127 research outputs found

    Pix2Vox: Context-aware 3D Reconstruction from Single and Multi-view Images

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    Recovering the 3D representation of an object from single-view or multi-view RGB images by deep neural networks has attracted increasing attention in the past few years. Several mainstream works (e.g., 3D-R2N2) use recurrent neural networks (RNNs) to fuse multiple feature maps extracted from input images sequentially. However, when given the same set of input images with different orders, RNN-based approaches are unable to produce consistent reconstruction results. Moreover, due to long-term memory loss, RNNs cannot fully exploit input images to refine reconstruction results. To solve these problems, we propose a novel framework for single-view and multi-view 3D reconstruction, named Pix2Vox. By using a well-designed encoder-decoder, it generates a coarse 3D volume from each input image. Then, a context-aware fusion module is introduced to adaptively select high-quality reconstructions for each part (e.g., table legs) from different coarse 3D volumes to obtain a fused 3D volume. Finally, a refiner further refines the fused 3D volume to generate the final output. Experimental results on the ShapeNet and Pix3D benchmarks indicate that the proposed Pix2Vox outperforms state-of-the-arts by a large margin. Furthermore, the proposed method is 24 times faster than 3D-R2N2 in terms of backward inference time. The experiments on ShapeNet unseen 3D categories have shown the superior generalization abilities of our method.Comment: ICCV 201

    Spatio-Temporal Deformable Attention Network for Video Deblurring

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    The key success factor of the video deblurring methods is to compensate for the blurry pixels of the mid-frame with the sharp pixels of the adjacent video frames. Therefore, mainstream methods align the adjacent frames based on the estimated optical flows and fuse the alignment frames for restoration. However, these methods sometimes generate unsatisfactory results because they rarely consider the blur levels of pixels, which may introduce blurry pixels from video frames. Actually, not all the pixels in the video frames are sharp and beneficial for deblurring. To address this problem, we propose the spatio-temporal deformable attention network (STDANet) for video delurring, which extracts the information of sharp pixels by considering the pixel-wise blur levels of the video frames. Specifically, STDANet is an encoder-decoder network combined with the motion estimator and spatio-temporal deformable attention (STDA) module, where motion estimator predicts coarse optical flows that are used as base offsets to find the corresponding sharp pixels in STDA module. Experimental results indicate that the proposed STDANet performs favorably against state-of-the-art methods on the GoPro, DVD, and BSD datasets.Comment: ECCV 202

    Distinctive action sketch for human action recognition

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    Recent developments in the field of computer vision have led to a renewed interest in sketch correlated research. There have emerged considerable solid evidence which revealed the significance of sketch. However, there have been few profound discussions on sketch based action analysis so far. In this paper, we propose an approach to discover the most distinctive sketches for action recognition. The action sketches should satisfy two characteristics: sketchability and objectiveness. Primitive sketches are prepared according to the structured forests based fast edge detection. Meanwhile, we take advantage of Faster R-CNN to detect the persons in parallel. On completion of the two stages, the process of distinctive action sketch mining is carried out. After that, we present four kinds of sketch pooling methods to get a uniform representation for action videos. The experimental results show that the proposed method achieves impressive performance against several compared methods on two public datasets.The work was supported in part by the National Science Foundation of China (61472103, 61772158, 61702136, and 61701273) and Australian Research Council (ARC) grant (DP150104645)

    Adaptive Semantic-Visual Tree for Hierarchical Embeddings

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    Merchandise categories inherently form a semantic hierarchy with different levels of concept abstraction, especially for fine-grained categories. This hierarchy encodes rich correlations among various categories across different levels, which can effectively regularize the semantic space and thus make predictions less ambiguous. However, previous studies of fine-grained image retrieval primarily focus on semantic similarities or visual similarities. In a real application, merely using visual similarity may not satisfy the need of consumers to search merchandise with real-life images, e.g., given a red coat as a query image, we might get a red suit in recall results only based on visual similarity since they are visually similar. But the users actually want a coat rather than suit even the coat is with different color or texture attributes. We introduce this new problem based on photoshopping in real practice. That's why semantic information are integrated to regularize the margins to make "semantic" prior to "visual". To solve this new problem, we propose a hierarchical adaptive semantic-visual tree (ASVT) to depict the architecture of merchandise categories, which evaluates semantic similarities between different semantic levels and visual similarities within the same semantic class simultaneously. The semantic information satisfies the demand of consumers for similar merchandise with the query while the visual information optimizes the correlations within the semantic class. At each level, we set different margins based on the semantic hierarchy and incorporate them as prior information to learn a fine-grained feature embedding. To evaluate our framework, we propose a new dataset named JDProduct, with hierarchical labels collected from actual image queries and official merchandise images on an online shopping application. Extensive experimental results on the public CARS196 and CUB
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