19 research outputs found

    カイゴ フクシシ ヨウセイ シセツ ニ オケル ガクセイ ノ カイゴ フクシ ジッシュウ デノ マナビ ポートフォリオ オジッセン シテ

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    介護福祉士養成施設における介護福祉実習は、学生が介護福祉士となるために、学内で学んだ専門的知識や技術を実際の介護の現場で体験し統合していく大変重要な学びの場である。学生は実習を通して成長すると言われている。介護技術を身につけるとともに「人の尊厳を守ることの意味」や「介護観」を形成していく。本研究は、学生が自己の成長に気づいているか、また気づきはどのようなものであったか、気づくことが学生にどのような効果をもたらしたかを調査した。学生の多くは自己の成長に気づかずにいた。ポートフォリオを活用して振り返りを行った結果、自己の成長過程に気づき、次への成長に繋げることができた。自己の考えや行動の変化に気づき成長を認識することは、次の目標に繋がる大変重要なことであることが示唆された。A practical training program in care workers training course is a very important program in which trainees could experience a real work and integrate it into their technical knowledge and skills learned on campus. Students are said to grow through practical training. They not only acquire skills but also think of “meaning of respecting the dignity of others” and build “view of the care.” This research examined whether students were aware of their own growth, what they noticed through the training, and how it had affected them. Most of them were not aware that they had grown. As we review the practical training using portfolios, they realized where they stood on their growth map, and built a new goal. This result suggested that the realization of own growth which was led by noticing change in own mind and action was very important because it led to a new goal

    Switch from conventional to high-flux membrane reduces the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and mortality of hemodialysis patients

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    Switch from conventional to high-flux membrane reduces the risk of carpal tunnel syndrome and mortality of hemodialysis patients. The use of a high-flux membrane, which eliminates larger molecular weight solutes with better biocompatibility, has steadily increased since the discovery of beta-2 microglobulin (β2m) amyloidosis in 1985. The long-term effects of a dialyzer membrane on morbidity and mortality are not completely understood. To examine the membrane effect as a factor of carpal tunnel syndrome onset and mortality, multivariate Cox regression analysis with time-dependent covariate was conducted on 819 patients from March 1968 to November 1994 at a single center. Two hundred and forty-eight of the patients were either switched from the conventional to high-flux membrane or treated only with a high-flux membrane. Fifty-one patients underwent a CTS operation and 206 died. Membrane status (on high-flux or on conventional) was considered as time-dependent covariate and risk was adjusted for age, gender, type of renal disease and calendar year of dialysis initiation. The relative risk of CTS was reduced to 0.503 (P < 0.05) and mortality 0.613 (P < 0.05) by dialysis on the high-flux membrane, compared to the conventional membrane. Serial measurements of β2m indicated significantly lower β2m to persist in patients on the high-flux membrane. The high-flux membrane decreased the risk of morbidity and mortality substantially. Larger molecule elimination was shown important not only for preventing β2m amyloidosis, but for prolonging survival of dialysis patients as well

    Handling of Germline Findings in Clinical Comprehensive Cancer Genomic Profiling

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    Patients found to have presumed germline pathogenic variants (PGPVs) during comprehensive genomic profiling (CGP) require genetic counseling (GC) referrals. We retrospectively investigated the outcomes of patients with PGPVs. Among 159 patients who underwent CGP, we recommended GC for the 16 patients with PGPVs (3 with [FG group] and 13 without [G Group] a family/personal history of hereditary cancer) as well as for the 8 patients with no PGPVs, but a history (F group); 2 (67%), 5 (38%), and 3 (38%) patients received GC in the FG, G, and F groups, respectively. Germline testing results were positive in 1 and 2 patients of the FG and G groups, respectively. Among the patients recommended for GC, 58% did not receive GC due to lack of interest, poor performance status, or death. CGP contributes to the identification of germline variants in patients without a history of hereditary cancer. However, the proportion of patients who undergo GC should be improved


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    Children with executive dysfunction may have a decreased quality of life. Neuropsychological tests include the Stroop test, Trail-making Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Continuous Performance Test, and the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Test are administered to evaluate the above functions. To broaden the opportunities for clinical application,we have modified these tests to make them applicable to younger children and to obtain their standard values. The purpose of this research is to study the developmental aspects of these tests, focusing on the difference between the original method and the modified method. Index scores that reflected executive function were rapidly reduced until 9 to 11 years of age, and developments showed a deceleration during the adolescent period. This result was comparable with that of the index scores of the original tests. We also discussed the involvement of background neuronal maturation associated with developmental changes in these tests.実行機能の障害は、子どもの生活の質の低下につながる可能性があるため、Stroop Test,Trail Making Test, Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Continuous Performance Test,Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure Testなどの神経心理学的検査を用いて同機能を適切に評価することが求められている。すでに我々は、これら検査の臨床応用の機会を広げるために、低年齢の子どもに運用が可能な短縮版を開発し成果の報告を行ってきた。本研究は、従来の方法と短縮化された方法との成績の違いに焦点を当て、これらのテストの発達的側面を研究することを目的とした。実行機能を反映した指標のスコアは、9歳から11歳まで急速に減少し、発達は青年期に減速傾向を示した。この結果は、従来の検査の指数スコアと同等であった。我々はまた、これらの検査指標における発達的変化と背景に存在するニューロン成熟課程との関連についても考察した

    セイシン ショウガイシャ シエン ボランティア サンカシャ ノ ケンコウ ジョウタイ ト セイカツ マンゾクド トノ カンケイ

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    今回、A県で行われた精神障害をもつ人々に対するボランティア活動参加者の大会に参加する機会を得、精神障害者支援ボランティア参加者についての健康状態とその活動状況、生活の満足度の関連を明らかにすることとした。その結果は、健康状態と生活満足度との間には、有意な正の相関関係があった。つまり、精神障害者支援ボランティア参加者の中でも健康状態の良好な人ほど生活の満足を得ていることが窺えた。しかし、健康状態とボランティア活動状況、ボランティア活動状況と生活満足度との間には相関は見られず、健康であって初めてボランティア活動に参加する、ボランティア活動をすることが彼らの生活満足度につながるという仮説は立証されなかった。The purpose of this study is to clarify how the factors of the volunteers who help mentally disabled people; health condition, activity status, and life satisfaction, relate to each other, under a hypothesis; those who are in good health condition would do volunteer work, and doing it would make their life satisfactory. The results indicate a significant positive correlation between health condition and life satisfaction, but no positive correlation between health condition and activity status or activity status and life satisfaction. These findings indicate healthy volunteers are satisfied with their life, but did not verify the hypothesis mentioned above


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    Psychological changes associated with past experiences of romantic relationships in young adults were investigated by examining coping with stress caused by a breakup and reflection. Participants, (N=566; mean age 20.29 years; SD = 1.93) completed a questionnaire. Factor analysis of the responses identified the following four factors related to psychological changes associated with past experiences of romantic relationships: Self-expansion, Open-mindedness, Gender identity, and Confidence. Multiple linear regression analysis indicated: (1) "Independent love" induced positive psychological changes; (2) "Dependent love" promoted Self-expansion and Gender identity in men, and reduced Confidence in women; (3) lack of "reflection" promoted Confidence in men and reduced Confidence in women; and (4) "Avoidance" was an effective method of coping with the stress caused by romantic breakups by both men and women