95 research outputs found


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    Large investment projects require raising high volumes of financial resources on the long term. There is a task now set to raise private capital into the power field more actively and to develop state-private partnership. The article analyses modern types of financing: ВОО (Build - Own - Operate) and ВООТ (Build - Own - Operate - Transfer) that allow to accumulate required financial resources, reduce investment risks and combine interests of different parts participating in a project.Крупные инвестиционные проекты требуют привлечения больших объемов финансовых ресурсов на длительный период. В настоящее время поставлена задача более активного привлечения в энергетику частного капитала, развития государственно-частного партнерства. В статье проводится анализ современных форм финансирования: ВОО (Build - Own - Operate, строю - владею - эксплуатирую) и ВООТ (Build - Own - Operate - Transfer, строю - владею - эксплуатирую - передаю), которые позволяют аккумулировать необходимые финансовые ресурсы, снизить инвестиционные риски, объединить интересы различных сторон - участников проекта

    Features of modeling fatty liver disease in rats of different ages based on a high-calorie diet

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    BACKGROUND: The problem of diagnosis, treatment and prevention of fat liver disease (FLD) is one of the actual problems of modern medicine. In this regard, the need for the creation of reliable experimental models of the FLD, which would be as close as possible to the pathogenetic patterns of the development of this disease in humans.AIM: To create an experimental model of FLD and compare the efficiency of its reproduction in rats of different ages.MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study was conducted on male Wistar rats, whose ages at the beginning of the experiment were 3 and 18 months. Control animals were fed a standard diet. The experimental rats were kept on a diet with excess fat (45 %) and carbohydrates (31 %) for 12 weeks. The liver tissue samples were taken for morphological studies of FLD. Histological preparations were made according to the standard technique. Morphometry on digital images of micropreparations was conducted using the computer program «IMAGE J». The concentration of lipids, cholesterol, and triglecerides in the liver tissue was determined, and the concentration of ALT in the blood serum was determined. To assess the biophysical properties of the liver tissue, the method of multifrequency bioimpedance measurement was used.RESULTS: The transfer of animals to a high-calorie diet developed by us led to the development of FLD. This was evidenced by an increase of the liver mass, its pale shade and soft consistency. Morphometric signs of FLD were also revealed. Hypertrophy of hepatocytes was observed with a simultaneous decrease in the nuclear-cytoplasmic ratio; accumulation of numerous lipid inclusions in the cytoplasm and the appearance of large lipid droplets replacing the voids of dead hepatocytes. The number of binuclear hepatocytes and nucleolus in the nucleus, the relative area of the sinusoid network were decreased. An increase in the concentration of lipids, cholesterol and triglecerides in the liver tissue of experimental rats, as well as the activity of ALT in the blood serum, was observed. Changes in the bioimpedance measurements of the liver tissue also indicated the  development of severe fatty degeneration of the liver in both young (to a greater extent) and old rats.CONCLUSION: The model of FLD we have advanced based on a combined (fat-carbohydrate) high-calorie diet. It leads to the development of pronounced morphological, biochemical and biophysical signs of this pathology in all experimental rats. The most pronounced manifestations of FLD are observed in young animals

    Heat transfer at electrochemical treatment of organic dispersed hydraulic sistems

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    The proposed model combines electric and temperature fields, when organic dispersed hydraulic systems are subjected to electric-thermochemical treatment. This model has been applied for developing the technologies and equipment for protein production from potato juice, milk whey and for electrolytic activation of yeast productivity. The given model relations are required to establish optimal treatment parameters of media, to impose restriction on technological and design parameters, to define medium flow diagrams in the reactor, electrode and orifice material, ultimate electric field strength and current values, etc

    Про деякі «справжні» і «хибні» помилки в англійській медичній термінології

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    У статті розглянуто деякі термінологічні труднощі, що виникають в осіб, які використовують англійську мову у фаховому медичному мовленні (усному й писемному), але не належать до категорії «native speakers». Автори диференціюють справжні помилки – анормативи та «хибні помилки». Закцентовано увагу на тому, що в англійській мові наявний значний відсоток однокореневих суфіксальних прикметників, запозичених з латинської мови й утворених за допомогою різних суфіксів. Автори наголошують, що вибір конкретного суфіксального прикметника залежить від уподобань користувача. Побіжно розглянуто питання утворення форм множини іменників, запозичених із міжнародної (греко-латинської) медичної термінології. Основні шляхи усунення труднощів і мінімізації помилок автори вбачають у постійній і копіткій праці з авторитетними науковими, навчальними, лексикографічними джерелами, максимальному залученні міждисциплінарних знань, з латинської мови та медичної термінології зокрема, опрацюванні автентичних джерел.The article discusses some terminological difficulties that arise in the use of English in professional medical speech (oral and written) by non-native speakers. The authors differentiate between real errors and «false errors». Attention is focused on the fact that in the English language, there is a significant percentage of single-root suffixal adjectives borrowed from Latin and formed with the help of various suffixes. The authors note that the choice of a particular suffixal adjective depends on the preference of the user. The issues of the formation of plural forms of nouns borrowed from international (Greek-Latin) medical terminology are briefly considered. The authors see the main ways of eliminating problems and minimizing errors in constant and painstaking work with authoritative scientific, educational and lexicographic sources, maximum involvement of interdisciplinary knowledge, in particular, from Latin and medical terminology, and the study of authentic sources.В статье рассмотрены некоторые терминологические трудности, возникающие у лиц, использующих английский язык в профессиональной медицинской речи (устной и письменной), но не относящиеся к категории «native speakers». Авторы дифференцируют настоящие ошибки –анормативы и «ложные ошибки». Акцентируется внимание на том, что в английском языке имеется значительный процент однокоренных суффиксальних прилагательных, заимствованных из латинского языка и образованных с помощью различных суффиксов. Авторы отмечают, что выбор конкретного суффиксального прилагательного зависит от предпочтений пользователя. Бегло рассмотрены вопросы образования форм множественного числа существительных, заимствованных из международной (греко-латинской) медицинской терминологии. Основные пути устранения проблем и минимизации ошибок авторы видят в постоянной и кропотливой работе с авторитетными научными, учебными и лексикографическими источниками, максимальном привлечении междисциплинарных знаний, в частности, из латинского языка и медицинской терминологии, работе с аутентичными источниками

    Estimates of the global burden of ambient PM2.5, ozone, and NO2 on asthma incidence and emergency room visits

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    Abstract Background: Asthma is the most prevalent chronic respiratory disease worldwide, affecting 358 million people in 2015. Ambient air pollution exacerbates asthma among populations around the world and may also contribute to new-onset asthma. Objectives: We aimed to estimate the number of asthma emergency room visits and new onset asthma cases globally attributable to fine particulate matter (PM2.5), ozone, and nitrogen dioxide (NO2) concentrations. Methods: We used epidemiological health impact functions combined with data describing population, baseline asthma incidence and prevalence, and pollutant concentrations. We constructed a new dataset of national and regional emergency room visit rates among people with asthma using published survey data. Results: We estimated that 9–23 million and 5–10 million annual asthma emergency room visits globally in 2015 could be attributable to ozone and PM2.5, respectively, representing 8–20% and 4–9% of the annual number of global visits, respectively. The range reflects the application of central risk estimates from different epidemiological meta-analyses. Anthropogenic emissions were responsible for ∼37% and 73% of ozone and PM2.5 impacts, respectively. Remaining impacts were attributable to naturally occurring ozone precursor emissions (e.g., from vegetation, lightning) and PM2.5 (e.g., dust, sea salt), though several of these sources are also influenced by humans. The largest impacts were estimated in China and India. Conclusions: These findings estimate the magnitude of the global asthma burden that could be avoided by reducing ambient air pollution. We also identified key uncertainties and data limitations to be addressed to enable refined estimation. https://doi.org/10.1289/EHP376


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    Large investment projects require raising high volumes of financial resources on the long term. There is a task now set to raise private capital into the power field more actively and to develop state-private partnership. The article analyses modern types of financing: ВОО (Build - Own - Operate) and ВООТ (Build - Own - Operate - Transfer) that allow to accumulate required financial resources, reduce investment risks and combine interests of different parts participating in a project