7 research outputs found

    Temporal and spatial distributions of landslides in the Qinba Mountains, Shaanxi Province, China

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    The spatial and temporal distributions of landslides can be used to assess the potential future impacts of landslides over large scales. However, quantitatively characterizing the spatial and temporal distributions of landslides and their causes remains a critical challenge. In this work, a typical landslide-prone region (the Qinba Mountains) is selected to identify this spatial and temporal trend. Information on 295 landslides spanning ten years from 2005 to 2014 was collected. The results revealed that landslide occurrences were clustered in time and space. Approximately 81% of the total landslides occurred from July to October. Moreover, a power law relationship between the cumulative frequency and number of landslides per day was discovered. Notably, the probability density of the time interval decreased as the time interval between landslide events increased, and this relationship was well described by a negative power-law correlation. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal distribution pattern of most landslides were influenced by rainfall events and earthquakes. There were several clustered centers in the study area, and the mean centers of the landslide distribution varied among years

    Influence of successive landslides on topographic changes revealed by multitemporal high-resolution UAS-based DEM

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    Highlights • UAV surveys can be used for evaluating long-term hillslope morphology evolution. • Successive landslides influence frequency distributions of topographic features. • Successive landslides gradually reduce slope gradient, roughness and local relief. • The slope gradient changes with elevation. Landslides are recognized as dominant geomorphic events of morphological evolution in most mountainous and hilly landscapes. However, the lack of multitemporal high-resolution topographic data has resulted in a lack of quantitative estimates of topographic changes influenced by successive landslides. Taking a typical hillslope with successive loess landslides in the Heifangtai loess tableland, China, as an example, we conducted four unmanned aerial system (UAS) surveys and created corresponding high-resolution digital elevation models (HRDEMs) and orthophotos. We found that multitemporal UAS surveys have become a powerful new approach for addressing local topographic changes and evolution over a relatively long time series. Moreover, landslides can leave persistent geomorphic imprints on hillslope topography. The frequency distributions of topographic indexes are significantly influenced by successive landslides. The mean slope gradient, roughness and local relief decreased with successive landslide occurrences, whereas the mean topographic wetness index (TWI) increased. However, the mean slope aspect was almost unchanged by successive landslides. Furthermore, analysis of the coefficient of variation demonstrates that the frequency distribution of the slope gradient becomes more dispersed with landslide occurrences, while the slope aspect and TWI become more concentrated. The slope gradient changes with elevation. More broadly, this study provides new insights into the prediction of the local topographic feature changes and morphology evolution trends caused by successive landslides

    Spatial and Temporal Evolution of the Infiltration Characteristics of a Loess Landslide

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    Infiltration plays an important role in influencing slope stability. However, the influences of slope failure on infiltration and the evolution of infiltration over time and space remain unclear. We studied and compared the infiltration rates in undisturbed loess and disturbed loess in different years and at different sites on loess landslide bodies. The results showed that the average initial infiltration rate in a new landslide body (triggered on 11 October 2017) were dramatically higher than those in a previous landslide body (triggered on 17 September 2011) and that the infiltration rates of both landslide types were higher than the rate of undisturbed loess. The initial infiltration rate in the new landslide body sharply decreased over the 4–5 months following the landslide because of the appearance of physical crusts. Our observations indicated that the infiltration rate of the disturbed soil in a landslide evolved over time and that the infiltration rate gradually approached that of undisturbed loess. Furthermore, in the undisturbed loess, both the initial and quasi-steady infiltration rates were slightly higher in the loess than in the paleosol, and in the previous landslide body, the infiltration rate was highest in the upper part, intermediate in the middle part, and lowest in the lower part. This study can help us to better understand the evolution process of infiltration in undisturbed loess, previous landslides, and new landslides

    Detecting Long-Term Deformation of a Loess Landslide from the Phase and Amplitude of Satellite SAR Images: A Retrospective Analysis for the Closure of a Tunnel Event

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    Information about the long-term spatiotemporal evolution of landslides can improve the understanding of landslides. However, since landslide deformation characteristics differ it is difficult to monitor the entire movement of a landslide using a single method. The Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and pixel offset tracking (POT) method can complement each other when monitoring deformation at different landslide stages. Therefore, the InSAR and improved POT method were adapted to study the pre- and post-failure surface deformation characteristics of the Gaojiawan landslide to deepen understanding of the long-term spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of landslides. The results show that the deformation displacement gradient of the Gaojiawan landslide exhibited rapid movement that exceeded the measurable limit of InSAR during the first disaster. Moreover, the Gaojiawan landslide has experienced long-term creep, and while studying the post-second landslide’s failure stability, the acceleration trend was identified via time series analysis, which can be used as a precursor signal for landslide disaster warning. Our study aims to provide scientific reference for local governments to help prevent and mitigate geological disasters in this region

    Detecting Long-Term Deformation of a Loess Landslide from the Phase and Amplitude of Satellite SAR Images: A Retrospective Analysis for the Closure of a Tunnel Event

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    Information about the long-term spatiotemporal evolution of landslides can improve the understanding of landslides. However, since landslide deformation characteristics differ it is difficult to monitor the entire movement of a landslide using a single method. The Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and pixel offset tracking (POT) method can complement each other when monitoring deformation at different landslide stages. Therefore, the InSAR and improved POT method were adapted to study the pre- and post-failure surface deformation characteristics of the Gaojiawan landslide to deepen understanding of the long-term spatiotemporal evolution characteristics of landslides. The results show that the deformation displacement gradient of the Gaojiawan landslide exhibited rapid movement that exceeded the measurable limit of InSAR during the first disaster. Moreover, the Gaojiawan landslide has experienced long-term creep, and while studying the post-second landslide’s failure stability, the acceleration trend was identified via time series analysis, which can be used as a precursor signal for landslide disaster warning. Our study aims to provide scientific reference for local governments to help prevent and mitigate geological disasters in this region

    Landslide Characteristics and Evolution: What We Can Learn from Three Adjacent Landslides

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    Landslide processes are a consequence of the interactions between their triggers and the surrounding environment. Understanding the differences in landslide movement processes and characteristics can provide new insights for landslide prevention and mitigation. Three adjacent landslides characterized by different movement processes were triggered from August to September in 2018 in Hualong County, China. A combination of surface and subsurface characteristics illustrated that Xiongwa (XW) landslides 1 and 2 have deformed several times and exhibit significant heterogeneity, whereas the Xiashitang (XST) landslide is a typical retrogressive landslide, and its material has moved downslope along a shear surface. Time-series Interferometric Synthetic Aperture Radar (InSAR) and Differential InSAR (DInSAR) techniques were used to detect the displacement processes of these three landslides. The pre-failure displacement signals of a slow-moving landslide (the XST landslide) can be clearly revealed by using time-series InSAR. However, these sudden landslides, which are a typical catastrophic natural hazard across the globe, are easily ignored by time-series InSAR. We confirmed that effective antecedent precipitation played an important role in the three landslides’ occurrence. The deformation of an existing landslide itself can also trigger new adjacent landslides in this study. These findings indicate that landslide early warnings are still a challenge since landslide processes and mechanisms are complicated. We need to learn to live with natural disasters, and more relevant detection and field investigations should be conducted for landslide risk mitigation