173 research outputs found

    Valosin-containing protein (VCP/p97) plays a role in the replication of West Nile virus

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    Valosin-containing protein (VCP) is classified as a member of the type II AAA(+) ATPase protein family. VCP functions in several cellular processes, including protein degradation, membrane fusion, vesicular trafficking and disassembly of stress granules. Moreover, VCP is considered to play a role in the replication of several viruses, albeit through different mechanisms. In the present study, we have investigated the role of VCP in West Nile virus (WNV) infection. Endogenous VCP expression was inhibited using either VCP inhibitors or by siRNA knockdown. It could be shown that the inhibition of endogenous VCP expression significantly inhibited WNV infection. The entry assay revealed that silencing of endogenous VCP caused a significant reduction in the expression levels of WNV-RNA compared to control siRNA-treated cells. This indicates that VCP may play a role in early steps either the binding or entry steps of the WNV life cycle. Using WNV virus like particles and WNV-DNA-based replicon, it could be demonstrated that perturbation of VCP expression decreased levels of newly synthesized WNV genomic RNA. These findings suggest that VCP is involved in early steps and during genome replication of the WNV life cycle

    West Nile Virus in Farmed Crocodiles, Zambia, 2019

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    We detected West Nile virus (WNV) nucleic acid in crocodiles (Crocodylus niloticus) in Zambia. Phylogenetically, the virus belonged to lineage 1a, which is predominant in the Northern Hemisphere. These data provide evidence that WNV is circulating in crocodiles in Africa and increases the risk for animal and human transmission

    The Human Polyoma JC Virus Agnoprotein Acts as a Viroporin

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    Virus infections can result in a range of cellular injuries and commonly this involves both the plasma and intracellular membranes, resulting in enhanced permeability. Viroporins are a group of proteins that interact with plasma membranes modifying permeability and can promote the release of viral particles. While these proteins are not essential for virus replication, their activity certainly promotes virus growth. Progressive multifocal leukoencephalopathy (PML) is a fatal demyelinating disease resulting from lytic infection of oligodendrocytes by the polyomavirus JC virus (JCV). The genome of JCV encodes six major proteins including a small auxiliary protein known as agnoprotein. Studies on other polyomavirus agnoproteins have suggested that the protein may contribute to viral propagation at various stages in the replication cycle, including transcription, translation, processing of late viral proteins, assembly of virions, and viral propagation. Previous studies from our and other laboratories have indicated that JCV agnoprotein plays an important, although as yet incompletely understood role in the propagation of JCV. Here, we demonstrate that agnoprotein possesses properties commonly associated with viroporins. Our findings demonstrate that: (i) A deletion mutant of agnoprotein is defective in virion release and viral propagation; (ii) Agnoprotein localizes to the ER early in infection, but is also found at the plasma membrane late in infection; (iii) Agnoprotein is an integral membrane protein and forms homo-oligomers; (iv) Agnoprotein enhances permeability of cells to the translation inhibitor hygromycin B; (v) Agnoprotein induces the influx of extracellular Ca2+; (vi) The basic residues at amino acid positions 8 and 9 of agnoprotein key are determinants of the viroporin activity. The viroporin-like properties of agnoprotein result in increased membrane permeability and alterations in intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis leading to membrane dysfunction and enhancement of virus release

    Mosquito-Borne Viral Pathogens Detected in Zambia: A Systematic Review

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    Emerging and re-emerging mosquito-borne viral diseases are a threat to global health. This systematic review aimed to investigate the available evidence of mosquito-borne viral pathogens reported in Zambia. A search of literature was conducted in PubMed and Google Scholar for articles published from 1 January 1930 to 30 June 2020 using a combination of keywords. Eight mosquito-borne viruses belonging to three families, Togaviridae, Flaviviridae and Phenuiviridae were reported. Three viruses (Chikungunya virus, Mayaro virus, Mwinilunga virus) were reported among the togaviruses whilst four (dengue virus, West Nile virus, yellow fever virus, Zika virus) were among the flavivirus and only one virus, Rift Valley fever virus, was reported in the Phenuiviridae family. The majority of these mosquito-borne viruses were reported in Western and North-Western provinces. Aedes and Culex species were the main mosquito-borne viral vectors reported. Farming, fishing, movement of people and rain patterns were among factors associated with mosquito-borne viral infection in Zambia. Better diagnostic methods, such as the use of molecular tools, to detect the viruses in potential vectors, humans, and animals, including the recognition of arboviral risk zones and how the viruses circulate, are important for improved surveillance and design of effective prevention and control measures

    First COVID-19 case in Zambia — Comparative phylogenomic analyses of SARS-CoV-2 detected in African countries

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    Since its first discovery in December 2019 in Wuhan, China, COVID-19, caused by the novel coronavirus SARS-CoV-2, has spread rapidly worldwide. While African countries were relatively spared initially, the initial low incidence of COVID-19 cases was not sustained for long due to continuing travel links between China, Europe and Africa. In preparation, Zambia had applied a multisectoral national epidemic disease surveillance and response system resulting in the identification of the first case within 48 h of the individual entering the country by air travel from a trip to France. Contact tracing showed that SARS-CoV-2 infection was contained within the patient’s household, with no further spread to attending health care workers or community members. Phylogenomic analysis of the patient’s SARS-CoV-2 strain showed that it belonged to lineage B.1.1., sharing the last common ancestor with SARS-CoV-2 strains recovered from South Africa. At the African continental level, our analysis showed that B.1 and B.1.1 lineages appear to be predominant in Africa. Whole genome sequence analysis should be part of all surveillance and case detection activities in order to monitor the origin and evolution of SARS-CoV-2 lineages across Africa

    Epidemiological and basic research activity targeting polyomaviruses

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    Mastomys natalensis is a possible natural rodent reservoir for encephalomyocarditis virus

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    Encephalomyocarditis virus (EMCV) infects a wide range of hosts and can cause encephalitis, myocarditis, reproductive disorders and diabetes mellitus in selected mammalian species. As for humans, EMCV infection seems to occur by the contact with animals and can cause febrile illnesses in some infected patients. Here we isolated EMCV strain ZM12/14 from a natal multimammate mouse (Mastomys natalensis: M. natalensis) in Zambia. Pairwise sequence similarity of the ZM12/14 P1 region consisting of antigenic capsid proteins showed the highest similarity of nucleotide (80.7 %) and amino acid (96.2%) sequence with EMCV serotype 1 (EMCV-1). Phylogenetic analysis revealed that ZM12/14 clustered into EMCV-1 at the P1 and P3 regions but segregated from known EMCV strains at the P2 region, suggesting a unique evolutionary history. Reverse transcription PCR (RT-PCR) screening and neutralizing antibody assays for EMCV were performed using collected tissues and serum from various rodents (n=179) captured in different areas in Zambia. We detected the EMCV genome in 19 M. natalensis (19/179=10.6 %) and neutralizing antibody for EMCV in 33 M. natalensis (33/179=18.4 %). However, we did not detect either the genome or neutralizing antibody in other rodent species. High neutralizing antibody litres (≧320) were observed in both RT-PCR-negative and -positive animals. Inoculation of ZM12/14 caused asymptomatic persistent infection in BALB/c mice with high antibody titres and high viral loads in some organs, consistent with the above epidemiological results. This study is the first report of the isolation of EMCV in Zambia, suggesting that M. natalensis may play a role as a natural reservoir of infection

    Autophagy inhibits viral genome replication and gene expression stages in West Nile virus infection

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    Autophagy is a lysosomal degradation pathway that is implicated in many viral infections. However, its role in West Nile virus (WNV) infection remains controversial. In the present study, we examined the relationship between WNV infection and autophagy in infected cells. We demonstrated that LC3-II expression, a molecular marker for autophagosomal membranes, was enhanced in WNV-infected cells 6 h post-infection. LC3-II expression was further enhanced in WNV-inoculated cells when treated with a lysosomal protease inhibitor. Meanwhile, WNV replication in cells lacking Atg5, an essential factor for autophagy, was increased compared with replication in wild-type cells. In addition, WNV replication was inhibited in cells lacking Atg5 when they were transfected with an ATG5 expression plasmid. These results suggest an antiviral role for autophagy in WNV-infected cells. We also examined which viral replication stages were affected by autophagy by using a Tat-beclin 1 peptide to induce autophagy and pseudo-infectious WNV reporter virus particles (WNV-RVPs) that monitor viral genome replication and gene expression stages via GFP expression. We found that autophagy induction in HeLa cells by Tat-beclin 1 peptide 3 h after WNV inoculation inhibited viral replication, and GFP expression was significantly inhibited in wild-type cells when compared with cells lacking Atg5. Taken together, these results suggest that autophagy is induced by WNV infection, and that this induction inhibits WNV replication at the viral genome replication and gene expression stages. (C) 2014 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved