15 research outputs found

    Development of a support method for describing a problem-solving process sequentially based on Digital Triplet

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    To support engineers in solving engineering problems utilizing digital twin, we are proposing ‘digital triplet’ concept. We are also developing a problem-solving process support method by using the Log Level Description (LLD) that describes an executed problem-solving process and the Generic Process Model (GPM) that describes a generalized and prescriptive process. This paper illustrates a support method for describing LLDs to put the proposed method into practical use. Through an attempt to describe LLDs, three time-consuming operations were identified: viz., interviewing, structuring the information, and relating each action with the GPM. To save the labor of these operations, we propose the method that the engineer who executes the process sequentially describes the LLD by oneself based on the GPM. This paper also illustrates an LLD description support system based on the proposed method. Finally, a case study was conducted to describe the actual fault detection system design processes with the developed support system. By comparing the LLDs created with the support system in the case study with the ones created manually, the effectiveness of the proposed method was discussed. In addition, by interviewing engineers who created the LLDs in the case study, the usefulness and feasibility of the proposed method were discussed

    The Transportation Systm of Hanging-Monorail Logging-Train on a Steep Slope

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    東京大学農学部附属秩父演習林において,急峻地における林業用懸垂式モノレールの運材試験を行なった。主な結果は次のとおりである。1)レール懸架の所要人工数は,路線勾配や曲線部に関係なくほぼ一定しており,平均8.54人分/本である。2)レールを支えるワイヤロープの中間支柱架設人工数は路線勾配に比例しており,直線部の路線100m当り中間支柱架設人工数は,本文(1)式に回帰することができる。3)曲線部の路線100m当り中間支柱架設人工数は,同一勾配直線部の1.7~2.0倍要している。4)路線の撤去人工数は,架設時のほぼ1/2である。5)登坂時の最大積載量は路線の最急勾配によって制限されるが,平均38.2°,区間長95mの上り勾配における実用的な積載荷重は約300kgである。このときの走行速度は約30m/分(1速)であった。6)当路線では,下り運材時は制動車を使用することにより,往復2速で走行可能であった。平均勾配34.7°の区間における平均走行速度は,空車上りが73.7m/分,実車下り(積載荷重393~533kg)が,91.1m/分である。測定区間において積載荷重と走行速度の顕著な関係は認められなかった。7)搬出材重量が80kgまでは人力による積込(2人1組)が可能であった。積込時間の最大値は搬出材重量に比例しているが,60kgまでは殆どが5秒前後に集中している。8)搬出材重量が80kg以上になるとウィンチ積込を必要としたが,積込時間は4例中3例が20秒前後である。9)1荷当り積込時間は積載量に比例しており,当試験地では本文(4)または(6)式に回帰できる。10)荷卸時間は積載量に関係なく,荷卸土場に列車が到着してから出発するまで平均79秒である。11)作業能率は,作業人員,木寄能率,積載量,運材距離,走行速度,荷卸・荷積時間の関数として,作業形態に応じて理論的に与えることができる。当試験地は往復2速で走行可能なので,実車1速で運材せざるをえない路線よりは運材能率がよく,平均運材能率は0.562m3/人時(運材距離230~325m。4人作業とし,路線の架設撤去人工数は除く)である。12)平均勾配が29.8°の第I区間は,最長支点間がちょうど支間中央にあるため,ワイヤロープ張力に対して最悪条件となっているが,第I区間上部支点でワイヤロープ張力を測定したところ,533kgの生材を満載した時の張力安全率は5.8であった。The transportation system of a hanging-monorail logging-train, especially in a steep mountainous region, on the Tokyo University Forest in the Chichibu district was investigated. The results are as follows: 1) Labor for suspending a 5 m-rail from the supporting wire rope requires 8.54 manminutes, not depending both on longitudinal grade and radius of curve. 2) Labor required for rigging intermediate supports per 100m is related to the longitudinal grade. The relationship can be expressed as a regression line (1). 3) For the curves, labor for rigging intermediate supports requires 1.7-2.0 times as much as for a straight course of the same grade. 4) Labor required for dismantling rails and intermediate supports is about half of that for rigging. 5) The maximum payload of uphill transportation depends on the steepest section of the route. Practical payload of an up-grade of 38.2 degrees (section length 95m) is approximately 300kg. Its velocity is 30m/min. (first gear). 6) At a setting located above a motor road, logs were transported in high gear using a braking-car. This resulted in better operational efficiency than the route necessitating first gear. Velocity on an average grade of 34.7 degrees is 73.7m/min. ascending with no load, and 91.1m/min. descending with a payload of 393-533kg. There are no distinct relationships between payload and velocity. 7) Manual loading (two men) can be practiced up to a log weight of 80kg. Although the maximum loading time is related to the log weight, most of the loading time concentrates nearly on the five-second line. 8) A winch is required for loading logs of more than 80kg. Three examples of such loading times were about twenty seconds each. 9) The loading time of trucks is related to the payload, and regression lines of (4) or (6) are obtained. 10) Unloading time does not depend on the payload. The average time from arrival to departure at the landing is 79 seconds. 11) Operational efficiency can be expressed as a function of crew size, prehauling time, hauling distance, velocity of train, loading time, and unloading time. Average operational efficiency (excluding rigging and dismantling) on the experimental area with a hauling distance of 230-325m is 0.562m3/man-hour (four-man-crew). 12) The additional tension of the wire rope, 8mm in diameter, which suspends the rails is measured at the upper supports of the wire rope section I. Although the longest span is set just in the middle of the wire rope length, the factor of safety in tension is 5.8 when the trucks are fully loaded with 533kg in spite of the worst conditions