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    Penerapan Analisis Survival untuk Menaksir Waktu Bertahan Hidup bagi Penderita Penyakit Jantung

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    Applying survival analysis in survival data from coroner heart (acute miocard infark) patients is discussed in this short paper. The goal of this research is to determine the treatment that gives a longer survival time. The treatments are the ring treatment, the bypass treatment and the medicine treatment. Data was collected from medical record patients who regularly going to control and check their healthy and conditions to a heart specialist doctor. The sample consists of 90 patients; 30 patients used ring treatment, 30 patients used bypass treatment, and 30 patients used medicine treatment. Survival analysis by using parametric and non parametric estimation are used to estimate the survival time for coroner heart patients using three treatments. The result of this research shows that by using both estimations there is a difference survival time among ring treatment, bypass treatment and medicine treatment. A better medical treatment that gives longer survival time for coroner heart patients is the ring treatment. Key words : survival analysis, parametric estimation, non parametric estimation, survival time