2,451 research outputs found

    Exotic baryons from a heavy meson and a nucleon

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    We evaluate a hadronic molecule formed by a heavy meson and a nucleon respecting heavy quark symmetry. The tensor force of pion exchange potential plays a dominate role to produce an strong attraction in this system. Solving coupled channel Schr\"odinger equations for PN and P* N, we find many bound and resonant states with isospin I=0 while there are few resonances in I=1 state. The rich structures with I=0 indicate that the spectrum of heavy baryons near the threshold is influenced by the contributions from such hadron composite structures.Comment: To appear in the proceedings of The 5th International Workshop on Charm Physics (Charm 2012

    Effects of quark matter and color superconductivity in compact stars

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    The equation of state for quark matter is derived for a nonlocal, chiral quark model within the mean field approximation. We investigate the effects of a variation of the form factors of the interaction on the phase diagram of quark matter under the condition of beta-equilibrium and charge neutrality. Special emphasis is on the occurrence of a diquark condensate which signals a phase transition to color superconductivity and its effects on the equation of state. We calculate the quark star configurations by solving the Tolman- Oppenheimer- Volkoff equations and obtain for the transition from a hot, normal quark matter core of a protoneutron star to a cool diquark condensed one a release of binding energy of the order of Delta M c^2 ~ 10^{53} erg. We study the consequences of antineutrino trapping in hot quark matter for quark star configurations with possible diquark condensation and discuss the claim that this energy could serve as an engine for explosive phenomena. A "phase diagram" for rotating compact stars (angular velocity-baryon mass plane) is suggested as a heuristic tool for obtaining constraints on the equation of state of QCD at high densities. It has a critical line dividing hadronic from quark core stars which is correlated with a local maximum of the moment of inertia and can thus be subject to experimental verification by observation of the rotational behavior of accreting compact stars.Comment: 14 pages, 12 figures, Talk given at 2nd International Workshop on Hadron Physics: Effective Theories of Low-Energy QCD, Coimbra, Portugal, 25-29 Sep 200

    Chiral symmetry breaking and stability of quark droplets

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    We discuss the stability of strangelets -- quark droplets with strangeness -- in the Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model supplemented by a boundary condition for quark confinement. Effects of dynamical chiral symmetry breaking are considered properly inside quark droplets of arbitrary baryon number. We obtain the energy per baryon number of quark droplets with baryon number from one to thousands. It is shown that strangelets are not the ground states as compared with nuclei, though they can be locally stable

    Development of Atmospheric Monitoring System at Akeno Observatory for the Telescope Array Project

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    We have developed an atmospheric monitoring system for the Telescope Array experiment at Akeno Observatory. It consists of a Nd:YAG laser with an alt-azimuth shooting system and a small light receiver. This system is installed inside an air conditioned weather-proof dome. All parts, including the dome, laser, shooter, receiver, and optical devices are fully controlled by a personal computer utilizing the Linux operating system. It is now operated as a back-scattering LIDAR System. For the Telescope Array experiment, to estimate energy reliably and to obtain the correct shower development profile, the light transmittance in the atmosphere needs to be calibrated with high accuracy. Based on observational results using this monitoring system, we consider this LIDAR to be a very powerful technique for Telescope Array experiments. The details of this system and its atmospheric monitoring technique will be discussed.Comment: 24 pages, 13 figures(plus 3 gif files), Published in NIM-A Vol.488, August 200

    Chiral symmetry breaking and stability of strangelets

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    We discuss the stability of strangelets by considering dynamical chiral symmetry breaking and confinement. We use a U(3)L×U(3)RU(3)_{L} \times U(3)_{R} symmetric Nambu--Jona-Lasinio model for chiral symmetry breaking supplemented by a boundary condition for confinement. It is shown that strangelets with baryon number A<2×103A < 2 \times 10^{3} can stably exist. For the observables, we obtain the masses and the charge-to-baryon number ratios of the strangelets. These quantities are compared with the observed data of the exotic particles.Comment: 10 pages, 9 figures, submitted to Physical Review

    Bonding machine for forming a solar array strip

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    A machine is described for attaching solar cells to a flexable substrate on which printed circuitry has been deposited. The strip is fed through: (1) a station in which solar cells are elevated into engagement with solder pads for the printed circuitry and thereafter heated by an infrared lamp; (2) a station at which flux and solder residue is removed; (3) a station at which electrical performance of the soldered cells is determined; (4) a station at which an encapsulating resin is deposited on the cells; (5) a station at which the encapsulated solar cells are examined for electrical performance; and (6) a final station at which the resulting array is wound on a takeup drum

    Closed conformal Killing-Yano tensor and geodesic integrability

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    Assuming the existence of a single rank-2 closed conformal Killing-Yano tensor with a certain symmetry we show that there exist mutually commuting rank-2 Killing tensors and Killing vectors. We also discuss the condition of separation of variables for the geodesic Hamilton-Jacobi equations.Comment: 17 pages, no figure, LaTe

    Studies of the Anomalous Hall Effect and Magnetic Structure of Nd2Mo2O7 -Test of the Chirality Mechanism-

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    Neutron scattering studies have been carried out under the magnetic fields H//[0_11] and H//[001] on a single crystal of Nd2Mo2O7, whose Hall resistivity(rhoH) exhibits quite unusual H- and temperature(T)-dependences. Material parameters such as the single ion anisotropies of the Mo- and Nd- moments and exchange coupling constants among the Mo-Mo, Mo-Nd and Nd-Nd moments, have been determined to reproduce various kinds of experimental data taken as a function of H and T. For example, the neutron Bragg intensities, magnetization curves and the magnetic specific heats have been reproduced by the common parameters. By using the magnetic structure reproduced by these parameters, the spin chirality (chi) of Mo spins or the fictitious magnetic flux Phi proportional to chi has been calculated as a function of H and T by using equation chi=, where the bracket means the statistical average. (Note that we do not use the equation chi=x, because the local nature of the chirality should be correctly considered.) Comparing the calculated results with the observed rhoH, we can conclude that the unusual behavior of rH cannot be understood consistently only by the chirality mechanism.Comment: 16 pages, 12 fiures, submitted to J. Phys. Soc. Jp

    Quark condensates in the chiral bag with the NJL interaction

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    We discuss the quark condensate of the vacuum inside the baryon. We analyze the 1+1 dimensional chiral bag in analogy with the realistic 3+1 dimensional one. The Nambu--Jona-Lasinio (NJL) type interaction is used to investigate the quark condensate in the chiral bag. Considering the strong meson-quark coupling, we solve the mean field solution to the scalar and pseudoscalar channels by including the chiral Casimir effects. The self-consistent equation allows a finite value of the quark condensate and hence a finite dynamical quark mass inside the bag. It is shown that an approximate Cheshire Cat picture holds for massive quarks