30 research outputs found

    ElĂ©ments en trace dans les sols et les lĂ©gumes d’une zone maraĂźchĂšre pĂ©riurbaine de la Province du Yunnan (RP de Chine) : Ă©valuation et expĂ©rimentation

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    This research was conducted in order to evaluate natural trace element (TE) contents and anthropogenic contamination in soils and vegetables in Chenggong County (Yunnan Province, China). In this way, trace element contents in soils have been analysed to assess TE contamination in soils and vegetables, and transfer of TE from soil to vegetables. Agricultural practises have been proposed to amend the quality of vegetables.We identified three geomorphopedological units: lacustrine unit, transition unit and mountain unit.In the mountain unit, soil texture is clay more often from the weathering of limestone and marlstone. Soil colour is red or reddish brown with acid reaction.In the transition unit, soil texture is loamy clay. Soil colour is red-brown with acid reaction.In the lacustrine unit, soil texture mainly is sandy developed from lacustrine-alluvial deposits. Soil colour is brown and is slightly acid.Total TE contents in the topsoil are higher than usual and even Kunming Prefecture soil. TE contents indicate a high contaminated level when considered globally. Pb, Cd and Zn present however individually low contaminated levels, and Cu presents a medium contaminated level. TE contents decrease from northeast to southwest, which is consistent with the elevation gradient. Significant differences of TE contents are observed according to distance from Chenggong town in the lacustrine unit and with distance from the mountain in the transition unit. TE accumulation is usually observed along roads. TE contents in subsoil are related to soil colour, texture, parent materials and mottles. Accumulation of Pb and Zn in topsoil and of Cu and Cd in subsoil are observed.The highest contents are observed for Pb in cauliflower, Cd in lettuce and Chinese cabbage, and Cu and Zn in pea. The order of TE accumulation in plants varies according to the plant species and organ. According to relations between TE contents in Chinese cabbage and extraction sequential fractions of TE in soils, different soil fractions are suggested as soil assessment indicators.Lime and pig manure have been applied to modify the soil pH and to decrease the mobility of TE in situ. With increasing in lime rate and pH, contents of acetic-acid extractable TE fractions in soil decrease. Enrichment coefficients related to TE availability (AEC) of Pb and Cu are stable and are not changed by lime or pig manure. AEC of Cd and Zn which are high in low pH, decrease with increased pH and application rates of lime and pig manure.When application rates of lime and pig manure increase, TE contents in Chinese cabbage decrease and biomass of Chinese cabbage increases. Application rates of lime and pig manure are recommended, but their quality should also be taken into account./Cette recherche a pour objet l'Ă©tude de la teneur naturelle en Ă©lĂ©ments traces mĂ©talliques (ET) et de la contamination anthropique des sols et des productions lĂ©gumiĂšres dans le ComtĂ© de Chenggong (Province du Yunnan, RP de Chine). Pour cela, la variabilitĂ© des teneurs en fonction des conditions gĂ©omorphopĂ©dologiques a Ă©tĂ© analysĂ©e, ainsi que les transferts des ET du sol vers les vĂ©gĂ©taux. Cette approche a permis ensuite d'aborder l'Ă©valuation de la qualitĂ© des sols et des lĂ©gumes, puis de proposer des pratiques agricoles alternatives dans le but d'amĂ©liorer la qualitĂ© des lĂ©gumes produits.La zone d'Ă©tude a Ă©tĂ© divisĂ©e en 3 unitĂ©s gĂ©omorphopĂ©dologiques:‱unitĂ© de montagne oĂč les sols brun rouge Ă  rouge rĂ©sultent notamment de l'altĂ©ration de calcaires et de marnes. Une texture argileuse et une rĂ©action acide dominent.‱unitĂ© de piedmont (dite de transition) oĂč les sols de couleur jaune clair Ă  jaune rougeĂątre rĂ©sultent principalement de l'altĂ©ration de grĂšs et de shales. Une texture limono-argileuse en surface et argileuse en profondeur, ainsi qu’une rĂ©action acide dominent.‱unitĂ© lacustre, Ă  proximitĂ© du Dianchi Lake, dont les sols de couleur brun foncĂ© sont essentiellement dĂ©veloppĂ©s Ă  partir de sĂ©diments lacustres. Une texture sableuse domine en surface, ainsi qu'une rĂ©action faiblement acide Ă  neutre.Les teneurs en ET rencontrĂ©es en surface des sols de la zone d'Ă©tude sont plus Ă©levĂ©es que les teneurs moyennes observĂ©es dans les sols du monde ou mĂȘme de la prĂ©fecture de Kunming. EvaluĂ©es sĂ©parĂ©ment pour chaque ET, les teneurs rencontrĂ©es correspondent Ă  des niveaux de contamination jugĂ©s faibles pour Pb, Cd et Zn, moyen pour Cu. ConsidĂ©rĂ©es simultanĂ©ment, ces teneurs permettent de dĂ©terminer un indice de contamination global correspondant Ă  un niveau de contamination Ă©levĂ©. Les teneurs en ET dĂ©croissent globalement du nord-est vers le sud-ouest, suivant le gradient d'altitude. Ces teneurs varient Ă©galement de façon significative en fonction de l'Ă©loignement de la montagne dans l'unitĂ© de transition et de l'Ă©loignement de l'agglomĂ©ration de Chenggong dans l'unitĂ© lacustre . Une accumulation en ET est souvent observĂ©e le long des routes. Dans le sous-sol, les teneurs en ET sont liĂ©es Ă  la couleur, Ă  la texture, au matĂ©riau parental, et aux marques d'altĂ©ration. Les teneurs sont plus Ă©levĂ©es en surface pour Pb et Zn, et en profondeur pour Cu et Cd.Les teneurs les plus Ă©levĂ©es pour Pb sont observĂ©es dans le chou-fleur, pour Cd dans la laitue et le chou chinois, pour Cu et Zn dans le pois.L'ordre d'accumulation des ET dans la plante dĂ©pend de l'espĂšce et de l'organe considĂ©rĂ©s. En fonction des corrĂ©lations observĂ©es entre les teneurs du chou chinois et les rĂ©sultats obtenus avec diffĂ©rentes modalitĂ©s d'extraction des ET du sol, des indicateurs d'Ă©valuation de la qualitĂ© du sol ont Ă©tĂ© proposĂ©s.Un amendement carbonatĂ© et du fumier de porc ont Ă©tĂ© Ă©pandus afin de rĂ©duire in situ la mobilitĂ© des ET. L'augmentation de l'apport d'amendement carbonatĂ© permet d'augmenter le pH du sol et de diminuer la fraction extraite avec l'acide acĂ©tique diluĂ© (AA) pour chaque Ă©lĂ©ment. Les AEC, rapports teneur dans la plante : teneur dans le sol extractible Ă  l’AA, sont stables pour Pb et Cu et ne sont modifiĂ©s par aucun des 2 apports. Cependant, les AEC de Zn et de Cu, Ă©levĂ©s quand le pH du sol est acide, diminuent si le pH devient plus alcalin, ainsi qu'avec les apports d'amendement carbonatĂ© et de fumier de porc.Quand les apports d'amendement carbonatĂ© et de fumier de porc augmentent, les teneurs en ET du chou chinois diminuent et sa biomasse augmente. Un Ă©pandage d'amendement carbonatĂ© est donc recommandĂ©. Cependant la plus grande attention doit ĂȘtre portĂ©e Ă  la qualitĂ© des fumiers de porcs dont les teneurs en Zn et Cu ne sont pas nĂ©gligeables

    Intraspecific variation in sensitivity to ultraviolet-B radiation in endogenous hormones and photosynthetic characteristics of 10 wheat cultivars grown under field conditions

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    AbstractField studies were conducted to determine the potential of altering endogenous hormones and photosynthetic characteristics and intraspecific variation in sensitivity of 10 wheat (Triticum aestivum) cultivars (four tolerant, two middle sensitive and four sensitive) to enhanced ultraviolet-B (UV-B, 280–315nm) radiation under field conditions. The supplemental UV-B radiation was 5.00kJm−2, simulating a depletion of 20% stratospheric ozone. Responses were cultivar-specific. Out of the 10 tested wheat cultivars, six showed significant decrease in IAA content. UV-B radiation significantly increased ZR content in two wheat cultivars and significantly decreased in five cultivars. ABA content of three wheat cultivars was increased significantly, while that of five cultivars was decreased significantly. UV-B radiation significantly increased the stomatal conductance of three cultivars, and significantly decreased that of four cultivars. Intercellular CO2 concentrations were significantly increased in five cultivars and significantly decreased in one cultivar (Mianyang 20). Transpiration rate of three cultivars significantly increased, while that of three cultivars significantly decreased. UV-B radiation significantly decreased the net photosynthetic rate of six cultivars. Intraspecific differences were found for the different measured parameters. For seven measured parameters, UV-B radiation had significant effects on five wheat cultivars, while no effect on the others. Significant correlations were observed between net photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentrations and transpiration rate in eight cultivars. UV-B radiation might change stomatal conductance, intercellular CO2 concentrations and transpiration rate, thus resulting in changes in net photosynthetic rate

    Forest diversity and community dynamics along an altitudinal gradient of Ailaoshan Mountain (Yuanyang, Yunnan Province, China)

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    In order to evaluate forest community diversity, the quantity of forest community succession along an altitudinal gradient from 1690 to 2016 m above sea level, the understanding of relationships between diversity and community dynamics, and data from sampling plots of forest communities were studied. Forest communities were mid-mountain moist evergreen broad-leaved forests on the southern slope of the Ailaoshan Mountain in Yuanyang County (near the Hani terraces) in Yunnan Province, China. The results showed that (1) the mean species richness, ecological dominance, and evenness (E) were 9.16, 0.31, and 0.27, respectively. The mean Shannon-Wiener Index and Coverage Weighted Foliage-Height Diversity Index were 0.84 and 0.41, respectively. (2) The mean live aboveground biomass (AGS) was 99.23 Mg/ha and the mean Composition Index (CI) was 182.17. Species diversity (including E, richness, and Shannon-Wiener Index), live AGS, and CI could be predicted by the mid-domain effect (MDE), which displayed a unimodal pattern against elevation. (3) Richness, E, Shannon-Wiener Index, and Coverage Weighted Foliage-Height Diversity Index increased with CI. Ecological dominance decreased with increased CI, following a quadratic relationship. Whittaker Index decreased with both increased CI and AGS, with a quadratic relationship. Much forest diversity could be explained by the MDE. However, forest dynamics were seriously disturbed by human activities. More attention should focus on increasing forest diversity in order to prevent the degradation of forest ecological functions thus resulting in threats to the sustainable development of the local ecological systems

    Root morphological, Cd accumulation and tolerance characteristics of 2 Dianthus caryophyllus cultivars under Cd stress

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    For studying the physiological response of two different Dianthus caryophyllus cultivars on Cd stress, pot experiment was carried out to measure proline and glutathione in leaves, five types of organic acids in root exudates (oxalic acid, malic acid, acetic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid), soluble sugars and free amino acids, root length, root surface area, root volume, root projected area and Cadmium content in soil, plant roots and aboveground. According to the effects of cadmium stress on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of two Dianthus caryophyllus, the results showed that: the growth of two cultivars are affected, “Master” and “Xiao Yan” are manifested as plant height, leaf, flower buds and biomass decreased, but the “Master” by the stronger inhibitory effect. The root length, total root surface area, total root projected area, and average root diameter of the “Master” increased under cadmium stress, but the root volume decreased. However, the root length, total root surface area, root volume, and root projected area of the “Xiao Yan” under cadmium stress decreased, while the average root diameter increased. The glutathione in the leaves of the two cultivars decreased, the proline content of the leaves of the “Xiao Yan” increased, while that of the “Master” decreased. In the root exudates, the free amino acid content of the two cultivars are reduced, and the secretion of organic acids is also inhibited (except for the citric acid secreted in the “Master”), while the soluble sugar content in the root exudates is expressed as “Xiao Yan” increased, and the “Master” decreased. According to the physiological response to the two cultivars under cadmium stress, the “Xiao Yan” is more suitable for soil restoration in the mining area of Lanping area

    The effect of peach-soybean intercropping system with straw mulching on N and P losses, surface runoff in Dianchi Lake watershed mountain area, Yunnan province, China

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    Field experiments were conducted with peach (local variety)-soybean intercropping system as an agro-forestry community. The results showed that the reduction rate of CODcr losses were 24.31%, 50.50% and 65.19% respectively under the precipitation strength between 25mm d-1 and 100 mm d-1 with treatments of 36 kg plot-1, 54 kg plot-1 and 72 kg plot-1 straw mulching. The reduction rate of NH4+-N losses were 12.56%, 49.38% and 58.60%, respectively; The reduction rate of NO3--N losses were 27.78%, 9.55% and 58.61%, respectively; The reduction rate of TN losses were 3.85%, 31.67% and 56.01%, respectively. The reduction rate of TP losses were 23.02%, 30.19% and 42.65%, respectively. The yields of soybean increased by 24.09%, 47.46% and 93.84%, respectively. Peach-soybean intercropping with straw mulching could decrease the runoff losses of nitrogen and phosphorus with time effect for reducing non-point sources pollution losses

    The effect of peach-soybean intercropping system with straw mulching on N and P losses, surface runoff in Dianchi Lake watershed mountain area, Yunnan province, China

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    Field experiments were conducted with peach (local variety)-soybean intercropping system as an agro-forestry community. The results showed that the reduction rate of CODcr losses were 24.31%, 50.50% and 65.19% respectively under the precipitation strength between 25mm d-1 and 100 mm d-1 with treatments of 36 kg plot-1, 54 kg plot-1 and 72 kg plot-1 straw mulching. The reduction rate of NH4+-N losses were 12.56%, 49.38% and 58.60%, respectively; The reduction rate of NO3--N losses were 27.78%, 9.55% and 58.61%, respectively; The reduction rate of TN losses were 3.85%, 31.67% and 56.01%, respectively. The reduction rate of TP losses were 23.02%, 30.19% and 42.65%, respectively. The yields of soybean increased by 24.09%, 47.46% and 93.84%, respectively. Peach-soybean intercropping with straw mulching could decrease the runoff losses of nitrogen and phosphorus with time effect for reducing non-point sources pollution losses

    Effect of cadmium and arsenic contamination on element content and effectiveness in rhizosphere soils of different forages

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    To explore the effects of Cd and As composite contaminated soils on the element contents and effectiveness in rhizosphere soils of different forages, the root morphology, rhizosphere soil elements and their availability of 21 forages were studied and analyzed. The results showed: The 21 cultivars showed significant differences in root morphological characteristics. Root length is an index of root morphology that has the highest correlation with other elements and availability. And the correlation between the availability of each element and root morphology was higher than that of element content. Among them, Fe availability was significantly correlated with root morphological characteristics (P<0.05). The contents of different elements and availability varied greatly among the different cultivars. Among the six rhizosphere soil elements, the difference of toxic metal Cd was the largest, while the difference of Al availability was the largest. According to the correlation analysis between the elements and availability of each cultivar, the interaction of the availability of each element is higher than that of the soil element under the composite contaminated of Cd and As. Toxic metals Cd and As affected each other, and there was a very significant positive correlation between the content and availability. Fe, Mn and P had higher correlation with Cd and As

    Root morphological, Cd accumulation and tolerance characteristics of 2

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    For studying the physiological response of two different Dianthus caryophyllus cultivars on Cd stress, pot experiment was carried out to measure proline and glutathione in leaves, five types of organic acids in root exudates (oxalic acid, malic acid, acetic acid, tartaric acid, citric acid), soluble sugars and free amino acids, root length, root surface area, root volume, root projected area and Cadmium content in soil, plant roots and aboveground. According to the effects of cadmium stress on the physiological and biochemical characteristics of two Dianthus caryophyllus, the results showed that: the growth of two cultivars are affected, “Master” and “Xiao Yan” are manifested as plant height, leaf, flower buds and biomass decreased, but the “Master” by the stronger inhibitory effect. The root length, total root surface area, total root projected area, and average root diameter of the “Master” increased under cadmium stress, but the root volume decreased. However, the root length, total root surface area, root volume, and root projected area of the “Xiao Yan” under cadmium stress decreased, while the average root diameter increased. The glutathione in the leaves of the two cultivars decreased, the proline content of the leaves of the “Xiao Yan” increased, while that of the “Master” decreased. In the root exudates, the free amino acid content of the two cultivars are reduced, and the secretion of organic acids is also inhibited (except for the citric acid secreted in the “Master”), while the soluble sugar content in the root exudates is expressed as “Xiao Yan” increased, and the “Master” decreased. According to the physiological response to the two cultivars under cadmium stress, the “Xiao Yan” is more suitable for soil restoration in the mining area of Lanping area