14 research outputs found

    Peran Pertumbuhan Nilai Ekspor Minyak Sawit Mentah dalam Pertumbuhan Ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk (i) menganalisis kinerja minyak sawit mentah sebagai komoditi basis dalam perekonomian Sulawesi Tengah, (ii) menganalisis kecenderungan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentah, (iii) menganalisis tingkat pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah, dan (iv) menganalisis bentuk hubungan pertumbuhan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentahdengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah. Analisis data yang digunakan adalah analisis Location Quotien, analisis Trend, analisis Pertumbuhan Ekonomi, dan analisis Teori Basis Ekspor. Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa komoditi minyak sawit mentah di Propinsi Sulawesi Tengah, dengan nilai LQ > 1, sehingga minyak sawit mentah menjadi komoditi basis di wilayah ini. Kecenderungan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentah adalah positif dan nyata pada taraf α = 0,01. Rata-rata pertumbuhan nilai ekspor sebesar 78,16%. Laju pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah dengan Tahun Dasar 2000 bertumbuh positif dengan nilai rata-rata sebesar 7,3 %. Terdapat hubungan tidak nyata antara pertumbuhan nilai ekspor minyak sawit mentah dengan pertumbuhan ekonomi Sulawesi Tengah. Padahal, analisis konfirmasi menunjukkan bahwa pertumbuhan produksi berpengaruh nyata terhadap pertumbuhan ekonomi. Hal ini mengisyaratkan adanya masalah kelembagaan dalam ekspor minyak sawit mentah

    Pengembangan Sistem Informasi Agribisnis Desa Labuan Toposo Kecamatan Labuan Kabupaten Donggala

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    This aims of this study is develop agribusiness information systems of Labuan Toposo Village specifically the sub system process (farming). This research conducted in Labuan Toposo Village on January to February 2015. Data used were primary data and secondary data. Primary data were taken by purposive method. There were 14 respondents to be reviewed. Analyze method that used in this researah are Quantitative Description, Flowchart and GIS analysis. The results showed there are 272 farmers registered in the 11 active farmer groups with total ownership of agricultural land 214.87 Ha and plantation 39.53 Ha. Most agricultural commodities grown are Chili, Corn, Cocoa, Coconut, Paddy,and Tomato. Land use consists of 60.58% for protected forest area, 23.46% for the people and the forest plantation area, 8.78% for Protected Area, 6.87% for agricultural land, and 0.31% for residential area and activity place. This study also resulted in agribusiness information system in the form of database applications for farmer groups and their members, and data agricultural commodities and websites that can display agricultural information of Labuan Toposo Village

    Analisis Transmisi Harga Dunia Kakao Biji ke Tingkat Petani Desa Simpang II Kecamatan Simpang Raya Kabupaten Banggai Provinsi Sulawesi Tengah

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    The aims of this study were to identify the form of price relationship at different level of cocoa bean markets from the world market to the farmer market, to analyse the integration of the cocoa bean markets, and to analyse the transmission elasticity of cacao bean price. The location of this study was purposively selected. Sampling technique used was simple random sampling. There were 30 farmers interviewed. Analysis model used was regression and correlation analysis. Results of the analysis showed that the form of price relationship between the world market and the farmer market depend on market structures. These relationships involved some market levels, from the world markets, Indonesian markets, Palu central market, regency market to farmer market. Results of the analysis on the form of cacao bean price relationship between the world market and the farmer market was positive and significant. Integration of world cacao bean markets and farmer markets in Simpang II village was strong and significant. This was indicated by a high correlation value, in average r = 0.895. Regression coefficient (β) was less than one which means that the trasmission elasticity of cacao bean prices from the world markets to farmer markets was inelastic. Therefore, market structures formed was unfully competitive markets. However, the transmission elasticity of the cacao bean price was still high

    Pengukuran Kinerja Sumberdaya Manusia: suatu Pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

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    Sumberdaya manusia (SDM) merupakan hal yang sangat berperan penting dalam USAha bisnis, baik produksi maupun pemasaran. Tujuan yang ingin dicapaidalam penelitian ini ialah merancang sistim pengukuran kinerja (SDM) berorientasikan pada industri tahu mitra cemangi. Industri Tahu Mitra Cemangi merupakan salah satu industri yang mengolah hasil pertanian kedelai menjadi produk tahu yang beroperasi di Kelurahan Boyaoge Kecamatan Palu Barat Kota Palu. Fluktuasi yang dialami dalam proses produksi dan pemasaran Industri Tahu Mitra Cemangi akhir-akhir ini sangatlah merugikan industri tersebut, oleh karnanya industri perlu menerapkan penilaian kinerja dan strategi yang efisien. Analisis yang digunakan adalah Balanced Scorecard (BSC). Responden dalam penelitian ini adalah pihak manajemen dan karyawan, Adapun karyawan yang relatif homogen yaitu merupakan Karyawan Harian Tetap (KHT). Hasil pengukuran kinerja dengan menggunakan BSC pada Industri Tahu Mitra Cemangi selain perspektif proses bisnis internal masih banyak indikator yang digunakan belum memenihi standart penilaian diantaranya pada prespektif finansial dan prespektif pertumbuhan dan pembelajara. Oleh sebab itu Industri Tahu Mitra Cemangi perlu menerapkan Balanced Scorecard sebagai panduan penilaian kinerja

    Analisis Sensitivitas Pendapatan USAhatani Kakao di Desa Buranga Kecamatan Ampibabo Kabupaten Parigi Moutong

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    Cocoa is one of the plantation commodity which have a significant role in the national economy. This role can provide employment, income and foreign exchange. The purpose of this study was to ( i ) determine how the characteristics of cocoa farmers in the Buranga village Sub District Ampibabo District Parigi Moutong, (ii ) analyze the income of cocoa farming, and ( iii ) to determine the level of sensitivity of the income of cocoa farmers in the Buranga village Sub District Ampibabo District ParigiMoutong. Study location determinedintentionally (purposive). Determination of the respondents conducted by simple random method with 30 respondents. The analytical tool used in this research was the farm income analysisand sensitivity analysis. The results showed that the cocoa farm income on average Rp.10.271.755,56/ha. Results of iteration prices riseof cocoacounted by 5 % gives rise profit of Rp . 653,459.26 / Ha. On the other hand,decrease variable costs increaseprofit by Rp . 137,296.30ha. An increase in the price of cocoa by 15 % gives profit to riseby Rp .1,960,377.77/ha. On the other hand,decreasedvariable costs by 15 % increase the profits of Rp .411,888.89/ha