11,220 research outputs found

    Sensitivity of T2KK to the non-standard interaction in propagation

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    Assuming only the non-zero electron and tau neutrino components ϵee\epsilon_{ee}, ϵeτ\epsilon_{e\tau}, ϵττ\epsilon_{\tau\tau} of the non-standard matter effect and postulating the atmospheric neutrino constraint ϵττ=ϵeτ2/(1+ϵee)\epsilon_{\tau\tau}=|\epsilon_{e\tau}|^2/(1+\epsilon_{ee}), we study the sensitivity to the non-standard interaction in neutrino propagation of the T2KK neutrino long-baseline experiment. It is shown that T2KK can constrain the parameters ϵee1|\epsilon_{ee}|\lesssim 1, ϵeτ0.2|\epsilon_{e\tau}|\lesssim 0.2. It is also shown that if ϵeτ|\epsilon_{e\tau}| and θ13\theta_{13} are large, then T2KK can determine the Dirac phase and the phase of ϵeτ\epsilon_{e\tau} separately, due to the information at the two baselines. We also provide an argument that the components ϵαμ|\epsilon_{\alpha\mu}| (α=e,μ,τ)(\alpha=e,\mu,\tau) must be small for the disappearance oscillation probability to be consistent with high-energy atmospheric neutrino data, which justifies our premise that these quantities are negligible.Comment: 29 pages, 25 figures, uses revtex4-1. Several places including typos revised. New references adde

    Localization and diffusion of tracer particles in viscoelastic media with active force dipoles

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    Optical tracking in vivo experiments reveal that diffusion of particles in biological cells is strongly enhanced in the presence of ATP and the experimental data for animal cells could previously be reproduced within a phenomenological model of a gel with myosin motors acting within it [EPL 110, 48005 (2015)]. Here, the two-fluid model of a gel is considered where active macromolecules, described as force dipoles, cyclically operate both in the elastic and the fluid components. Through coarse-graining, effective equations of motions for tracer particles displaying local deformations and local fluid flows are derived. The equation for deformation tracers coincides with the earlier phenomenological model and thus confirms it. For flow tracers, diffusion enhancement caused by active force dipoles in the fluid component, and thus due to metabolic activity, is found. The latter effect may explain why ATP-dependent diffusion enhancement could also be observed in bacteria that lack molecular motors in their skeleton or when the activity of myosin motors was chemically inhibited

    Spontaneous alloying in binary metal microclusters - A molecular dynamics study -

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    Microcanonical molecular dynamics study of the spontaneous alloying(SA), which is a manifestation of fast atomic diffusion in a nano-sized metal cluster, is done in terms of a simple two dimensional binary Morse model. Important features observed by Yasuda and Mori are well reproduced in our simulation. The temperature dependence and size dependence of the SA phenomena are extensively explored by examining long time dynamics. The dominant role of negative heat of solution in completing the SA is also discussed. We point out that a presence of melting surface induces the diffusion of core atoms even if they are solid-like. In other words, the {\it surface melting} at substantially low temperature plays a key role in attaining the SA.Comment: 15 pages, 12 fgures, Submitted to Phys.Rev.

    Nuclear effects in Neutrino Nuclear Cross-sections

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    Nuclear effects in the quasielastic and inelastic scattering of neutrinos(antineutrinos) from nuclear targets have been studied. The calculations are done in the local density approximation which take into account the effect of nucleon motion as well as renormalisation of weak transition strengths in the nuclear medium. The inelastic reaction leading to production of pions is calculated in a Δ\Delta dominance model taking into account the renormalization of Δ\Delta properties in the nuclear medium.Comment: 4 pages,3 figures, Ninth International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams and Betabeams (NuFact07), August 6-11, 2007, Okayama University, Okayama, Japa

    Global NLO Analysis of Nuclear Parton Distribution Functions

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    Nuclear parton distribution functions (NPDFs) are determined by a global analysis of experimental measurements on structure-function ratios F_2^A/F_2^{A'} and Drell-Yan cross section ratios \sigma_{DY}^A/\sigma_{DY}^{A'}, and their uncertainties are estimated by the Hessian method. The NPDFs are obtained in both leading order (LO) and next-to-leading order (NLO) of \alpha_s. As a result, valence-quark distributions are relatively well determined, whereas antiquark distributions at x>0.2 and gluon distributions in the whole x region have large uncertainties. The NLO uncertainties are slightly smaller than the LO ones; however, such a NLO improvement is not as significant as the nucleonic case.Comment: 3 pages, LaTeX, 4 eps files, to be published in the AIP proceedings of the 9th International Workshop on Neutrino Factories, Superbeams and Betabeams (NuFact07), Okayama, Japan, August 6 - 11, 2007. A code for calculating our nuclear parton distribution functions and their uncertainties can be obtained from http://research.kek.jp/people/kumanos/nuclp.htm

    A design method of broadband metalens using time-domain topology optimization

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    Flat metalenses have attracted attention due to an increasing demand for compact electromagnetic devices. For such applications, broadband metalenses are highly desirable; however, conventional metalenses show relatively narrow band operation. Here, we propose a design method of free-form metalenses using topology optimization to operate with enhanced bandwidths. In contrast with preceding reports of topology optimization methods for metalenses, we developed a topology optimization method based on the time domain formulation to deal with broadband frequencies simultaneously. For this purpose, a group delay of optical pulses in the time domain, which is equivalent to the broadband phase matching condition in the frequency domain, is employed in the objective function. A level set based topology optimization method is applied to obtain a clear optimal configuration. To demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed method, we provide design examples of metalens unit cells at millimeter frequency. We confirm that optimized unit cells of metalenses show superior performance compared to the conventional unit cells for both transmittance efficiency and phase error in broadband wavelength

    Statistical-mechanical iterative algorithms on complex networks

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    The Ising models have been applied for various problems on information sciences, social sciences, and so on. In many cases, solving these problems corresponds to minimizing the Bethe free energy. To minimize the Bethe free energy, a statistical-mechanical iterative algorithm is often used. We study the statistical-mechanical iterative algorithm on complex networks. To investigate effects of heterogeneous structures on the iterative algorithm, we introduce an iterative algorithm based on information of heterogeneity of complex networks, in which higher-degree nodes are likely to be updated more frequently than lower-degree ones. Numerical experiments clarified that the usage of the information of heterogeneity affects the algorithm in BA networks, but does not influence that in ER networks. It is revealed that information of the whole system propagates rapidly through such high-degree nodes in the case of Barab{\'a}si-Albert's scale-free networks.Comment: 7 pages, 6 figure

    Classical Correlation-Length Exponent in Non-Universal Quantum Phase Transition of Diluted Heisenberg Antiferromagnet

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    Critical behavior of the quantum phase transition of a site-diluted Heisenberg antiferromagnet on a square lattice is investigated by means of the quantum Monte Carlo simulation with the continuous-imaginary-time loop algorithm. Although the staggered spin correlation function decays in a power law with the exponent definitely depending on the spin size SS, the correlation-length exponent is classical, i.e., ν=4/3\nu=4/3. This implies that the length scale characterizing the non-universal quantum phase transition is nothing but the mean size of connected spin clusters.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figure

    Lifetime measurement of the ^3P_2 metastable state of strontium atoms

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    We have measured the lifetime of the 5s5p ^3P_2 metastable state of strontium atoms by magneto-optically trapping the decayed atoms to the ground state, which allowed sensitive detection of the rare decay events. We found that the blackbody radiation-induced decay was the dominant decay channel for the state at T = 300 K. The lifetime was determined to be 500^{+280}_{-130} s in the limit of zero temperature.Comment: 4 pages, 3 figures, submitted to Physical Review Letter