1,078 research outputs found

    Dynamics of coupled vortices in a pair of ferromagnetic disks

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    We here experimentally demonstrate that coupled gyration modes can be resonantly excited primarily by the ac current in a pair of ferromagnetic disks with varied separating distance. The sole gyrotropic mode clearly splits into a higher and a lower frequency modes for different configurations of polarities via dipolar interaction. These experimental results indicate that the magnetostatically coupled pair of vortices behaves similar to a diatomic molecule with bonding and anti-bonding states. These findings lead to the possible extension of designing the magnonic band structure in a chain or an array of vortices.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures, accepte


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    The influence of pump phase error on phase-sensitive optical amplifier (PSA) repeaters and the waveform degradation due to chromatic dispersion and fiber nonlinearities in the optical multi-relay transmission of quadrature phase-shift keying phase-conjugated twin waves are considered theoretically. First, the influence of noise from the pump phase error, optical local oscillator, receiver, and the amplified spontaneous-emission (ASE) in PSA repeaters is investigated with the assumption that transmission fibers are linear lossy channels. The bit-error rate (BER) is estimated as a function of the signal-to-noise ratio, and the relationship between the number of transmission relays and the fiber launch power is clarified. Waveform degradation due to chromatic dispersion and the optical fiber nonlinearities in transmission fibers are investigated with the noiseless condition, and the maximum repeatable number as a function of the fiber launch power is calculated. Finally, we show the relationship among the maximum repeatable number, standard deviation of pump phase error in PSA repeaters, and the fiber launch power to clarify the optimum transmission condition with consideration of the noise and the waveform degradation

    Antarctic primitive achondrites Yamato-74025, -75300, and -75305:Their mineralogy, thermal history and the relevance to winonaite

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    Three Antarctic primitive achondrites, Yamato (Y)-74025,-75300,and -75305 were mineralogically and chemically studied. They consist of anhedral to subhedral silicate and opaque minerals. The major constituent minerals are typical of equilibrated ordinary chondrites. However, they do not have any relic of chondrule, and the presence of various accessory minerals, such as K-feldspar, schreibersite, daubreelite, phosphate, Nb-bearing rutile, and magnesiochromite, characterizes these meteorites. Y-75305 has a composite grain containing Cu, Mn, and S, probably consisting of alabandite, an unknown Mn-bearing Cu-sulfide, and digenite. Y-74025 has a REE pattern typical of chondrite. Siderophile elements in Y-74025 are depleted relative to Cl chondrites, which is consistent with poor abundance of Fe-Ni metal in Y-74025. Holocrystalline texture, homogeneous mineral compositions, and high equilibration temperatures for pyroxenes, suggest that these primitive achondrites experienced high-temperature metamorphism. Mineralogical and chemical characteristics suggest that they resemble Winona-like meteorites (winonaites). The compositions of pyroxene and olivine, and accessory minerals suggest that winonaites formed under an intermediate redox condition between E-chondrites and Acapulco-like primitive achondrites. The abundance of troilite and Fe-Ni metal varies widely. The metal-sulfide fractions of winonaites probably melted and fractionated, although silicate fractions of winonaites do not have any evidence for melting

    Metabolites produced by probiotic Lactobacilli rapidly increase glucose uptake by Caco-2 cells

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    <p>Abstract</p> <p>Background</p> <p>Although probiotic bacteria and their metabolites alter enterocyte gene expression, rapid, non-genomic responses have not been examined. The present study measured accumulation of tracer (2 μM) glucose by Caco-2 cells after exposure for 10 min or less to a chemically defined medium (CDM) with different monosaccharides before and after anaerobic culture of probiotic <it>Lactobacilli</it>.</p> <p>Results</p> <p>Growth of <it>L. acidophilus </it>was supported by CDM with 110 mM glucose, fructose, and mannose, but not with arabinose, ribose, and xylose or the sugar-free CDM. Glucose accumulation was reduced when Caco-2 cells were exposed for 10 min to sterile CDM with glucose (by 92%), mannose (by 90%), fructose (by 55%), and ribose (by 16%), but not with arabinose and xylose. Exposure of Caco-2 cells for 10 min to bacteria-free supernatants prepared after exponential (48 h) and stationary (72 h) growth phases of <it>L. acidophilus </it>cultured in CDM with 110 mM fructose increased glucose accumulation by 83% and 45%, respectively; exposure to a suspension of the bacteria had no effect. The increase in glucose accumulation was diminished by heat-denaturing the supernatant, indicating the response of Caco-2 cells is triggered by as yet unknown heat labile bacterial metabolites, not by a reduction in CDM components that decrease glucose uptake. Supernatants prepared after anaerobic culture of <it>L. gasseri, L. amylovorus, L. gallinarum</it>, and <it>L. johnsonii </it>in the CDM with fructose increased glucose accumulation by 83%, 32%, 27%, and 14%, respectively.</p> <p>Conclusion</p> <p>The rapid, non-genomic upregulation of SGLT1 by bacterial metabolites is a heretofore unrecognized interaction between probiotics and the intestinal epithelium.</p

    Anode Properties of CrxV1-xSi2/Si Composite Electrodes for LithiumIon Batteries

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    We have reported the effects of substituting a transition metal in silicide on the electrochemical performance of the silicide/Si composite anode for lithium-ion batteries (LIBs); the Cr0.5V0.5Si2/Si electrode exhibited much better cyclability compared with CrSi2/Si and VSi2/Si electrodes. Herein, we investigated the electrochemical performance of a CrxV1–xSi2/Si slurry electrode for its application in LIBs, and the results obtained were compared to those of a gas deposition (GD) electrode, which was comprised of only active materials. The slurry electrode exhibited a superior cycling life as with the GD electrode. After charge–discharge cycles, the expansion of the electrode thickness of CrSi2/Si and Cr0.5V0.5Si2/Si was smaller than that of VSi2/Si, and VSi2 was significantly pulverized compared with the other silicides. It is considered that VSi2 deformed easily by the stress from Si expansion and pulverized because the hardness of VSi2 was the smallest among the silicides used in this study. These results reveal that Cr0.5V0.5Si2/Si has great potential as an anode material for next-generation LIBs and hardness is an important property for compositing silicide with Si


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    Twenty six patients with bronchial asthma was classified by clinical symptoms and singns (clinical diagnosis), and the classification by clinical diagnosis was compared with the classification by a score calculated from clinical findings and examinations (score diagnosis). 1. Of 12 subjects with type Ia classified by clinical diagnosis, 8 cases with 0 to 49 ml/day of expectoration were evaluated as type Ia by score diagnosis. While four type Ia cases with 50 to 99ml/day of expectoration were calssified as type Ib by score diagnosis. The increased incidence of eosinophils in bronchoalveolar lavage fluid (BALF) of these four cases was similar to the incidence in type Ib cases with hypersecretion. 2. All of 6 subjects with type Ib by clinical diagnosis were estimated as type Ib by score diagnosis. 3. Of 8 cases with type II by clinical diagnosis, 7 cases were assessed as type II by score diagnosis. One case with type II by clinical diagnosis and with the score of 10 points was evaluated as questionable type II by score diagnosis.気管支喘息36例を対象に,臨床病態による喘息の分類(臨床診断)を試み,この分類と臨床所見および臨床検査より求めたスコアーによる分類(スコアー分類)との比較検討を行った。1.臨床分類でIa.単純性気管支攣縮型と診断された12症例のうち,1日喀痰量0-49mlの8症例は,スコアー分類では同様にIa.型と分類された。一方,1日喀痰量50-99mlの4症例はスコアー分類ではIb.型(気管支攣縮+過分泌型)と分類された。これら4症例のBALF中好酸球増多はIb.型に類似した病態であった。2.臨床診断によりIb.型に分類された6症例はいずれもスコアー診断でもIb.型と分類された。3.臨床診断によりII.型(細気管支閉塞型)と分類された8症例のうち,7症例はスコアー診断でもII.型と分類されたが,1症例はスコアー10でII.型の診断基準に合わず,questionable II.型と診断された


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    取得学位 : 博士(医学), 学位授与番号 : 医博甲第1099号, 学位授与年月日:平成6年3月25日,学位授与年:199