84 research outputs found

    Anomalous coupling between topological defects and curvature

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    We investigate a counterintuitive geometric interaction between defects and curvature in thin layers of superfluids, superconductors and liquid crystals deposited on curved surfaces. Each defect feels a geometric potential whose functional form is determined only by the shape of the surface, but whose sign and strength depend on the transformation properties of the order parameter. For superfluids and superconductors, the strength of this interaction is proportional to the square of the charge and causes all defects to be repelled (attracted) by regions of positive (negative) Gaussian curvature. For liquid crystals in the one elastic constant approximation, charges between 0 and 4Ï€4\pi are attracted by regions of positive curvature while all other charges are repelled.Comment: 5 pages, 4 figures, minor changes, accepted for publication in Phys. Rev. Let

    Stability of the vortex lattice in a rotating superfluid

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    We analyze the stability of the vortex lattice in a rotating superfluid against thermal fluctuations associated with the long-wavelength Tkachenko modes of the lattice. Inclusion of only the two-dimensional modes leads formally to instability in infinite lattices; however, when the full three-dimensional spectrum of modes is taken into account, the thermally-induced lattice displacements are indeed finite.Comment: 16 page

    Vortex lattices in rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensates: modes and correlation functions

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    After delineating the physical regimes which vortex lattices encounter in rotating Bose-Einstein condensates as the rotation rate, Ω\Omega, increases, we derive the normal modes of the vortex lattice in two dimensions at zero temperature. Taking into account effects of the finite compressibility, we find an inertial mode of frequency ≥2Ω\ge 2\Omega, and a primarily transverse Tkachenko mode, whose frequency goes from being linear in the wave vector in the slowly rotating regime, where Ω\Omega is small compared with the lowest compressional mode frequency, to quadratic in the wave vector in the opposite limit. We calculate the correlation functions of vortex displacements and phase, density and superfluid velocities, and find that the zero-point excitations of the soft quadratic Tkachenko modes lead in a large system to a loss of long range phase correlations, growing logarithmically with distance, and hence lead to a fragmented state at zero temperature. The vortex positional ordering is preserved at zero temperature, but the thermally excited Tkachenko modes cause the relative positional fluctuations to grow logarithmically with separation at finite temperature. The superfluid density, defined in terms of the transverse velocity autocorrelation function, vanishes at all temperatures. Finally we construct the long wavelength single particle Green's function in the rotating system and calculate the condensate depletion as a function of temperature.Comment: 11 pages Latex, no figure

    Oscillations of a rapidly rotating annular Bose-Einstein condensate

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    A time-dependent variational Lagrangian analysis based on the Gross-Pitaevskii energy functional serves to study the dynamics of a metastable giant vortex in a rapidly rotating Bose-Einstein condensate. The resulting oscillation frequencies of the core radius reproduce the trends seen in recent experiments [Engels et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 90, 170405 (2003)], but the theoretical values are smaller by a factor approximately 0.6-0.8.Comment: 7 pages, revtex

    A trapped single ion inside a Bose-Einstein condensate

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    Improved control of the motional and internal quantum states of ultracold neutral atoms and ions has opened intriguing possibilities for quantum simulation and quantum computation. Many-body effects have been explored with hundreds of thousands of quantum-degenerate neutral atoms and coherent light-matter interfaces have been built. Systems of single or a few trapped ions have been used to demonstrate universal quantum computing algorithms and to detect variations of fundamental constants in precision atomic clocks. Until now, atomic quantum gases and single trapped ions have been treated separately in experiments. Here we investigate whether they can be advantageously combined into one hybrid system, by exploring the immersion of a single trapped ion into a Bose-Einstein condensate of neutral atoms. We demonstrate independent control over the two components within the hybrid system, study the fundamental interaction processes and observe sympathetic cooling of the single ion by the condensate. Our experiment calls for further research into the possibility of using this technique for the continuous cooling of quantum computers. We also anticipate that it will lead to explorations of entanglement in hybrid quantum systems and to fundamental studies of the decoherence of a single, locally controlled impurity particle coupled to a quantum environment

    Coherently Scattering Atoms from an Excited Bose-Einstein Condensate

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    We consider scattering atoms from a fully Bose-Einstein condensed gas. If we take these atoms to be identical to those in the Bose-Einstein condensate, this scattering process is to a large extent analogous to Andreev reflection from the interface between a superconducting and a normal metal. We determine the scattering wave function both in the absence and the presence of a vortex. Our results show a qualitative difference between these two cases that can be understood as due to an Aharonov-Bohm effect. It leads to the possibility to experimentally detect and study vortices in this way.Comment: 5 pages of ReVTeX and 2 postscript figure

    Vortices and dynamics in trapped Bose-Einstein condensates

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    I review the basic physics of ultracold dilute trapped atomic gases, with emphasis on Bose-Einstein condensation and quantized vortices. The hydrodynamic form of the Gross-Pitaevskii equation (a nonlinear Schr{\"o}dinger equation) illuminates the role of the density and the quantum-mechanical phase. One unique feature of these experimental systems is the opportunity to study the dynamics of vortices in real time, in contrast to typical experiments on superfluid 4^4He. I discuss three specific examples (precession of single vortices, motion of vortex dipoles, and Tkachenko oscillations of a vortex array). Other unusual features include the study of quantum turbulence and the behavior for rapid rotation, when the vortices form dense regular arrays. Ultimately, the system is predicted to make a quantum phase transition to various highly correlated many-body states (analogous to bosonic quantum Hall states) that are not superfluid and do not have condensate wave functions. At present, this transition remains elusive. Conceivably, laser-induced synthetic vector potentials can serve to reach this intriguing phase transition.Comment: Accepted for publication in Journal of Low Temperature Physics, conference proceedings: Symposia on Superfluids under Rotation (Lammi, Finland, April 2010

    Exploding electron bubbles.

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    Electron bubbles, used in laboratories throughout the world for probing the unusual properties of liquid helium, can be made to explode by the application of negative pressure, according to investigations by Classen et al. published last month

    From Coherent Modes to Turbulence and Granulation of Trapped Gases

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    The process of exciting the gas of trapped bosons from an equilibrium initial state to strongly nonequilibrium states is described as a procedure of symmetry restoration caused by external perturbations. Initially, the trapped gas is cooled down to such low temperatures, when practically all atoms are in Bose-Einstein condensed state, which implies the broken global gauge symmetry. Excitations are realized either by imposing external alternating fields, modulating the trapping potential and shaking the cloud of trapped atoms, or it can be done by varying atomic interactions by means of Feshbach resonance techniques. Gradually increasing the amount of energy pumped into the system, which is realized either by strengthening the modulation amplitude or by increasing the excitation time, produces a series of nonequilibrium states, with the growing fraction of atoms for which the gauge symmetry is restored. In this way, the initial equilibrium system, with the broken gauge symmetry and all atoms condensed, can be excited to the state, where all atoms are in the normal state, with completely restored gauge symmetry. In this process, the system, starting from the regular superfluid state, passes through the states of vortex superfluid, turbulent superfluid, heterophase granular fluid, to the state of normal chaotic fluid in turbulent regime. Both theoretical and experimental studies are presented.Comment: Latex file, 25 pages, 4 figure
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