32 research outputs found

    The Robustness of the <i>Escherichia coli</i> Signal-Transducing UTase/UR-PII Covalent Modification Cycle to Variation in the PII Concentration Requires Very Strong Inhibition of the UTase Activity of UTase/UR by Glutamine

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    Uridylyltransferase/uridylyl-removing enzyme (UTase/UR) catalyzes uridylylation of PII and deuridylylation of PII-UMP, with both activities regulated by glutamine. In a reconstituted UTase/UR-PII cycle containing wild-type UTase/UR, the steady-state modification of PII varied from nearly complete modification to nearly complete demodification as glutamine was varied, whether the level of PII was saturating or unsaturating, but when a His-tagged version of UTase/UR was used, the robustness to variations in PII concentration was lost and the range of PII modification states in response to glutamine became smaller as the PII concentration increased. The presence of the His tag on UTase/UR did not alter PII substrate inhibition of the UT activity and had little effect on the level of the UT activity but resulted in a slight defect in UR activity. Importantly, at high PII concentrations, glutamine inhibition of the UT activity was incomplete. We hypothesized that binding of PII to the UR active site in the HD domain was responsible for PII substrate inhibition of the UT activity and, in the His-tagged enzyme, also weakened glutamine inhibition of the UT activity. Consistent with this, three different UTase/UR proteins with HD domain alterations lacked substrate inhibition of UT activity by PII; in one case, the HD alteration eliminated glutamine regulation of UT activity, while for the other two proteins, alterations of the HD domain partially compensated for the effect of the His tag in restoring glutamine regulation of UT activity. We conclude that very strong inhibition of UT activity was required for the UTase/UR-PII cycle to display robustness to the PII concentration, that in the wild-type enzyme PII brings about substrate inhibition of the UT activity by binding to the HD domain of the enzyme, and that addition of an N-terminal His tag resulted in an altered enzyme with subtle changes in the interactions between domains such that binding of PII to the HD domain interfered with glutamine regulation of the UT domain

    Metabolism of Multiple Aromatic Compounds in Corn Stover Hydrolysate by <i>Rhodopseudomonas palustris</i>

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    Lignocellulosic biomass hydrolysates hold great potential as a feedstock for microbial biofuel production, due to their high concentration of fermentable sugars. Present at lower concentrations are a suite of aromatic compounds that can inhibit fermentation by biofuel-producing microbes. We have developed a microbial-mediated strategy for removing these aromatic compounds, using the purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodopseudomonas palustris. When grown photoheterotrophically in an anaerobic environment, R. palustris removes most of the aromatics from ammonia fiber expansion (AFEX) treated corn stover hydrolysate (ACSH), while leaving the sugars mostly intact. We show that R. palustris can metabolize a host of aromatic substrates in ACSH that have either been previously described as unable to support growth, such as methoxylated aromatics, and those that have not yet been tested, such as aromatic amides. Removing the aromatics from ACSH with R. palustris, allowed growth of a second microbe that could not grow in the untreated ACSH. By using defined mutants, we show that most of these aromatic compounds are metabolized by the benzoyl-CoA pathway. We also show that loss of enzymes in the benzoyl-CoA pathway prevents total degradation of the aromatics in the hydrolysate, and instead allows for biological transformation of this suite of aromatics into selected aromatic compounds potentially recoverable as an additional bioproduct

    MOESM1 of Complete genome sequence and the expression pattern of plasmids of the model ethanologen Zymomonas mobilis ZM4 and its xylose-utilizing derivatives 8b and 2032

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    Additional file 1: Figure S1. Completion of plasmid sequences by primer walking with a list of the primers used for each plasmid (A). PCR amplification of ZM4 chromosome region containing a 2.4-kb fragment near ZMO0133 locus that is absent in previously reported ZM4 genome sequence (B). A schematic is shown detailing the location of primers used to PCR, and PCR products on agarose gel are also shown. Figure S2. Customized rRNA depletion kit was developed with Life Technologies for Z. mobilis mRNA enrichment, and RNA-Seq result of the percentage of rRNA, tRNA, and mRNA in Z. mobilis total RNA was calculated (A). qRT-PCR measurement of rRNA content before and after rRNA depletion of total RNA using the customized kit (B). rRNA reduction is reported as the fold change in the target rRNA in total RNA relative to depleted RNA. Measurements were collected in WT (Z. mobilis strain 33C derived from Z. mobilis 8b) and MT (a mutant strain of 33C) grown in either rich media with 5% glucose (RMG) or rich media with 5% xylose (RMX) and collected in two biological replicates. Error is reported as standard deviation. Residual rRNA contamination and rRNA depletion efficiency of samples described in (B) was detected by RNA-Seq (C). Error is reported as standard deviation. An example of pairwise replicate correlation of RNA-Seq pseudo read counts (i.e. log2 transformed following addition of La Place constant of 1) for two biological replicates after rRNA depletion (D). Figure S3. Heatmap of RNA-Seq data from 6% and 9% ACSH, anaerobic (AN) and aerobic (AE) conditions. Coloring by condition (left color bar) corresponds to the one used for the Fig. 4. Blue, NREL, fermentor with biomass hydrolysates; black, NREL, flasks with rich RMG medium; light grey, GLBRC, 6% ACSH; Orange, GLBRC, 9% ACSH; light green, Univ. Athens, anaerobic; dark green, Univ. Athens (UA), anaerobic; dark green, UA, aerobic. Top index bar shows expression clusters (see Additional file 6: Table S5 for gene-cluster assignments). Right annotation bar shows generalized factor that is applicable to experimental designs across all the 3 research centers: “Early” and “Late” are growth stages