dream of the afterworld. This study indicates that it is important to alleviate their agony at the end-of-life stage, by considering the abovementionedfeelings of senior citizens and respecting them

    基礎看護学実習I における学生の学び : 実習アンケートの分析から

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    基礎看護学実習Iにおける学生の学びや気づき、達成感などを把握するために実習終了後にアンケート調査を行っており、2年間の調査から以下のような結果を得た。実習到達度には年度差がみられたが、患者とかかわる体験を通して「看護への学びを深めていく動機づけとなる」目的は達成されていた。実習に対する満足感は看護あるいは看護師に対する関心を強化し、学習への動機づけを促進していた。今後の課題として(1).基礎看護学実習1での学生の状況を教員が共有し、次の段階の教育に生かすことができるようにすること(2).演習の効果を向上させるために、グループワークのルールや役割についての指導を行い、グループワークの作業過程を評価すること(3).初めて行う看護体験の個人差を少なくすること(4).体験が成功体験となるような支援の必要性が示唆された。In order to better understand what students learn and perceive, and the sense of achievement they gain from Basic Nursing Practicum I, a yearly study is conducted in the form of a self-reported questionnaire of nursing students after completion of this course. This paper looks at results from the past two years. Although there were differences in course achievement levels between the two years, through their experience of interacting with patients, students were able to achieve the goal of "motivation to learn more about nursing". Students found satisfaction in experiential learning in a clinical situation, which reinforced their interest in nursing and nurses, and strengthened their motivation to learn. The results of the present study suggest as follows: 1) All teachers should share student\u27s state of the basic nursing practicum I, and use it to next stages of various education. 2) In order to improve the effectiveness of nursing practice, it is necessary to give students more guidance about the rules of group work and their individual roles, and to assess group work tasks. 3) Efforts should be made to reduce initial disparities in individual performance due to in experience. 4) It is important to provide enough support so that students have a successful first experience in nursing practice