14 research outputs found

    La cultura hist贸rica como pr谩ctica interdisciplinaria en la formaci贸n del profesional

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    Este trabajo examina la importancia y necesidad en la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica para la ense帽anza de la historia de una concepci贸n interdisciplinaria, devel谩ndose las relaciones que permiten sus聽 potencialidades para la formaci贸n de la cultura hist贸rica al abordar los procesos hist贸ricos en interacci贸n con diferentes espacios de la cultura acumulada. Estos elementos est谩n presentes en otras disciplinas did谩cticas y existen suficientes campos para esas interrelaciones; encontrarlas desde la docencia se constituye en un requerimiento metodol贸gico de obligada observancia

    Phase change slurries for cooling and storage: an overview of research trends and gaps

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    Phase change slurries (PCSs) have great potential as both a heat transfer fluid and an energy storage medium for cooling processes, cold energy storage, and cold energy transportation due to desirable thermophysical properties. One of the major benefits of PCSs compared to pure phase change materials is their fluidity, thus making them cooled or heated by a heat exchanger, pumped through pipes, discharged, and stored directly in a thermal energy storage tank. The use of encapsulated phase change slurries and gas hydrate slurry has thus attracted considerable interest as reflected in the literature with a rising number of publications and institutions involved in the area. The use of bibliometric techniques has found a recent interest in the literature to define the progress of different scientific topics and inspire researchers to identify novelties. In this paper, bibliometric analysis and a detailed systematic review are carried out to show the state-of-the-art development of PCSs for cooling applications. Research gaps and hotspots are identified to help define future perspectives on this topic

    La educaci贸n econ贸mica desde la ense帽anza de la historia para la formaci贸n de la cultura econ贸mica

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    El trabajo se centra en los fundamentos te贸ricos que sustentan las orientaciones metodol贸gicas para el desarrollo de acciones did谩cticas a emprender desde la ense帽anza de la historia de Cuba en la formaci贸n del profesional universitario desde la dimensi贸n curricular con car谩cter interdisciplinario y de sistematizaci贸n de las ciencias sociales, para que el alumnado desde su realidad asuma un rol protag贸nico ante posibilidades para identificar problemas econ贸micos, discernir el origen de estos y establecer las coincidencias y diferencias en esa relaci贸n de lo general y lo particular, logrando adem谩s, alcanzar la capacidad de elecci贸n de v铆as alternativas y posibilidades de soluci贸n, rebatir tesis, ofrecerlas y defenderlas lo cual favorecer谩 la formaci贸n de una cultura econ贸mica en los estudiantes como parte esencial para el logro de una cultura general integral

    La cultura hist贸rica como pr谩ctica interdisciplinaria en la formaci贸n del profesional

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    It works examines the importance and in practice pedagogic need for the teaching of the history of an interdisciplinary conception, by showing the relations they permit your potentialities for the formation of the historical culture when approaching the historical processes in interaction with different spaces of the accumulated culture. These elements are present in other didactics discipline and exist sufficient fields for theses interrelacioneses; to find them from the teaching it assumes the position of a methodological request of obliged observance.Este trabajo examina la importancia y necesidad en la pr谩ctica pedag贸gica para la ense帽anza de la historia de una concepci贸n interdisciplinaria, devel谩ndose las relaciones que permiten sus聽 potencialidades para la formaci贸n de la cultura hist贸rica al abordar los procesos hist贸ricos en interacci贸n con diferentes espacios de la cultura acumulada. Estos elementos est谩n presentes en otras disciplinas did谩cticas y existen suficientes campos para esas interrelaciones; encontrarlas desde la docencia se constituye en un requerimiento metodol贸gico de obligada observancia

    Application of Nanofluids in Improving the Performance of Double-Pipe Heat Exchangers鈥擜 Critical Review

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    Nanofluids can be employed as one of the two fluids needed to improve heat exchanger performance due to their improved thermal and rheological properties. In this review, the impact of nanoparticles on nanofluid properties is discussed by analyzing factors such as the concentration, size, and shape of nanoparticles. Nanofluid thermophysical properties and flow rate directly influence the heat transfer coefficient and pressure drop. High thermal conductivity nanoparticles improve the heat transfer coefficient; in particular, metallic oxide (such as MgO, TiO2, and ZnO) nanoparticles show greater enhancement of this property by up to 30% compared to the base fluid. Nanoparticle size and shape are other factors to consider as well, e.g., a significant difference in thermal conductivity enhancement from 6.41% to 9.73% could be achieved by decreasing the Al2O3 nanoparticle size from 90 to 10 nm, affecting nanofluid viscosity and density. In addition, equations to determine the heat transfer rate and the pressure drop in a double-pipe heat exchanger are presented. It was established that the main factor that directly influences the heat transfer coefficient is the nanofluid thermal conductivity, and nanofluid viscosity affects the pressure drop

    Trainable COPE Features for Sound Event Detection

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    Systems for automatic analysis of sounds and detection of events are of great importance as they can be used as substitutes of or complement to video analytic systems. In this paper we describe a flexible system for the detection of audio events based on the use of trainable COPE (Combination of Peaks of Energy) features. The structure of a COPE feature is determined in an automatic configuration process on a single prototype example. Thus, they can be adapted to different kinds of sounds of interest. We configure a set of COPE features in order to account for robustness to variations of the characteristics of sounds within a specific class. The proposed system is flexible as new features (also configured on examples drawn from new classes) can be easily added to the feature set. We performed experiments on the MIVIA road events data set for road surveillance applications and compared the results that we achieved with the ones of other existing methods