52 research outputs found

    A Novel Length-Flexible Lightweight Cancelable Fingerprint Template for Privacy-Preserving Authentication Systems in Resource-Constrained IoT Applications

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    Fingerprint authentication techniques have been employed in various Internet of Things (IoT) applications for access control to protect private data, but raw fingerprint template leakage in unprotected IoT applications may render the authentication system insecure. Cancelable fingerprint templates can effectively prevent privacy breaches and provide strong protection to the original templates. However, to suit resource-constrained IoT devices, oversimplified templates would compromise authentication performance significantly. In addition, the length of existing cancelable fingerprint templates is usually fixed, making them difficult to be deployed in various memory-limited IoT devices. To address these issues, we propose a novel length-flexible lightweight cancelable fingerprint template for privacy-preserving authentication systems in various resource-constrained IoT applications. The proposed cancelable template design primarily consists of two components: 1) length-flexible partial-cancelable feature generation based on the designed reindexing scheme and 2) lightweight cancelable feature generation based on the designed encoding nested difference XOR scheme. Comprehensive experimental results on public databases FVC2002 DB1-DB4 and FVC2004 DB1-DB4 demonstrate that the proposed cancelable fingerprint template achieves equivalent authentication performance to state-of-the-art methods in IoT environments, but our design substantially reduces template storage space and computational cost. More importantly, the proposed length-flexible lightweight cancelable template is suitable for a variety of commercial smart cards (e.g., C5-M.O.S.T. Card Contact Microprocessor Smart Cards CLXSU064KC5). To the best of our knowledge, the proposed method is the first length-flexible lightweight, high-performing cancelable fingerprint template design for resource-constrained IoT applications

    3D Fingerprint

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    3D Fingerprint </p

    Dimerization assays of the GsTIFY10a and GsTIFY10e proteins.

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    <p><b>a</b>. Dimerization analyses between GsTIFY10a and GsTIFY10e in yeast cells. Pictures showed the growth performance of recombinant yeast cells harboring different plasmids on SD/-Trp-Leu and SD/-Trp-Leu-Ade-His medium. The AtbZIP63-BD/AtbZIP63-AD combination was used as a positive control, and the GsTIFY10a-BD/AD and GsTIFY10e-BD/AD combinations were used as negative controls. <b>b</b>. Dimerization analyses between GsTIFY10a and GsTIFY10e in living plant cells. The YFPN/YFPC combination was used as a negative control. Pictures showed the YFP fluorescence, chlorophyll auto-fluorescence, light and overlay visions.</p

    The Positive Regulatory Roles of the TIFY10 Proteins in Plant Responses to Alkaline Stress

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    <div><p>The TIFY family is a novel plant-specific protein family, and is characterized by a conserved TIFY motif (TIFF/YXG). Our previous studies indicated the potential roles of TIFY10/11 proteins in plant responses to alkaline stress. In the current study, we focused on the regulatory roles and possible physiological and molecular basis of the TIFY10 proteins in plant responses to alkaline stress. We demonstrated the positive function of TIFY10s in alkaline responses by using the <i>AtTIFY10a</i> and <i>AtTIFY10b</i> knockout Arabidopsis, as evidenced by the relatively lower germination rates of <i>attify10a</i> and <i>attify10b</i> mutant seeds under alkaline stress. We also revealed that ectopic expression of <i>GsTIFY10a</i> in <i>Medicago sativa</i> promoted plant growth, and increased the NADP-ME activity, citric acid content and free proline content but decreased the MDA content of transgenic plants under alkaline stress. Furthermore, expression levels of the stress responsive genes including <i>NADP-ME</i>, <i>CS</i>, <i>H<sup>+</sup>-ppase</i> and <i>P5CS</i> were also up-regulated in <i>GsTIFY10a</i> transgenic plants under alkaline stress. Interestingly, <i>GsTIFY10a</i> overexpression increased the jasmonate content of the transgenic alfalfa. In addition, we showed that neither GsTIFY10a nor GsTIFY10e exhibited transcriptional activity in yeast cells. However, through Y2H and BiFc assays, we demonstrated that GsTIFY10a, not GsTIFY10e, could form homodimers in yeast cells and in living plant cells. As expected, we also demonstrated that GsTIFY10a and GsTIFY10e could heterodimerize with each other in both yeast and plant cells. Taken together, our results provided direct evidence supporting the positive regulatory roles of the TIFY10 proteins in plant responses to alkaline stress.</p></div

    <i>GsTIFY10a</i> overexpression altered several physiological indices of transgenic plants under alkaline stress.

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    <p><b>a</b>. The NADP-ME activity of WT and transgenic lines. <b>b</b>. The citric acid content of WT and transgenic lines. <b>c</b>. The free proline content of WT and transgenic lines. <b>d</b>. The MDA content of WT and transgenic lines. Thirty plants of each line were used for each experiment. Data are means (±SE) of three replicates. Significant differences were determined by one-way ANOVA (P<0.0001) statistical analysis. Different letters show significant differences between groups as indicated by Dunnett's posttests (P<0.05).</p

    The <i>AtTIFY10a/b</i> knockout mutant <i>Arabidopsis</i> showed decreased alkaline tolerance at the seed germination stage.

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    <p><b>a</b>. Schematic representation of the <i>AtTIFY10a/b</i> T-DNA insertion mutant lines. The exons and introns of the <i>AtTIFY10a/b</i> genes were showed as boxes and lines, and the T-DNA insertion sites were marked as triangles. <b>b</b>. RT-PCR analyses showing that <i>AtTIFY10a/b</i> did not expressed in the <i>attify10a</i>/<i>b</i> mutants. <b>c</b>. The growth performance of WT, <i>attify10a</i> and <i>attify10b</i> mutant Arabidopsis under alkaline stress. <i>Arabidopsis</i> seeds were germinated and grown on 1/2MS medium at pH5.8 or pH8.5. Photographs were taken 6 days after germination. <b>d</b>. Seed germination rates of WT and mutant lines. Seeds were considered to be germinated when the radicles completely penetrated the seed coats. A total of 90 seeds from each line were used for each experiment. Data are means (±S.E.) of three replicates.</p

    Overexpression of <i>GsTIFY10a</i> in alfalfa promoted plant growth under alkaline stress.

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    <p><b>a</b>. Schematic representation of expression constructs to ectopically express <i>GsTIFY10a</i> in Medicago <i>sativa</i>. <b>b</b>. Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analysis showing the transcript levels of <i>GsTIFY10a</i> in transgenic alfalfa lines. <b>c</b>. Growth performance of WT and transgenic lines under control conditions or NaHCO<sub>3</sub> treatments. <b>d</b>. The shoot length of WT and transgenic plants. <b>e</b>. The ground fresh weight of WT and transgenic plants. <b>f</b>. The ground dry weight of WT and transgenic plants. For phenotypic analysis under alkaline stress, the propagated WT and <i>GsTIFY10a</i> transgenic plants with similar sizes (approximately 25 cm high) were treated with 1/8 Hoagland nutrient solution containing either 0, or 100, or 150 mM NaHCO<sub>3</sub> every 3 days for a total of 12 days. Photographs were taken 12 days after initial treatment. Thirty plants of each line were used for each experiment. Data are means (±SE) of three replicates. Significant differences were determined by one-way ANOVA (P<0.0001) statistical analysis. Different letters show significant differences between groups as indicated by Dunnett's posttests (P<0.05).</p

    The Arabidopsis and wild soybean TIFY10/11 subgroup proteins.

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    <p><b>a</b>. Phylogenetic analysis of the Arabidopsis and wild soybean TIFY10/11 subgroup proteins. A neighbor-joining tree was constructed with the full-length TIFY10/11 protein sequences by using MEGA 5.0. <b>b</b>. Exon/intron structures of the Arabidopsis and wild soybean TIFY10/11 genes. Exons were represented by blue boxes, and grey lines connecting two exons represented introns. Both the exons and introns were drawn to scale. <b>c</b>. The distribution of conserved domains within Arabidopsis and wild soybean TIFY10/11 proteins. The relative positions of each conserved domain within each protein were shown in color.</p

    Increased JA content in <i>GsTIFY10a</i> transgenic plants. Leaves of WT and transgenic plants were harvested for JA extraction, and subjected for HPLC analysis to determine the content of endogenous JA.

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    <p>Each data point represents the mean (±SE) of three samples from independent sets of plants. Significant differences were found using one-way ANOVA analysis (P = 1.07*10<sup>−9</sup>).</p
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