88 research outputs found

    Industrialization and Coastal Fishing -A Case in Himeji-city, Japan-

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    播磨灘沿岸部は戦後重要な工業地帯として位置づけられる。とりわけ1960 年代、工業整備特別地域に指定されて以降の、姫路市域の急速な重化学工業化は目覚ましいものがあった。しかしそのような重化学工業化を基軸とする「地域開発」は、沿岸漁業に甚大な影響をもたらした。本調査では、姫路市妻鹿漁協の所蔵する資料をもとに、そのような「地域開発」に対して漁民層はいかなる対応をしてきたのかという課題をさぐった。妻鹿地区の漁業の特質は、共同漁業権漁業を中心とした零細な漁家漁業であった。そのような妻鹿地区の地先の漁場は、1950 年代末から火力発電所、製油所建設といった工場立地のための埋め立て、港湾改修の浚渫によって、大きなダメージを被る。このような場合、共同漁業権の消滅に対し漁業権補償がなされるが、漁業権の補償問題に関して漁民組織はどのような対応をしたのか、という問題は、これまでの研究では等閑に付されてきた感があった。「公有水面埋立法」では、公有水面を埋め立てる場合、その区域に共同漁業権を持つ漁協の組合員の3 分の2 以上の同意を要することになっている。本調査では、そのような漁業権の消滅過程の実態を明らかにした。度重なる共同漁業権の消滅に関しては、その都度漁業権補償がなされていたが、その補償に対しては共同漁業権区域がまたがる複数の漁協が足並みをそろえて対応していること、また補償金以外に漁場被害に関しては企業側から「見舞金」「一時補償金」等が再三支払われていること、また実際の補償交渉には複数漁協の幹部による任意団体があたっていることなどの経緯がわかった。しかし補償に関する漁協の対応が、全漁民の声を代弁していたというわけではない。本調査を通じ、漁場を奪われながらも漁業を営んでいこうとする漁民層の実態を垣間見ることができた

    Masking and Mixing Adversarial Training

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    While convolutional neural networks (CNNs) have achieved excellent performances in various computer vision tasks, they often misclassify with malicious samples, a.k.a. adversarial examples. Adversarial training is a popular and straightforward technique to defend against the threat of adversarial examples. Unfortunately, CNNs must sacrifice the accuracy of standard samples to improve robustness against adversarial examples when adversarial training is used. In this work, we propose Masking and Mixing Adversarial Training (M2AT) to mitigate the trade-off between accuracy and robustness. We focus on creating diverse adversarial examples during training. Specifically, our approach consists of two processes: 1) masking a perturbation with a binary mask and 2) mixing two partially perturbed images. Experimental results on CIFAR-10 dataset demonstrate that our method achieves better robustness against several adversarial attacks than previous methods

    Angioscopic Observation After Coronary Angioplasty for Chronic Coronary Occlusion Comparison With Severe Stenotic Lesion

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    Objectives To clarify the underlying mechanism for the high restenosis rate after the coronary angioplasty for the chronic total occlusion by using the coronary angioscope

    Structural Basis for Receptor-Mediated Selective Autophagy of Aminopeptidase I Aggregates

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    SummarySelective autophagy mediates the degradation of various cargoes, including protein aggregates and organelles, thereby contributing to cellular homeostasis. Cargo receptors ensure selectivity by tethering specific cargo to lipidated Atg8 at the isolation membrane. However, little is known about the structural requirements underlying receptor-mediated cargo recognition. Here, we report structural, biochemical, and cell biological analysis of the major selective cargo protein in budding yeast, aminopeptidase I (Ape1), and its complex with the receptor Atg19. The Ape1 propeptide has a trimeric coiled-coil structure, which tethers dodecameric Ape1 bodies together to form large aggregates. Atg19 disassembles the propeptide trimer and forms a 2:1 heterotrimer, which not only blankets the Ape1 aggregates but also regulates their size. These receptor activities may promote elongation of the isolation membrane along the aggregate surface, enabling sequestration of the cargo with high specificity

    A Case Control Association Study and Cognitive Function Analysis of Neuropilin and Tolloid-Like 1 Gene and Schizophrenia in the Japanese Population

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    BACKGROUND: Using a knock-out mouse model, it was shown that NETO1 is a critical component of the NMDAR complex, and that loss of Neto1 leads to impaired hippocampal long term potentiation and hippocampal-dependent learning and memory. Moreover, hemizygosity of NETO1 was shown to be associated with autistic-like behavior in humans. PURPOSE OF THE RESEARCH: We examined the association between schizophrenia and the neuropilin and tolloid-like 1 gene (NETO1). First, we selected eight single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) within the NETO1 locus, based on the Japanese schizophrenia genome wide association study (JGWAS) results and previously conducted association studies. These SNPs were genotyped in the replication sample comprised of 963 schizophrenic patients and 919 healthy controls. We also examined the effect of associated SNPs on scores in the Continuous Performance Test and the Wisconsin Card Sorting Test Keio version (schizophrenic patients 107, healthy controls 104). RESULTS: There were no significant allele-wise and haplotype-wise associations in the replication analysis after Bonferroni correction. However, in meta-analysis (JGWAS and replication dataset) three association signals were observed (rs17795324: p = 0.028, rs8098760: p = 0.017, rs17086492: p = 0.003). These SNPs were followed up but we could not detect the allele-specific effect on cognitive performance measured by the Continuous performance test (CPT) and Wisconsin Card Sorting test (WCST). MAJOR CONCLUSIONS: We did not detect evidence for the association of NETO1 with schizophrenia in the Japanese population. Common variants within the NETO1 locus may not increase the genetic risk for schizophrenia in the Japanese population. Additionally, common variants investigated in the current study did not affect cognitive performance, as measured by the CPT and WCST

    Common Variants in MAGI2 Gene Are Associated with Increased Risk for Cognitive Impairment in Schizophrenic Patients

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    Schizophrenia is a complex psychiatric disorder characterized by positive symptoms, negative symptoms, and cognitive impairment. MAGI2, a relatively large gene (∼1.5 Mbps) that maps to chromosome 7q21, is involved in recruitment of neurotransmitter receptors such as AMPA- and NMDA-type glutamate receptors. A genetic association study designed to evaluate the association between MAGI2 and cognitive performance or schizophrenia has not been conducted. In this case-control study, we examined the relationship of single nucleotide polymorphism (SNP) variations in MAGI2 and risk for schizophrenia in a large Japanese sample and explored the potential relationships between variations in MAGI2 and aspects of human cognitive function related to glutamate activity. Based on the result of first schizophrenia genome-wide association study in a Japanese population (JGWAS), we selected four independent SNPs and performed an association study using a large independent Japanese sample set (cases 1624, controls 1621). Wisconsin Card Sorting Test (WCST) was used to evaluate executive function in 114 cases and 91 controls. We found suggestive evidence for genetic association of common SNPs within MAGI2 locus and schizophrenia in Japanese population. Furthermore in terms of association between MAGI2 and cognitive performance, we observed that genotype effect of rs2190665 on WCST score was significant (p = 0.034) and rs4729938 trended toward significance (p = 0.08). In conclusion, although we could not detect strong genetic evidence for association of common variants in MAGI2 and increased schizophrenia risk in a Japanese population, these SNPs may increase risk of cognitive impairment in schizophrenic patients