5 research outputs found

    Meta-Reinforcement Learning via Language Instructions

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    Although deep reinforcement learning has recently been very successful at learning complex behaviors, it requires a tremendous amount of data to learn a task. One of the fundamental reasons causing this limitation lies in the nature of the trial-and-error learning paradigm of reinforcement learning, where the agent communicates with the environment and progresses in the learning only relying on the reward signal. This is implicit and rather insufficient to learn a task well. On the contrary, humans are usually taught new skills via natural language instructions. Utilizing language instructions for robotic motion control to improve the adaptability is a recently emerged topic and challenging. In this paper, we present a meta-RL algorithm that addresses the challenge of learning skills with language instructions in multiple manipulation tasks. On the one hand, our algorithm utilizes the language instructions to shape its interpretation of the task, on the other hand, it still learns to solve task in a trial-and-error process. We evaluate our algorithm on the robotic manipulation benchmark (Meta-World) and it significantly outperforms state-of-the-art methods in terms of training and testing task success rates. Codes are available at \url{https://tumi6robot.wixsite.com/million}

    Language-Conditioned Imitation Learning with Base Skill Priors under Unstructured Data

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    The growing interest in language-conditioned robot manipulation aims to develop robots capable of understanding and executing complex tasks, with the objective of enabling robots to interpret language commands and manipulate objects accordingly. While language-conditioned approaches demonstrate impressive capabilities for addressing tasks in familiar environments, they encounter limitations in adapting to unfamiliar environment settings. In this study, we propose a general-purpose, language-conditioned approach that combines base skill priors and imitation learning under unstructured data to enhance the algorithm's generalization in adapting to unfamiliar environments. We assess our model's performance in both simulated and real-world environments using a zero-shot setting. In the simulated environment, the proposed approach surpasses previously reported scores for CALVIN benchmark, especially in the challenging Zero-Shot Multi-Environment setting. The average completed task length, indicating the average number of tasks the agent can continuously complete, improves more than 2.5 times compared to the state-of-the-art method HULC. In addition, we conduct a zero-shot evaluation of our policy in a real-world setting, following training exclusively in simulated environments without additional specific adaptations. In this evaluation, we set up ten tasks and achieved an average 30% improvement in our approach compared to the current state-of-the-art approach, demonstrating a high generalization capability in both simulated environments and the real world. For further details, including access to our code and videos, please refer to our supplementary materials

    Learning from Symmetry: Meta-Reinforcement Learning with Symmetric Data and Language Instructions

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    Meta-reinforcement learning (meta-RL) is a promising approach that enables the agent to learn new tasks quickly. However, most meta-RL algorithms show poor generalization in multiple-task scenarios due to the insufficient task information provided only by rewards. Language-conditioned meta-RL improves the generalization by matching language instructions and the agent's behaviors. Learning from symmetry is an important form of human learning, therefore, combining symmetry and language instructions into meta-RL can help improve the algorithm's generalization and learning efficiency. We thus propose a dual-MDP meta-reinforcement learning method that enables learning new tasks efficiently with symmetric data and language instructions. We evaluate our method in multiple challenging manipulation tasks, and experimental results show our method can greatly improve the generalization and efficiency of meta-reinforcement learning

    Safety Guaranteed Manipulation Based on Reinforcement Learning Planner and Model Predictive Control Actor

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    Deep reinforcement learning (RL) has been endowed with high expectations in tackling challenging manipulation tasks in an autonomous and self-directed fashion. Despite the significant strides made in the development of reinforcement learning, the practical deployment of this paradigm is hindered by at least two barriers, namely, the engineering of a reward function and ensuring the safety guaranty of learning-based controllers. In this paper, we address these challenging limitations by proposing a framework that merges a reinforcement learning \lstinline[columns=fixed]{planner} that is trained using sparse rewards with a model predictive controller (MPC) \lstinline[columns=fixed]{actor}, thereby offering a safe policy. On the one hand, the RL \lstinline[columns=fixed]{planner} learns from sparse rewards by selecting intermediate goals that are easy to achieve in the short term and promising to lead to target goals in the long term. On the other hand, the MPC \lstinline[columns=fixed]{actor} takes the suggested intermediate goals from the RL \lstinline[columns=fixed]{planner} as the input and predicts how the robot's action will enable it to reach that goal while avoiding any obstacles over a short period of time. We evaluated our method on four challenging manipulation tasks with dynamic obstacles and the results demonstrate that, by leveraging the complementary strengths of these two components, the agent can solve manipulation tasks in complex, dynamic environments safely with a 100%100\% success rate. Videos are available at \url{https://videoviewsite.wixsite.com/mpc-hgg}

    Meta-Reinforcement Learning Based on Self-Supervised Task Representation Learning

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    Meta-reinforcement learning enables artificial agents to learn from related training tasks and adapt to new tasks efficiently with minimal interaction data. However, most existing research is still limited to narrow task distributions that are parametric and stationary, and does not consider out-of-distribution tasks during the evaluation, thus, restricting its application. In this paper, we propose MoSS, a context-based Meta-reinforcement learning algorithm based on Self-Supervised task representation learning to address this challenge. We extend meta-RL to broad non-parametric task distributions which have never been explored before, and also achieve state-of-the-art results in non-stationary and out-of-distribution tasks. Specifically, MoSS consists of a task inference module and a policy module. We utilize the Gaussian mixture model for task representation to imitate the parametric and non-parametric task variations. Additionally, our online adaptation strategy enables the agent to react at the first sight of a task change, thus being applicable in non-stationary tasks. MoSS also exhibits strong generalization robustness in out-of-distributions tasks which benefits from the reliable and robust task representation. The policy is built on top of an off-policy RL algorithm and the entire network is trained completely off-policy to ensure high sample efficiency. On MuJoCo and Meta-World benchmarks, MoSS outperforms prior works in terms of asymptotic performance, sample efficiency (3-50x faster), adaptation efficiency, and generalization robustness on broad and diverse task distributions