78 research outputs found

    Tunic Cell Morphology and Classification in Botryllid Ascidians(Morphology)

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    The morphology of tunic cells was investigated in ten botryllid ascidians, six Botryllus and four Botrylloides species, by means of light and electron microscopy. Three types of tunic cells were described, I.e. amoeboid, vacuo-granular and large granule tunic cells. Amoeboid tunic cells were irregularly shaped, and had many pseudopodia. They were found in the all species studied here. Vacuo-granular tunic cell had many vacuoles which contained round granules, and was found in four Botryllus and four Botrylloides species. The diameters of the granules varied amond species (ca. 1.4-0.8 ^m). Large granule tunic cells were peculiar to Botryllus scalaris, and each of them contained a single large granule with lamellate substructure. Some tunic cells showed intermediate characteristics of amoeboid and vacuo-granular tunic cells. It seems that amoeboid tunic cells probably differentiate into vacuo-granular tunic cells in the tunic. There are thread-like bacteria in the tunic, and they often dangle around vacuo-granular tunic cells. There may be some interactions between tunic cells and the bacteria

    Lateral–Medial Dissociation in Orbitofrontal Cortex–Hypothalamus Connectivity

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    The orbitofrontal cortex (OFC) is involved in cognitive functions, and is also closely related to autonomic functions. The OFC is densely connected with the hypothalamus, a heterogeneous structure controlling autonomic functions that can be divided into two major parts: the lateral and the medial. Resting-state functional connectivity has allowed us to parcellate the cerebral cortex into putative functional areas based on the changes in the spatial pattern of connectivity in the cerebral cortex when a seed point is moved from one voxel to another. In the present high spatial-resolution fMRI study, we investigate the connectivity-based organization of the OFC with reference to the hypothalamus. The OFC was parcellated using resting-state functional connectivity in an individual subject approach, and then the functional connectivity was examined between the parcellated areas in the OFC and the lateral/medial hypothalamus. We found a functional double dissociation in the OFC: the lateral OFC (the lateral orbital gyrus) was more likely connected with the lateral hypothalamus, whereas the medial OFC (the medial orbital and rectal gyri) was more likely connected with the medial hypothalamus. These results demonstrate the fundamental heterogeneity of the OFC, and suggest a potential neural basis of the OFC-hypothalamic functional interaction

    Gargle sample is an effective option in a novel fully automated molecular point-of-care test for influenza: a multicenter study

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    Background:We conducted a multicenter study to evaluate the performance of a novel fully automated molecular point-of-care test using transcription-reverse transcription concerted reaction that can detect influenza A and B within 15 min in nasopharyngeal swabs and gargle samples (TRCsatFLU). Methods:Patients who visited or were hospitalized at eight clinics and hospitals with influenza-like illnesses between December 2019 and March 2020 participated in this study. We collected nasopharyngeal swabs from all patients and gargle samples from patients whom the physician judged fit to perform gargling. The result of TRCsatFLU was compared to a conventional reverse transcription-polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR). If the results of TRCsatFLU and conventional RT-PCR were different, the samples were analyzed by sequencing.Results:We evaluated 233 nasopharyngeal swabs and 213 gargle samples from 244 patients. The average age of the patients was 39.3 ± 21.2. Of the patients, 68.9% visited a hospital within 24 h of symptom onset. The most common symptoms were fever (93.0%), fatigue (79.5%), and nasal discharge (64.8%). All patients in whom the gargle sample was not collected were children. Influenza A or B was detected in 98 and 99 patients in nasopharyngeal swabs and gargle samples using TRCsatFLU, respectively. Four and five patients in nasopharyngeal swabs and gargle samples, respectively, with different TRCsatFLU and conventional RT-PCR results. Influenza A or B was detected using sequencing in all samples with different results. Based on the combined conventional RT-PCR and sequencing results, the sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value (PPV), and negative predictive value (NPV) of TRCsatFLU for influenza detection in nasopharyngeal swabs were 0.990, 1.000, 1.000, and 0.993, respectively. In the gargle samples, the sensitivity, specificity, PPV, and NPV of the TRCsatFLU for detecting influenza were 0.971, 1.000, 1.000, and 0.974, respectively.Conclusions:The TRCsatFLU showed great sensitivity and specificity for the detection of influenza in nasopharyngeal swabs and gargle samples

    Starch biosynthesis in rice endosperm requires the presence of either starch synthase I or IIIa

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    Starch synthase (SS) I and IIIa are the first and second largest components of total soluble SS activity, respectively, in developing japonica rice (Oryza sativa L.) endosperm. To elucidate the distinct and overlapping functions of these enzymes, double mutants were created by crossing the ss1 null mutant with the ss3a null mutant. In the F2 generation, two opaque seed types were found to have either the ss1ss1/SS3ass3a or the SS1ss1/ss3ass3a genotype. Phenotypic analyses revealed lower SS activity in the endosperm of these lines than in those of the parent mutant lines since these seeds had different copies of SSI and SSIIIa genes in a heterozygous state. The endosperm of the two types of opaque seeds contained the unique starch with modified fine structure, round-shaped starch granules, high amylose content, and specific physicochemical properties. The seed weight was ∼90% of that of the wild type. The amount of granule-bound starch synthase I (GBSSI) and the activity of ADP-glucose pyrophosphorylase (AGPase) were higher than in the wild type and parent mutant lines. The double-recessive homozygous mutant prepared from both ss1 and ss3a null mutants was considered sterile, while the mutant produced by the leaky ss1 mutant×ss3a null mutant cross was fertile. This present study strongly suggests that at least SSI or SSIIIa is required for starch biosynthesis in rice endosperm

    Mitochondrial DNA Haplogroup D4a Is a Marker for Extreme Longevity in Japan

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    We report results from the analysis of complete mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) sequences from 112 Japanese semi-supercentenarians (aged above 105 years) combined with previously published data from 96 patients in each of three non-disease phenotypes: centenarians (99–105 years of age), healthy non-obese males, obese young males and four disease phenotypes, diabetics with and without angiopathy, and Alzheimer's and Parkinson's disease patients. We analyze the correlation between mitochondrial polymorphisms and the longevity phenotype using two different methods. We first use an exhaustive algorithm to identify all maximal patterns of polymorphisms shared by at least five individuals and define a significance score for enrichment of the patterns in each phenotype relative to healthy normals. Our study confirms the correlations observed in a previous study showing enrichment of a hierarchy of haplogroups in the D clade for longevity. For the extreme longevity phenotype we see a single statistically significant signal: a progressive enrichment of certain “beneficial” patterns in centenarians and semi-supercentenarians in the D4a haplogroup. We then use Principal Component Spectral Analysis of the SNP-SNP Covariance Matrix to compare the measured eigenvalues to a Null distribution of eigenvalues on Gaussian datasets to determine whether the correlations in the data (due to longevity) arises from some property of the mutations themselves or whether they are due to population structure. The conclusion is that the correlations are entirely due to population structure (phylogenetic tree). We find no signal for a functional mtDNA SNP correlated with longevity. The fact that the correlations are from the population structure suggests that hitch-hiking on autosomal events is a possible explanation for the observed correlations

    Biological mechanism and clinical effect of protein-bound polysaccharide K (KRESTIN®): review of development and future perspectives

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    The mechanism of action of protein-bound polysaccharide K (PSK; KRESTIN®) involves the following actions: (1) recovery from immunosuppression induced by humoral factors such as transforming growth factor (TGF)-β or as a result of surgery and chemotherapy; (2) activation of antitumor immune responses including maturation of dendritic cells, correction of Th1/Th2 imbalance, and promotion of interleukin-15 production by monocytes; and (3) enhancement of the antitumor effect of chemotherapy by induction of apoptosis and inhibition of metastasis through direct actions on tumor cells. The clinical effectiveness of PSK has been demonstrated for various cancers. In patients with gastric or colorectal cancer, combined use of PSK with postoperative adjuvant chemotherapy prolongs survival, and this effect has been confirmed in multiple meta-analyses. For small-cell lung carcinoma, PSK in conjunction with chemotherapy prolongs the remission period. In addition, PSK has been shown to be effective against various other cancers, reduce the adverse effects of chemotherapy, and improve quality of life. Future studies should examine the effects of PSK under different host immune conditions and tumor properties, elucidate the mechanism of action exhibited in each situation, and identify biomarkers

    Tunic Cell Morphology and Classification in Botryllid Ascidians(Morphology)

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    Volume: 8Start Page: 951End Page: 95

    A New Type of the Manifestation of Colony Specificity in the Compound Ascidian, Botrylloides violaceus Oka

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    Volume: 175Start Page: 240End Page: 24