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    Biotechnology is the term given to the branch of science that employs knowledge, techniques, and genetic engineering methods for creating various products using living organisms as raw material. Although this term has been recently adopted, humans have long been manipulating biological processes for their own benefit. Biotechnology is multidisciplinary and encompasses various fields of knowledge, with significant progress achieved over the years, particularly in the medical and cosmetic sectors. Through genetic engineering, it has become possible to edit genes more precisely, revolutionizing the study and manipulation of DNA and allowing the proposal and use of strategies that were once unthinkable in the scientific field to address contemporary issues. Among its most recent contributions are the development of new drugs and biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, cellular, genetic, and protein therapies, as well as the production of biocosmetics. However, there are still challenges to be faced in the extensive use of genetic engineering, ranging from production costs and the success of the technique at the molecular level to ethical issues surrounding the application of this technology. Thus, this literature review aims to discuss the most recent advances, applications, and future perspectives of biotechnology and genetic engineering in the scientific field.La biotecnología es el nombre dado al campo de la ciencia que utiliza conocimientos, técnicas y métodos de la ingeniería genética para crear diversos productos a partir del uso de seres vivos como materia prima. Aunque este término ha sido adoptado recientemente, durante mucho tiempo, los seres humanos han utilizado la manipulación de procesos biológicos buscando su propio beneficio. La biotecnología es multidisciplinaria e involucra varias áreas del conocimiento, y a lo largo de los años ha logrado importantes avances, especialmente en las áreas médica y cosmética. A través de la ingeniería genética, se ha vuelto posible editar genes de manera más precisa, revolucionando la forma de estudio y manipulación del ADN y permitiendo la propuesta y el uso de estrategias antes impensables en el campo científico para abordar los problemas contemporáneos. Entre sus contribuciones más recientes se encuentran el desarrollo de nuevos fármacos y biofármacos, vacunas, terapias celulares, genéticas y proteicas, así como la producción de biocosméticos. Sin embargo, existen desafíos en el uso extensivo de la ingeniería genética, que van desde los costos de producción y el éxito de la técnica a nivel molecular hasta las cuestiones éticas que rodean la aplicación de esta tecnología. Por lo tanto, esta revisión buscó abordar los avances más recientes, así como las aplicaciones y perspectivas futuras del uso de la biotecnología y la ingeniería genética en el campo científico.Biotechnology is the term given to the branch of science that employs knowledge, techniques, and genetic engineering methods for creating various products using living organisms as raw material. Although this term has been recently adopted, humans have long been manipulating biological processes for their own benefit. Biotechnology is multidisciplinary and encompasses various fields of knowledge, with significant progress achieved over the years, particularly in the medical and cosmetic sectors. Through genetic engineering, it has become possible to edit genes more precisely, revolutionizing the study and manipulation of DNA and allowing the proposal and use of strategies that were once unthinkable in the scientific field to address contemporary issues. Among its most recent contributions are the development of new drugs and biopharmaceuticals, vaccines, cellular, genetic, and protein therapies, as well as the production of biocosmetics. However, there are still challenges to be faced in the extensive use of genetic engineering, ranging from production costs and the success of the technique at the molecular level to ethical issues surrounding the application of this technology. Thus, this literature review aims to discuss the most recent advances, applications, and future perspectives of biotechnology and genetic engineering in the scientific field.Biotecnologia é o nome dado ao ramo da ciência que se utiliza de conhecimentos, técnicas e métodos da engenharia genética para a criação de diversos produtos a partir do uso de seres vivos como matéria-prima. Embora esse termo tenha sido adotado recentemente, há muito tempo o ser humano já utiliza a manipulação de processos biológicos visando o seu benefício próprio. A biotecnologia é multidisciplinar e envolve várias áreas do conhecimento, sendo que no decorrer dos anos tem alcançado importantes progressos, notadamente nas áreas médica e cosmética. Através da engenharia genética tornou-se possível editar genes de forma mais precisa, o que revolucionou a maneira de estudo e manipulação do DNA, permitindo a proposição e uso de estratégias outrora impensáveis no campo científico para o enfrentamento dos problemas contemporâneos. Dentre suas contribuições mais recentes estão o desenvolvimento de novos fármacos e biofármacos, vacinas, terapias celular, gênica e proteica, além da produção de biocosméticos. Contudo, ainda existem desafios a serem enfrentados no uso extensivo da engenharia genética, os quais permeiam desde os custos de produção e o sucesso da técnica no nível molecular até às questões éticas envolvendo a aplicação dessa tecnologia. Dessa forma, a presente revisão literária buscou discorrer sobre os avanços mais recentes permeando também as aplicações e perspectivas futuras do uso da biotecnologia e da engenharia genética no campo científico

    Prognostic Factors and Markers in Non-Small Cell Lung Cancer: Recent Progress and Future Challenges

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    Lung cancer is a highly aggressive neoplasm and, despite the development of recent therapies, tumor progression and recurrence following the initial response remains unsolved. Several questions remain unanswered about non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC): (1) Which patients will actually benefit from therapy? (2) What are the predictive factors of response to MAbs and TKIs? (3) What are the best combination strategies with conventional treatments or new antineoplastic drugs? To answer these questions, an integrative literature review was carried out, searching articles in PUBMED, NCBI-PMC, Google Academic, and others. Here, we will examine the molecular genetics of lung cancer, emphasizing NSCLC, and delineate the primary categories of inhibitors based on their molecular targets, alongside the main treatment alternatives depending on the type of acquired resistance. We highlighted new therapies based on epigenetic information and a single-cell approach as a potential source of new biomarkers. The current and future of NSCLC management hinges upon genotyping correct prognostic markers, as well as on the evolution of precision medicine, which guarantees a tailored drug combination with precise targeting