116 research outputs found

    Boundary States of D-branes in AdS_3 Based on Discrete Series

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    We study D-branes in the Lorentzian AdS_3 background from the viewpoint of boundary states, emphasizing the role of open-closed duality in string theory. Employing the world sheet with Lorentzian signature, we construct the Cardy states with the discrete series. We show that they are compatible with (1) unitarity and normalizability, and (2) the spectral flow symmetry, in the open string spectrum. We also discuss their brane interpretation. We further show that in the case of superstrings on AdS_3 x S^3 x T^4, our Cardy states yield an infinite number of physical BPS states in the open string channel, on which the spectral flows act consistently.Comment: 27 pages, latex, no figures, v2: we discuss on the single cover of AdS_3 rather than the universal cover, reference added, v3: Appendix B and reference adde

    Marginal deformations of 3d supersymmetric U(N) model and broken higher spin symmetry

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    We examine the marginal deformations of double-trace type in 3d supersymmetric U(N) model with N complex free bosons and fermions. We compute the anomalous dimensions of higher spin currents to the 1/N order but to all orders in the deformation parameters by mainly applying the conformal perturbation theory. The 3d field theory is supposed to be dual to 4d supersymmetric Vasiliev theory, and the marginal deformations are argued to correspond to modifying boundary conditions for bulk scalars and fermions. Thus the modification should break higher spin gauge symmetry and generate the masses of higher spin fields. We provide supports for the dual interpretation by relating bulk computation in terms of Witten diagrams to boundary one in conformal perturbation theory.Comment: 32 pages, 3 figures, minor changes, references added, published versio

    Three point functions in higher spin AdS_3 holography with 1/N corrections

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    We examine three point functions with two scalar operators and a higher spin current in 2d W_N minimal model to the next non-trivial order in 1/N expansion. The minimal model was proposed to be dual to a 3d higher spin gauge theory, and 1/N corrections should be interpreted as quantum effects in the dual gravity theory. We develop a simple and systematic method to obtain three point functions by decomposing four point functions of scalar operators with Virasoro conformal blocks. Applying the method, we reproduce known results at the leading order in 1/N and obtain new ones at the next leading order. As confirmation, we check that our results satisfy relations among three point functions conjectured before.Comment: 30 pages, no figures, minor changes, a reference added, published versio