33 research outputs found


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    Image restoration is the operation of taking a corrupted or degraded low-quality image and estimating a high-quality clean image that is free of degradations. The most common degradations that affect the quality of the image are blur, atmospheric turbulence, adverse weather conditions (like rain, haze, and snow), and noise. Images captured under the influence of these corruptions or degradations can significantly affect the performance of subsequent computer vision algorithms such as segmentation, recognition, object detection, and tracking. With such algorithms becoming vital components in several applications such as autonomous navigation and video surveillance, it is increasingly important to develop sophisticated algorithms to remove these degradations and high-quality clean images. These reasons have motivated a plethora of research on single image restoration methods to remove such effects. Recently, following the success of deep learning-based convolutional neural networks, many approaches have been proposed to remove the degradations from the corrupted image. We study the following single image restoration problems: (i) atmospheric turbulence removal, (ii) deblurring, (iii) removing distortions introduced by adverse weather conditions such as rain, haze, and snow, and (iv) removing noise. However, existing single image restoration techniques suffer from the following major limitations: (i) They construct global priors without taking into account that these degradations can have a different effect on different local regions of the image. (ii) They use synthetic datasets for training which often results in sub-optimal performance on the real-world images, typically because of the distributional-shift between synthetic and real-world degraded images. (iii) Existing semi-supervised approaches don't account for the effect of unlabeled or real-world degraded image on semi-supervised performance. To address these limitations, we propose supervised image restoration techniques where we use uncertainty to improve the restoration performance. To overcome the second limitation, we propose a Gaussian process-based pseudo-labeling approach to leverage the real-world rain information and train the deraininng network in a semi-supervised fashion. Furthermore, to address the third limitation we theoretically study the effect of unlabeled images on semi-supervised performance and propose an adaptive rejection technique to boost semi-supervised performance. Finally, we recognize that existing supervised and semi-supervised methods need some kind of paired labeled data to train the network, and training on any kind of synthetic paired clean-degraded images may not completely solve the domain gap between synthetic and real-world degraded image distributions. Thus we propose a self-supervised transformer-based approach for image denoising. Here, given a noisy image, we generate multiple down-sampled images and learn the joint relation between these down-sampled using the Gaussian process to denoise the image

    NBD-GAP: Non-Blind Image Deblurring Without Clean Target Images

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    In recent years, deep neural network-based restoration methods have achieved state-of-the-art results in various image deblurring tasks. However, one major drawback of deep learning-based deblurring networks is that large amounts of blurry-clean image pairs are required for training to achieve good performance. Moreover, deep networks often fail to perform well when the blurry images and the blur kernels during testing are very different from the ones used during training. This happens mainly because of the overfitting of the network parameters on the training data. In this work, we present a method that addresses these issues. We view the non-blind image deblurring problem as a denoising problem. To do so, we perform Wiener filtering on a pair of blurry images with the corresponding blur kernels. This results in a pair of images with colored noise. Hence, the deblurring problem is translated into a denoising problem. We then solve the denoising problem without using explicit clean target images. Extensive experiments are conducted to show that our method achieves results that are on par to the state-of-the-art non-blind deblurring works.Comment: Accepted at ICIP 202

    TransWeather: Transformer-based Restoration of Images Degraded by Adverse Weather Conditions

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    Removing adverse weather conditions like rain, fog, and snow from images is an important problem in many applications. Most methods proposed in the literature have been designed to deal with just removing one type of degradation. Recently, a CNN-based method using neural architecture search (All-in-One) was proposed to remove all the weather conditions at once. However, it has a large number of parameters as it uses multiple encoders to cater to each weather removal task and still has scope for improvement in its performance. In this work, we focus on developing an efficient solution for the all adverse weather removal problem. To this end, we propose TransWeather, a transformer-based end-to-end model with just a single encoder and a decoder that can restore an image degraded by any weather condition. Specifically, we utilize a novel transformer encoder using intra-patch transformer blocks to enhance attention inside the patches to effectively remove smaller weather degradations. We also introduce a transformer decoder with learnable weather type embeddings to adjust to the weather degradation at hand. TransWeather achieves improvements across multiple test datasets over both All-in-One network as well as methods fine-tuned for specific tasks. TransWeather is also validated on real world test images and found to be more effective than previous methods. Implementation code can be accessed at https://github.com/jeya-maria-jose/TransWeather .Comment: CVPR 202

    MAMo: Leveraging Memory and Attention for Monocular Video Depth Estimation

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    We propose MAMo, a novel memory and attention frame-work for monocular video depth estimation. MAMo can augment and improve any single-image depth estimation networks into video depth estimation models, enabling them to take advantage of the temporal information to predict more accurate depth. In MAMo, we augment model with memory which aids the depth prediction as the model streams through the video. Specifically, the memory stores learned visual and displacement tokens of the previous time instances. This allows the depth network to cross-reference relevant features from the past when predicting depth on the current frame. We introduce a novel scheme to continuously update the memory, optimizing it to keep tokens that correspond with both the past and the present visual information. We adopt attention-based approach to process memory features where we first learn the spatio-temporal relation among the resultant visual and displacement memory tokens using self-attention module. Further, the output features of self-attention are aggregated with the current visual features through cross-attention. The cross-attended features are finally given to a decoder to predict depth on the current frame. Through extensive experiments on several benchmarks, including KITTI, NYU-Depth V2, and DDAD, we show that MAMo consistently improves monocular depth estimation networks and sets new state-of-the-art (SOTA) accuracy. Notably, our MAMo video depth estimation provides higher accuracy with lower latency, when omparing to SOTA cost-volume-based video depth models.Comment: Accepted at ICCV 202