831 research outputs found

    A systematic review of the long and short-term effects of sports related concussions in youth and adolescent athletes

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    Background: Sports-related concussions impact thousands of young athletes. They can lead to short- and long-term effects, such as headaches, behavioral changes, and memory issues. These consequences lead to general concerns about the safety of young athletes participating in sports. Comprehending the effects of concussions in this vulnerable population is crucial for developing more advanced preventive measures and management strategies. Methods: This systematic review followed PRISMA guidelines, searching Google Scholar, PubMed, and the Augsburg University Lindell Library databases. Relevant studies were identified using specific terms. Articles were included based on their relevance to youth or adolescent athletes and sports-related concussions. Studies that did not meet these criteria or were not published from 2018 and beyond were excluded. Results: The review analyzed 15 articles that investigated the effects of concussions on youth and adolescent athletes. Neurological/cognitive function revealed subtle cognitive impairments, altered brain structure, and changes in cognitive domains following concussions. Motor skills studies showed persistent deficits in balance control, visuomotor tasks, and other tasks. Mental health outcomes indicated a positive relationship between concussions and symptoms of depression. Lastly, school-related studies reported a decline in academic performance following concussions. Conclusion: Sports-related concussions have significant short- and long-term effects on youth athletes. The findings demonstrate the need for stricter return-to-play protocols, comprehensive rehabilitation programs, and mental health support during recovery. Prioritizing the health and safety of young athletes is vital for their well-being not only in sports but their livelihoods

    Impact of Internet Banking on Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia Banks

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    The main objective of study was examined the impact of internet banking on financial performance, empirical evidence of commercial banks of Ethiopia. Specifically, the study empirically examined impact of internet banking, bank liquidity, capital adequacy, bank size, cost efficiency and deposit to asset ratio on financial performance. This study adopted correlation explanatory research design with arrangement of secondary method of data collection via document analysis, panel, quantitative approach and deductive method of inquiry. The sample of this study was 10 banks covering the period 2010-2016. Descriptive and regression analysis were performed to analyze the data. Besides, econometric model estimation procedures and specification tests plus multiple regression assumptions were tested. Accordingly, fixed effect regression model was chosen. The results of fixed effect regression analysis revealed that internet banking, capital adequacy and cost efficiency were positively associated to banks financial performance, whereas deposits to asset ratio were negatively correlated with banks financial performance. Hence, those banks with adoption of internet banking, higher capital adequacy, higher cost efficiency and lower deposit asset ratio established better banks financial performance than those with non-adoption of internet banking, lower capital adequacy, lesser cost efficiency and higher deposit to asset ratio established banks in Ethiopia. However, size of banks and banks liquidity has negative but statistically insignificant relationship with financial performance of banks in Ethiopia. Therefore, in the case of Ethiopia banks, bank size and banks liquidity have not considered as a factor that impact on financial performance of Ethiopia banks. Keywords: Internet banking, financial performance, multiply regression and Commercial banks of Ethiopia

    Impact of Internet Banking on Financial Performance: Empirical Evidence from Commercial Banks of Ethiopia

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    The main objective of this study was to examine the impact of internet banking on financial performance, empirical evidence of commercial banks of Ethiopia. Specifically, the study empirically examined impact of internet banking, bank liquidity, capital adequacy, bank size, cost efficiency, deposit to asset ratio and inflation on financial performance. This study adopted explanatory research design with arrangement of secondary method of data collection via document analysis, panel, quantitative approach and deductive method of inquiry. The sample of this study was taken 10 banks covering the period 2010-2016. Descriptive and regression analysis were performed to analyze the data using Stata version 12. Besides, econometric model estimation procedures and specification tests plus multiple regression assumptions were tested. Accordingly, random effect regression model was chosen. The results of random effect regression analysis revealed that capital adequacy and cost efficiency were positively associated to banks financial performance, whereas bank liquidity, deposits to asset ratio and inflation was negatively correlated with banks financial performance. However, internet banking and size of banks has positive and negative respectively but statistically insignificant relationship with financial performance of banks in Ethiopia. Therefore, in the case of Ethiopia banks, internet banking and bank size has not considered as a factor that impact on financial performance of Ethiopia banks. Keywords: Internet banking, financial performance, multiply regression and Commercial banks of Ethiopia

    Impact of Managerial Factors on Commercial Bank Profitability: Empirical Evidence from Ethiopia Banks

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    The main purpose of this paper was to determine the impact of managerial factors on profitability, empirical evidence of commercial banks of Ethiopia. Specifically, the study empirically examined impact of bank liquidity, capital adequacy, bank size, cost efficiency and deposit to asset ratio on banks profitability. This study adopted explanatory research design with arrangement of secondary method of data collection via document analysis, panel, quantitative approach and deductive method of inquiry. The sample of this study was taken 10 banks covering the period 2010-2016. Descriptive and regression analysis were performed to analyze the data using Stata version 12. Besides, econometric model estimation procedures and specification tests plus multiple regression assumptions were tested. Accordingly, random effect regression model was chosen. The results of random effect regression analysis revealed that capital adequacy and cost efficiency were positively associated to banks profitability, whereas bank liquidity and deposits to asset ratio was negatively correlated with banks profitability. However, banking size has negative but statistically insignificant relationship with profitability of banks in Ethiopia. Therefore, in the case of Ethiopia banks, bank size has not considered as a factor that effect on profitability of Ethiopia banks. Keywords: Managerial Factors,   Profitability, multiply regression and Commercial banks of Ethiopia

    Monitoring and modelling of non methane hydrocarbons (NMHCs) in various areas in Pulau Pinang, Malaysia.

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    Hidrokarbon bukan metana (NMHC) memainkan peranan penting dalam proses pembentukan ozon dalam persekitaran bandar, di mana pembebasan dari asap kenderaan adalah dominan. Non Methane Hydrocarbons (NMHC) plays a vital role in the formation process of ozone in urban environment, where vehicle emissions are dominant


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    Modern agriculture relies on mineral phosphorus (P) fertilizer produced from rock phosphate. Large amount of P fertilizers application is required to ensure productivity of agricultural systems. Rock phosphate is a non-renewable and rapidly depleting resource and hence P scarcity is expected to be a bottleneck for the sustainability of crop production in the future. In addition, high production cost of P fertilizers coupled with their heavy metal contamination (e.g., cadmium and uranium) is a challenge to boost agricultural production. Therefore, attention has recently been focused on phosphorus recovery from organic sources such as animal manure, sewage and sludge, crop residues, and animal bone to meet the high demand for P and reduce contaminations associated with mineral P fertiliser production. Recovery and re-use of P from slaughterhouse waste is one of the proposed solutions to secure future P demand. Accordingly, various researches have shown bone char (pyrolyzed animal bone under no or low oxygen condition) as potential P fertilizer with comparatively high P content. However, P contained in bone char is often poorly available to plant. Up to date, there have been considerable variations among the reported studies in the P fertilizing effect of bone char, ranging from positive effect to non-significant effect. The low P solubility from bone char and inconsistency in the past studies calls for more studies to understand factors controlling P solubility and bioavailability in thermally treated bone which may include processing method (pyrolysis vs. combustion) and processing temperature, chemical and structural difference in different animal bone, and soil environments to be applied. In addition to this, different strategies could be used to increase the solubility of P from bone char, such as phosphorous solubilizing microorganisms (PSMs). However, studies on P release pattern from bone char with the presence of PSM are limited and it is largely unknown whether bone-char production temperature and pyrolysis technique affect the efficiency of PSM to solubilize bone-char P. Therefore, two independent experiments were conducted (i) to determine effects of bone from different animals, thermal processing method, production temperature, and soil pH on P solubility and bioavailability from thermally processed bone and understand the underlying mechanism; and (ii) Investigate how pyrolysis temperature and co-pyrolysis of animal-bone with biomass influence the potential of different PSM strains to solubilize P in bone char and elucidate the survival rate of PSM and their P solubilization potential under different soil organic carbon levels. In the first experiment, P solubility was investigated from thermally treated animal bones produced from: (i) 3 different animals (chicken, sheep, and pig); (ii) 2 thermal processing methods (pyrolysis and combustion); and (iii) 4 production temperatures (300°C, 500°C, 700°C, and 900°C). Chemical extraction, incubation, and pot experiments were performed to evaluate P availability. Infrared splitting factor (IFRS) and width of 604 cm−1 peak (FW85%) calculated from FTIR spectra, coupled with X-ray powder diffractometer (XRD) were used to determine bioapatite crystallinity of thermally treated animal bones. In the second experiment, an in-vitro assay was conducted to investigate the potential of four Penicillium strains to solubilize P from bone char produced by different pyrolysis temperatures (i.e. 450oC and 850oC) and pyrolysis techniques (i.e. conventional (BC450, BC850) and co-pyrolysis (Co-BC450 and Co-BC-850)). Incubation and pot experiment were also carried to elucidate if organic carbon (OC) input increases the survival rate of PSM and their efficacy. The result of the first experiment, clearly demonstrated that, P solubility of thermally treated bones largely depended on bone type, thermal processing method, and production temperature as well as soil pH. Chicken bone showed the highest available P content (p 5000C. The XRD and FTIR studies confirmed higher degree of crystallization for those produced from pig bone, combustion, and higher temperatures (>700oC). Infrared splitting factor and width at 85% of the height of the 604 cm−1 peak were used to assess bioapatite crystallinity, and confirmed a negative correlation between bioapatite crystallization and P availability (p < 0.001), indicating the attribution of bioapatite crystallization for low soluble P during combustion and higher temperatures. At low soil pH (pH~4), addition of thermally treated bones increased Olsen-P and plant P uptake by two- to five-folds compared with unamended soils; however, no significant variation was observed at higher soil pH (pH~7). According to the results from the second experiment, solubilized P was significantly influenced by PSM type, processing temperature and biomass addition. All the Penicillium strains solubilized 11% - 39% of bone char-P from BC450 within three weeks. In contrast, only P. bilaiae was able to solubilize 19% of bone char-P from BC850, while the others solubilized only 2% of bone char-P which was comparable with the control (i.e. non-inoculated). Compared to BC450, addition of P. expansum and P. glabrum to Co-BC450 resulted in 167% and 133% more solubilized P respectively. Similarly, addition of P. expansum, P. glabrum, and P. aculeatum to Co-BC850 resulted in 10- to 45-fold more solubilized P compared to BC850. Soil C input increased solubility of bone char-P by 34% - 48%; PSM survival rate by 22% - 76%.; and plant P uptake by 29% - 55%. These findings suggested optimum thermal valorization conditions to develop alternative P biofertilizer from slaughterhouse waste; and indicated new approach to increase P fertilizer value of animal-bone using PSM; co-pyrolysis and soil C inputs.創価大

    Upper Euphrates Dialects between Arab Tribes’ Vernaculars and the Influence of Semitic Languages

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    لقد بات الاهتمام بدراسة اللهجات من أولويات علم اللغة الحديث، لما يقدمه هذا المجال من إسهامات كبيرة في فهم طبيعة اللغة وتتبع مراحلها التاريخية وبيان مدى تأثير البيئة والزمن في أصواتها وصرفها وبناء الجملة فيها، وما يعكسه ذلك على المستوى الدلالي، فيسلط هذا البحث الضوء على اللهجات العربية في منطقة أعالي الفرات. التي كانت عرضة لتغيرات جيوسياسية فرضت عليها أن تكون محطة لكثير من الأمم متعددة الثقافات واللغات. أثرت وتأثرت بلغات وثقافات سكانها الأصليين، فكان من الضرورة البحث والاستقصاء حول تلك المتغيرات التي تلعب دوراً في الوقوف على تأريخ اللهجات وأصالتها السائدة في هذه المنطقة قيد الدراسة، فاستعرض البحث الطبيعة الجغرافية للمنطقة ودورها في اختلاف اللهجات من قبيلة إلى أخرى، وكذلك تم استعراض الأقوام الأجنبية التي استوطنتها وتركت رواسب لغوية على عربية هذا الجزء من الأرض بشكل مختصر، ومما لا شك فيه كان التأثير متبادلاً، كما يكشف البحث عن الكثير من الألفاظ والسمات اللغوية الأصلية في اللغة العربية حولتها محاولات سرعة إيصال الفكرة والتسهيل إلى تغيير في شكل اللفظ صوتياً وصرفياً، ومن الجدير بالذكر إن من تلك الأمم الساميين التي تشترك لغاتهم بالعربية بالكثير من السمات اللغوية الناشئة من وحدة المصدر، وهو ما ركز عليه البحث في أغلب جوانبه.The interest in the study of dialects has become a priority for modern linguistics, as this area makes significant contributions to understanding the nature of the language, tracking its historical stages, demonstrating the impact of the environment and time on its voices, its disbursement and syntax, and what this reflects at the semantic level. This research highlights Arab dialects in the Upper Euphrates region which were subject to geopolitical changes that forced them to be a station for many multicultural and multilingual nations influenced and are affected by the languages and cultures of its indigenous population. Therefore, it was necessary to research and investigate those variables that play a role in determining the history and authenticity of the dialects prevailing in this area under study. The research reviewed the geographical nature of the region and its role in different dialects from one tribe to another, as well as briefly reviewed the foreign communities that settled it and left linguistic deposits on the Arabic of this part of the land and undoubtedly had a mutual impact. The research also reveals many of the original language and features in Arabic that have been transformed by attempts to quickly communicate the idea and facilitate a change in the form of the word vocally and purely, and it is worth noting that some of these nations are Sami, whose languages share in Arabic many of the language features arising from the source unit, which the research has focused on in most aspects. &nbsp

    Towards Fractal Approach in Healthcare Information Systems: A Review

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    Recently, traditional information systems need adaption capabilities in order to overcome modifications and maintains of external environment. For that, researchers proposed many solutions from the Fractal method to improve the flexibility and quick adaptive of the system. Computer Information System, as widely used systems, needs modifications and adaptations to real changes. The most important action is to circulate and updating new data and information among the hosts in agent-based information systems. This paper presents the review of using features of fractal method to solve many problems in different fields. The  paper is also suggesting employing fractal features for improving the flexibility and adaption of Healthcare Information System (HIS)

    Analytical studies of the tetracycline group of antibiotics

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