5 research outputs found

    Penerapan Kode Etik Jurnalistik dalam Surat Kabar Harian Surya Malang

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    : Journalism ethics play a very important role in press as a guideline for professional journalism.Journalism ethics thus can be understood and carried out by journalists. Complying the code of conduct agreed by the Press Council means that reporters understand in gathering, reporting and presenting a news. The purpose of this study was to determine the journalism ethiccodes and the factors that affect the implementation of the code in the Daily Newspapers Surya Malang. This research is a qualitative research. The informants of this research were the Head of Publishing and a journalist ofDaily Newspapers Surya Malang. The data collection technique was interview anddata analysis used was descriptive method, which described the results of the data obtained. The research proved that the implementation of the journalism ethic codes in the Daily Newspapers Surya Malang has followed the guidelines of the Constitution applied in Indonesia for journalists in providing news or information published. In the implementation of journalistic ethics in Indonesia, the reporters did not make a false news, defamation, sadistic and obscene. Factors of the journalism ethic codes implementation wasthe government policy and human rights to achieve protection from wrong news. According to the government's policy towards the implementation of the journalism ethic codes, a new must be accurate, balanced, factual to avoid detrimental things Keywords: Journalism Ethic Codes, Newspaper

    Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Kusuma Agrowisata dalam Meningkatkan Jumlah Pengunjung

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    Pemasaran merupakan presentasi sebuah rencana dengan cara yang paling dapat diterima. Dalam hal ini, Kusuma Agrowisata yang menawarkan jasa wisata dengan menonjolkan bidang wisata pertanian dituntut untuk dapat menciptakan, menawarkan dan memasarkan jasa mereka sampai kepada konsumen. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengetahui strategi komunikasi pemasaran Kusuma Agrowisata Batu serta apa saja hambatan komunikasi pemasaran yang mereka hadapi.Penelitian ini dilakukan dengan menggunakan metode pendekatan kualitatif , dengan tujuan agar peneliti mampu mendapatkan pemahaman secara umum dan lebih independen terkait dengan penelitian yang dilaksanakan. Untuk mendapatkan pemahaman tersebut maka peneliti perlu teknik-teknik pengumpulan data, melalui observasi, wawancara mendalam, dokumentasi disertai dengan informan yang diperoleh melalui teknik purposive sampling. Data yang sudah diperoleh akan dianalisa melalui teknik analisa data menurut Miles dan Hubermen dengan langkah-langkah reduksi data, penyajian data, dan penarikan kesimpulan. Untuk mengukur keabsahan dari data yang sudah dianalisis digunakan teknik tringulasi data. Dari hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan, diperoleh kesimpulan bahwa Strategi Komunikasi Pemasaran Kusuma Agrowisata Batu adalah mengidentifikasi target market yang mana target pokoknya adalah anak-anak sekolah, dengan penerapan strategi menggunakan direct sales (salescomm) yang menjadi strategi utama mereka dalam mendapatkan custumer, serta didukung juga material support yang dibawa oleh para salescomm Kusuma Agrowisata. Pergantian penggunaan kata dari Kusuma Agrowisata menjadi Wisata Edukatif, memudahkan mereka untuk merangkul pasar, dan untuk media massa yang didukung oleh televisi nasional dengan cara melakukan kerjasama tanpa biaya yang relatif tinggi pengeluarannya. Sedangkan hambatan secara global yang dihadapi Kusuma Agrowisata adalah tidak maksimalnya buah apel di kebun wisata Kusuma. Kata Kunci : Pemasaran, Media, dan Jumlah Pengunjun

    Fenomena Selfie (Berfoto Sendiri) di Akun Media Sosial Path sebagai Bentuk Ekspresi Diri (pada Remaja Smk PGRI 3 Malang)

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    : The phenomenon of selfie in teenagers is now growing rapidly because it is supported by a variety of social media such as a social media Path. The phenomenon of selfie shows the human tendency to create a good impression on others through self-portraits uploaded to social media. This study uses qualitative research designwhich is intended to capture and describes the information in a real condition of the original source on the subject study and the current conditions of the phenomenon of selfieon social media accounts Path. The researchers have had a clear definition of the subject study and use the questionnaire to get the information needed. The result of this study proves that the phenomenon of selfie on social media Path in teenagers of SMK PGRI 3 Malang was dominated by the teenage girls. This is because the teenage girls are more interest than the teenage boys to do the selfie. In general, teenage girls who have a high curiosity, exploring and trying everything they had never experienced. Keywords: The Phenomenon of Selfie, Social Media, Path, Case Stud

    Pemanfaatan Lppl Belu TV sebagai Media Promosi dalam Pengembangan Wisata Daerah

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    : In the global life, tourism become the most prospective sector for Indonesia economic. Therefore, it must be developed also increased. By promoting the regional tourism and using the local mass medias. The function of local television is becoming the promotion media for local product. The function of local television is becoming the product promotion media also helping the regional tourism development. As the one of local television at Belu region, it applied the function as the promotion media by promoting the regional potencial at Belu region. In this research, the writer used qualitative descriptive method by collecting the data through interview and documentation. 1). In operating the function as the promotion media, LPPL Belu television did a program production form. It was Jelajah wisata program, Kreasi budaya program, Potret desa program and lintas Belu program. 2). The impact of the promotion is the local tourist grew up significantly every year, also the society around knew further about their tourism there. 3). The problem were the minimal human resources for each division or part, the minimal facilities and the operational cost. Key words: Local television, Promotion media,Tourism