4 research outputs found
Strategi Komunikasi Persuasif Iklan Layanan Masyarakati Tentang Edukasi Melaksanakan Protokol Kesehatan Pada Masa Pandemi Covid-19
The Covid-19 pandemic has been going on for a year and has claimed a lot of casualties, and until now positive cases have continued to increase to close to a thousand positive cases per day. To prevent transmission of this disease and reduce positive cases, the government through the Ministry of Health has made various educational efforts to the public in order to follow and comply with health protocols during the Covid-19 pandemic. While the purpose of this research is to find out how persuasive communication of PSAs in its efforts to educate the public through visual works in the form of banners, billboards and videos. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive case study, through data collection procedures in direct interviews with several respondents and spread questions in the form of questionnaires distributed on social media. From the analysis of research data, it was found that the behavior of the target audience towards PSAs was not very good, where some informants did not care about the education and persuasiveness of PSAs and most only cared about PSAs which contained sanctions if they did not follow government recommendations. the weakness is that the information on PSA advertisements is often less attractive, and tends to be monotonous and less maintenance-wise. Persuasive communication theory is Simulated Disinterest, which states that through this persuasion technique, persuader attempts to suppress feelings of anxiety and the attitude of forcing targets to follow their wishes. This theory is used in the making of public service advertisements in Figure 5. and this persuasive technique is thought to be able to attract attention and make the public willing to carry out an invitation from the government.Masa pandemi Covid-19 sudah berlangsung selama setahun dan sudah memakan korban jiwa yang sangat banyak, dan sampai saat ini kasus positif terus meningakat mendekati seribu kasus positif perharinya. Untuk mencegah penularan penyakit ini serta menurunkan kasus positif pemerintah melalui kementrian kesehatan melakukan berbagai upaya edukasi kepada masyarakat dalam rangka mengikuti dan patuh pada protocol kesehatan di masa pandemi Covid-19. Sedangkan tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui bagaimana komunikasi persuasif ILM dalam usahanya mengedukasi masyarakat melalui karya visual berupa spanduk , baliho dan video.Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah studi kasus deskriptif kualitatif, melalui prosedur pengumpulan data dalam wawancara langsung dengan beberapa responden dan menyebar pertanyaan berupa angket yang di sebar di media social. Dari analisis data penelitian diperoleh hasil bahwa perilaku khalayak sasaran terhadap ILM tidak begitu baik, di mana beberapa informan tidak memperdulikan edukasi dan persuasive yang ada pada ILM dan sebagian besar hanya memperdulikan ILM yang berisikan sangsi jika tidak mengikuti anjuran pemerintah. kelemahannya adalah informasi pada iklan ILM sering kali kurang menarik, dan cendrung monoton dan kurang dari segi perawatan. teori komunikasi persuasive yaitu Simulated Disinterest, yang menyatakan Melalui teknik persuasi ini, persuader berupaya untuk menekan perasaan cemas dan sikap memaksa sasaran untuk mengikuti keinginannya. Teori ini di gunakan pada pembuatan iklan layanan masyarakat di gambar 5.dan tehnik persuasive inilah yang di anggat mampu menarik perhatian dan membuat khalayak mau untuk malaksanakan ajakan dari pemerintah
Perancangan Buku Ilustrasi Sebagai Media Informasi Tentang Stres
Mental health has become a big problem in Indonesia. Adolescents are a category that is prone to stress, and is often handled inappropriately by themselves, relatives, or parents. Stress is still considered a trivial matter for most Indonesians. In fact, stress is one of the triggers for various kinds of physical and psychological ailments. The lack of interesting reading for teenagers about stress makes this phenomenon still difficult to get the first treatment before it continues to an undesirable stage. The purpose of this design is to create an illustrated book that discusses stress information with the content as simple as possible and attractive so that it is easily understood by adolescents. This design uses themethod design thinking in order to get the right problem-solving solution in designing the work. There are two media in the design, namely primary media, illustrated books, information about stress and secondary media, namely x-banners and merchandise. By designing this illustration book, it is hoped that it can become a new media choice as informative reading about stress
Eksplorasi Nilai Tradisi pada Konsep Desain Kaos Gandrung Lombok
ABSTRACTThe development of t-shirt design in this decade cannot be separated from how the development and cultural identity in which the design work is presented. Design exploration with a combination of locality values ​​has become an important issue for design products in several t-shirt outlets in Lombok, one of which is Gandrung Lombok. The concept of regional culture became the thematic for the Gandrung Lombok t-shirt design, in addition to other themes. The purpose of this study is focuse on exploring the value of tradition in the concept of Gandrung Lombok t-shirt design as a representation of local cultural values ​​reflected in t-shirt design works on the market. This research uses naturalistic qualitative research methods, by extracting data with natural settings that occur in the field. In this study, findings can befound in the form of Gandrung Lombok designers, who have a strong awareness of making local cultural identities the subject matter of their t-shirt design works in the market. There is an exploration of concepts and ideas in every existing t-shirt design. The exploration in question is changed in two patterns, namely deformation (addition) and stylization (reduction) of shape with a mix of pop colors. Some of the thematics in the design of the Gandrung Lombok t-shirt are, sasak flute blower, drum beleq, songket weaving motifs and mask craft designs. Overall, the elements and ideas for creating the Gandrung Lombok t-shirt design with the theme of tradition are rooted in local activities and culture, namely Lombok culture.ABSTRAK
Perkembangan desain kaos pada dekade ini, tidak dapat dilepaskan dari bagaimana perkembangan dan indetitas budaya dimana karya desain tersebut dihadirkan. Eksplorasi desain dengan kombinasi nilai-nilai lokalitas menjadi isu penting prodak desain yang ada dibeberapa outlet kaos di Lombok, salah satunya ialah Gandrung Lombok. Konsep budaya daerah menjadi tematik desain kaos Gandrung Lombok, di samping tema-tema yang lain. Tujuan dari penelitian ini difokuskan untuk mengetahui eksplorasi nilai tradisi pada konsep desain kaos Gandrung Lombok sebagai representasi nilai budaya lokal tercermin dalam karya desain kaos yang dipasaran. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif naturalistik, dengan penggalian data dengan setting alamiah yang terjadi di lapangan. Dalam penelitian ini dapat ditemukan temuan berupa para desainer Gandrung Lombok, memiliki kesadaran yang kuat untuk menjadikan indentitas budaya setempat menjadi subject matter karya desain kaos mereka dipasaran. Terdapat eksplorasi konsep dan gagasan dalam setiap desain kaos yang ada. Eksplorsi yang dimaksud diubah dalam dua pola yaitu depormasi (penambahan) dan stilasi (pengurangan) bentuk dengan perpaduan warna-warna yang pop. Beberapa tematik dalam karya desian kaos Gandrung Lombok yaitu, peniup suling sasak, gendang beleq, motif tenun songket dan desain kerajinan Topeng. Secara keseluruhan unsur dan gagasan penciptaan desain kaos Gandrung Lombok dengan tema tradisi berakar pada akitivitas dan budaya daerah setempat, yaitu budaya Lombok
Peningkatan Skil Presentasi Ilmiah Berbahasa Inggris Mahasiswa di Universitas Bumigora Berbasis Strategi Graphic Organizers (GOs)
The GOs (Graphic Organizers) strategy, which was used in reading comprehension and writing skills research, was then developed into a strategy that could be used as a medium for developing ppt materials. and as an effective and efficient presentation strategy to be used in scientific presentations. This GOs strategy is applied in guiding students in the computer science undergraduate study program in the form of community service (PkM) aimed at increasing student creativity as participants in developing GOs-based creative materials and developing communication skills in delivering scientific presentation materials in class. . This activity was carried out for level I students at Bumigora University with a total of 30 participants. The following are the solutions and steps involved in this PkM activity, namely the use of Graphic Organizers as an effective solution in providing guidance and improvement in conducting scientific presentations carried out by PkM partners. . There are two methods used in providing guidance on the use of the GOs strategy, namely the lecture method where they are given an understanding of the basic concepts of GOs and the simulation method or practice of implementing the Graphic Organizers strategy directly which is carried out by the facilitator/PKM implementation team and followed by the participants. in a participatory manner. The results of this activity show good results and the level of achievement of its use is high. Based on structured observations, it reached a score of 3.7 with a percentage of 73%. The second evaluation was carried out by measuring the perceptions of GOs users, which was a score of 3.8 with a percentage of 77%. Evaluation based on this perception value is high (3.01-4.0)