26 research outputs found

    Continuous Intraocular Pressure Monitoring During Nocturnal Sleep in Patients With Obstructive Sleep Apnea Syndrome

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    PURPOSE. To evaluate intraocular pressure (IOP) changes during nocturnal sleep in patients with obstructive sleep apnea syndrome (OSAS) using a contact lens sensor (CLS). METHODS. This was a prospective cohort study. Seven OSAS patients who had no ocular diseases except mild cataract were enrolled. Each subject underwent CLS-based continuous IOP monitoring on one eye simultaneously with overnight polysomnography. We classified the nocturnal IOP records into nonapnea IOP and apnea IOP, according to the duration of apnea events on polysomnography within each IOP measurement time of 30 seconds every 5 minutes. RESULTS. Differences between IOP levels during nonapnea and apnea phases were statistically analyzed. The mean apnea-hypopnea index, the total number of these events per hour of sleep, was 44.2 +/- 21.0, indicating the participants' severity of OSAS as moderate to severe. The mean range of IOP fluctuations during nocturnal sleep was 22.3 +/- 59.5 mV eq. All patients showed lower mean IOP levels during apnea events than during nonapnea phases, with statistically significant differences detected in four of the seven patients. On average, in all seven eyes, IOP values significantly decreased by 23.1 +/- 16.4 mV eq in association with apnea events. CONCLUSIONS. Obstructive apnea led to an immediate IOP decline during nocturnal sleep in patients with OSAS. Attention should be paid to IOP-independent etiology, such as episodic hypoxia, potentially linking OSAS and glaucoma

    Optical coherence tomography as a possible tool to monitor and predict disease progression in mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes

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    Optical coherence tomography (OCT) is an imaging technique used to obtain three-dimensional information on the retina. In this article, we evaluated the structural neuro-retinal abnormalities, especially the thickness in the ganglion cell complex (GCC), in patients with mitochondrial myopathy, encephalopathy, lactic acidosis and stroke-like episodes (MELAS). The GCC thickness in MELAS patients was significantly thinner than that in normal controls even when they had no history of transient homonymous hemianopia. There was a negative correlation between GCC thickness and disease duration. In conclusion, OCT may be an effective tool to monitor and predict disease progression in MELAS patients

    Modified 360-degree suture trabeculotomy combined with phacoemulsification and intraocular lens implantation for glaucoma and coexisting cataract

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    PURPOSE: To assess the efficacy and safety of a modified 360-degree suture trabeculotomy combined with a cataract surgery technique in patients with glaucoma and coexisting cataract. SETTING: Hokkaido University Hospital, Sapporo, Japan. DESIGN: Retrospective case series. METHODS: Medical records of patients with glaucoma having a modified 360-degree trabeculotomy combined with cataract surgery (Group 1) were reviewed. Another group of patients who had the modified 360-degree suture trabeculotomy alone served as controls (Group 2). RESULTS: Both groups comprised 46 patients. In each group, eyes were diagnosed with primary angle-closure glaucoma in 2 eyes, primary open-angle glaucoma in 24 eyes, exfoliation glaucoma in 4 eyes, uveitic glaucoma in 15 eyes, and steroid glaucoma in 1 eye. The mean preoperative intraocular pressure (IOP) values were 27.2 mm Hg +/- 7.3 (SD) on 3.0 +/- 0.5 medications in Group 1 and 27.7 +/- 10.7 mm Hg on 2.9 +/- 0.6 medications in Group 2. Twelve months after surgery, the mean IOPs were 13.4 +/- 3.7 mm Hg on 0.8 +/- 1.1 medications in Group 1 and 13.9 +/- 4.1 mm Hg on 0.6 +/- 0.9 medications in Group 2. The success rate (<18 mm Hg) at 12 months was 89.1% and 93.5%, respectively. Major complications included transient IOP spikes (30.4% and 37.0%) and prolonged hyphema (10.9% and 6.5%) in Group 1 and Group 2, respectively. CONCLUSION: The data showed the equivalent effects of suture trabeculotomy combined with cataract surgery and suture trabeculotomy surgery alone on postoperative safety and efficacy

    Macular thickness changes in a patient with Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy

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    Background: Leber's hereditary optic neuropathy (LHON) refers to an optic nerve dysfunction due to mutations in the mitochondrial DNA, resulting in visual loss by apoptosis of retinal ganglion cells (RGC). In 20% of LHON cases, their fundus examination looks entirely normal at early stage. There are some reports regarding the circumpapillary retinal nerve fiber layer (cpRNFL) and the ganglion cell analysis around the macula in LHON patients and carriers by using optical coherence tomography. Case presentation: A 40-year-old female complained of acute visual loss in both eyes. Her best-corrected visual acuity was 0.3 in the right eye and 0.2 in the left eye at the initial visit. Goldmann perimetry revealed bilateral central scotomas. Fundus examination and fluorescein angiography findings were normal, but decreased retinal inner layer thickness was detected around the macular area on spectral domain optical coherence tomography (SD-OCT). One month later, her visual acuity deteriorated to counting fingers in both eyes, and the thinning area of retinal inner layer spread rapidly. Suspected progressive RGC loss led us to check the possibility of LHON, with which the patient was diagnosed due to a positive result for the mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA) 11778 mutation. The ganglion cell complex (GCC) and cpRNFL thicknesses were observed for 24 months by using SD-OCT. The GCC thickness plunged sharply within 3 months followed by gradual decline until 6 months, thereafter showing a plateau up to 24 months. On the cpRNFL map, the temporal quadrant also showed the earliest thinning as seen in the macular area of the GCC map. The thicknesses of the superior, nasal, and inferior quadrants decreased gradually, keeping their normal ranges up to 6 months. Conclusions: SD-OCT was a useful tool in the diagnosis and follow-up of LHON. The macular GCC thickness map may detect the earliest morphological changes in LHON, as well as the temporal area of cpRNFL, before funduscopic examination reveals optic nerve atrophy

    Histological Findings in the Trabecular Meshwork of a Patient with Atopic Glaucoma

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    Purpose: The aim of this study was to report a case of atopic dermatitis showing elevated intraocular pressure (IOP) beyond the baseline levels followed by a modified 360-degree suture trabeculotomy, and to analyze the histological findings in the trabecular meshwork. Methods: A 40-year-old male suffered from blurred vision in the right eye (OD). He had a medical history of severe atopic dermatitis and intraocular lens implantation OU due to atopic cataract. At the initial presentation, the visual acuity was 0.03, and IOP was 35 mmHg OD. Slit-lamp examination demonstrated corneal epithelial edema OD. Increased IOP was refractory to several topical medications. The patient underwent a modified 360-degree suture trabeculotomy. The visual field defect, however, deteriorated with persistently high IOP. The patient underwent trabeculectomy together with drainage implant surgery. In the outflow routes, although there seemed to be an opening of Schlemm's canal into the anterior chamber, there was no endothelium of the canal in the region of its opening. The fibrotic changes were conspicuous around Schlemm's canal. Conclusion: The histological results indicated that trabeculotomy might not be an appropriate treatment for patients with atopic glaucoma, possibly because of excessive repair to the newly created uveoscleral outflow in addition to the increased postoperative fibrosis in the trabecular meshwork and Schlemm's canal.The author name "Shiki" is a typographical error for "Shinki"

    Expression of Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor-C in the Trabecular Meshwork of Patients with Neovascular Glaucoma and Primary Open-Angle Glaucoma

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    The Abstract: Purpose To investigate the expression of vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF)-C and vascular endothelial growth factor receptor (VEGFR)3 in the trabecular meshwork (TM) of patients with glaucoma and cultured TM cells. Methods: The expressions of VEGF-C in angle tissues collected by trabeculectomy from patients with glaucoma and non-glaucomatous choroidal malignant melanoma were analyzed by immunohistochemistry. Additionally, VEGF-C concentrations were determined in the aqueous humor of patients with glaucoma by ELISA. The expressions of VEGFR3, which is a receptor of VEGF-C in cultured TM cells, were analyzed by Western blot analysis and immunocytochemistry. Cultured TM cells were stimulated by oxidative stress, hypoxia, or high glucose conditions, and VEGF-C concentrations in supernatants and cell lysates were determined by ELISA. Results: VEGF-C immunoreactivity was positive in TM tissues of glaucoma patients, but not in those of non-glaucomatous controls. VEGF-C concentrations in the aqueous humor of patients with neovascular glaucoma and primary open-angle glaucoma were lower than those with non-glaucoma patients. VEGFR3 was expressed in cultured TM cells. VEGF-C concentrations in supernatants or cell lysates of TM cells cultured under oxidative stress and hypoxia were significantly elevated compared with those under steady conditions (p < 0.05). VEGF-C concentrations in supernatants and cell lysates of TM cells cultured in high glucose were significantly higher than those in low glucose (p < 0.01). Conclusions: VEGF-C was expressed in TM tissues of patients with glaucoma, which was secreted from cultured TM cells under various pathological conditions. These results suggest that VEGF-C may be involved in the pathology of glaucoma

    Sudden bilateral vision loss due to third ventricular cavernous angioma with intratumoral hemorrhage - case report

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    Background: We report a rare case of sudden bilateral vision loss due to third ventricular cavernous angioma with intratumoral hemorrhage. Case presentation: A 45-year-old woman presented decreased visual acuity in both eyes. Her best corrected visual acuity was 0.1 in the right eye and 0.15 in the left eye. Goldmann perimetry showed bilateral central scotomas and bitemporal visual field defects. MRI demonstrated a lesion with mixed hypo- and hyperintensity at the optic chiasm, which was thought to be an intratumoral hemorrhage. The patient underwent bifrontal craniotomy. The tumor was exposed via an anterior interhemispheric approach, and histological evaluation of the mass led to a diagnosis of cavernous angioma. Six months after the surgery, her best corrected visual acuity was 0.9 in the right eye and 0.9 in the left, with slight bitemporal visual field defects. Conclusion: Third ventricular cavernous angioma is considered in the differential diagnosis of chiasmal syndrome. Contrast-enhanced MRI and FDG-PET might be useful for differential diagnosis of cavernous angioma from other chiasmal tumors including glioblastoma