9 research outputs found


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    A Novel Membrane Protein That Is Transported to Protein Storage Vacuoles via Precursor-Accumulating Vesicles

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    A novel protein, MP73, was specifically found on the membrane of protein storage vacuoles of pumpkin seed. MP73 appeared during seed maturation and disappeared rapidly after seed germination, in association with the morphological changes of the protein storage vacuoles. The MP73 precursor deduced from the isolated cDNA was composed of a signal peptide, a 24-kD domain (P24), and the MP73 domain with a putative long α-helix of 13 repeats that are rich in glutamic acid and arginine residues. Immunocytochemistry and immunoblot analysis showed that the precursor-accumulating (PAC) vesicles (endoplasmic reticulum–derived vesicles responsible for the transport of storage proteins) accumulated proMP73, but not MP73, on the membranes. Subcellular fractionation of the pulse-labeled maturing seed demonstrated that the proMP73 form with N-linked oligosaccharides was synthesized on the endoplasmic reticulum and then transported to the protein storage vacuoles via PAC vesicles. Tunicamycin treatment of the seed resulted in the efficient deposition of proMP73 lacking the oligosaccharides (proMP73ΔΨ) into the PAC vesicles but no accumulation of MP73 in vacuoles. Tunicamycin might impede the transport of proMP73ΔΨ from the PAC vesicles to the vacuoles or might make the unglycosylated protein unstable in the vacuoles. After arrival at protein storage vacuoles, proMP73 was cleaved by the action of a vacuolar enzyme to form a 100-kD complex on the vacuolar membranes. These results suggest that PAC vesicles might mediate the delivery of not only storage proteins but also membrane proteins of the vacuoles

    Arabidopsis Vacuolar Sorting Mutants (green fluorescent seed) Can Be Identified Efficiently by Secretion of Vacuole-Targeted Green Fluorescent Protein in Their Seeds

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    Two Arabidopsis thaliana genes have been shown to function in vacuolar sorting of seed storage proteins: a vacuolar sorting receptor, VSR1/ATELP1, and a retromer component, MAIGO1 (MAG1)/VPS29. Here, we show an efficient and simple method for isolating vacuolar sorting mutants of Arabidopsis. The method was based on two findings in this study. First, VSR1 functioned as a sorting receptor for β-conglycinin by recognizing the vacuolar targeting signal. Second, when green fluorescent protein (GFP) fusion with the signal (GFP-CT24) was expressed in vsr1, mag1/vps29, and wild-type seeds, both vsr1and mag1/vps29 gave strongly fluorescent seeds but the wild type did not, suggesting that a defect in vacuolar sorting provided fluorescent seeds by the secretion of GFP-CT24 out of the cells. We mutagenized transformant seeds expressing GFP-CT24. From ∼3,000,000 lines of M2 seeds, we obtained >100 fluorescent seeds and designated them green fluorescent seed (gfs) mutants. We report 10 gfs mutants, all of which caused missorting of storage proteins. We mapped gfs1 to VSR1, gfs2 to KAM2/GRV2, gfs10 to the At4g35870 gene encoding a novel membrane protein, and the others to different loci. This method should provide valuable insights into the complex molecular mechanisms underlying vacuolar sorting of storage proteins