2,574 research outputs found

    Impact of Subleading Corrections on Hadronic B Decays

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    We study the subleading corrections originating from the 3-parton (q\bar q g) Fock states of final-state mesons in B decays. The corrections could give significant contributions to decays involving an \omega or \eta^{(\prime)} in the final states. Our results indicate the similarity of \omega K and \omega \pi^- rates, of order 5\times 10^{-6}, consistent with the recent measurements. We obtain a_2(B\to J/\psi K)\approx 0.27+0.05i, in good agreement with data. Without resorting to the unknown singlet annihilation effects, 3-parton Fock state contributions can enhance the branching ratios of K\eta' to the level above 50\times 10^{-6}.Comment: 5 pages, 5 figures, revtex4; some typos corrected, a new figure and a reference added, more explanations for the calculation provided, to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Optimal Taxation of Risky Human Capital

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    In a model with ex-ante homogenous households, earnings risk and a general earnings function, we derive the optimal linear labor tax rate and optimal linear education subsidies. The optimal income tax trades off social insurance against incentives to work and to invest in human capital. Education subsidies are not used for social insurance, but are only targeted at off-setting the distortions of the labor tax and internalizing a fiscal externality. Both optimal education subsidies and tax rates increase if labor and education are more complementary, since education subsidies indirectly lower labor tax distortions by stimulating labor supply. Optimal education subsidies (taxes) also correct non-tax distortions arising from missing insurance markets. Education subsidies internalize a positive (negative) fiscal externality if there is underinvestment (overinvestment) in education due to risk. Education policy unambiguously allows for more social insurance if education is a risky activity. However, if education hedges against labor market risk, optimal tax rates could be lower than without education subsidies

    Immunomodulatory effects of interferon-alpha on T cell subsets in Behcet’s disease ex vivo, and the in vitro effects of treatment on healthy donor cells

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    Many patients with Behcet’s disease (BD) have disease that is severe and do not respond to the conventional treatment of systemic corticosteroids and immunosuppressive agents. Recently, IFN-α therapy has shown promise as an effective treatment that may also improve long-term outcome. This study aims to provide an insight into the mechanisms of action and disease-modifying ability of IFN-α by focussing on the impact on T cell subsets. In this study, I describe my investigation into the effects of an additional 6-month course of IFN-α therapy in modulating T cell subsets and their cytokine expression in BD patients ex vivo over the first 12 months. Investigation of T cell responses confirms previous findings on Th1 and Th2 cells and their associated cytokines following IFN-α treatment. Analysis of Th17 cells shows these cells are downregulated by IFN-α therapy in peripheral blood. On the other hand, Foxp3+ T cells are upregulated by IFN-α therapy which is a novel mechanism that may contribute substantially towards the disease-modifying ability of IFN-α treatment. Notably, most effects of IFN-α on T cells, including Th17 and Treg cells, persist even after cessation of treatment. Also, I report in details the responses of CD4+, CD8+ and γδ T cell subsets in vitro following treatment of healthy donor PBMCs with IFN-α. The findings are largely in agreement with the ex vivo study. Fopx3-expressing and IFN-γ-, IL-10-, and TGF-β- producing CD4+ and CD8+ T cells are all increased by IFN-α treatment. Whereas, IL-17-producing CD4+, CD8+ and γδ T cell are decreased following treatment with IFN-α. Our data may provide new inroads into elucidating the immunomodulatory mechanisms involved in the disease-modifying ability of IFN-α therapy. Which of the above mechanisms plays the most important role in the observed beneficial effects of IFN-α in the treatment of BD remains to be elucidated

    Implications of Recent Measurements of Hadronic Charmless B Decays

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    Implications of recent CLEO measurements of hadronic charmless B decays are discussed. (i) Employing the Bauer-Stech-Wirbel (BSW) model for form factors as a benchmark, the Bπ+πB\to\pi^+\pi^- data indicate that the form factor F0Bπ(0)F_0^{B\pi}(0) is smaller than that predicted by the BSW model, whereas the data of Bωπ,KηB\to\omega\pi, K^*\eta imply that the form factors A0Bω(0),A0BK(0)A_0^{B\omega}(0), A_0^{BK^*}(0) are greater than the BSW model's values. (ii) The tree-dominated modes Bπ+π,ρ0π±,ωπ±B\to\pi^+\pi^-, \rho^0\pi^\pm, \omega\pi^\pm imply that the effective number of colors N_c(LL) for (V-A)(V-A) operators is preferred to be smaller, while the current limit on BϕKB\to\phi K shows that N_c(LR)>3. The data of BKηB\to K\eta' and KηK^*\eta clearly indicate that Nc(LR)Nc(LL)N_c(LR)\gg N_c(LL). (iii) In order to understand the observed suppression of π+π\pi^+\pi^- and non-suppression of KπK\pi modes, both being governed by the form factor F0BπF_0^{B\pi}, the unitarity angle γ\gamma is preferred to be greater than 9090^\circ. By contrast, the new measurement of B±ρ0π±B^\pm\to\rho^0\pi^\pm no longer strongly favors cosγ<0\cos\gamma<0. (iv) The observed pattern K^-\pi^+\sim \ov K^0\pi^-\sim {2\over 3}K^-\pi^0 is consistent with the theoretical expectation: The constructive interference between electroweak and QCD penguin diagrams in the Kπ0K^-\pi^0 mode explains why {\cal B}(B^-\to K^-\pi^0)>{1\over 2}{\cal B}(\ov B^0\to K^-\pi^+). (v) The observation \nc(LL)<3<\nc(LR) and our preference for \nc(LL)\sim 2 and \nc(LR)\sim 6 are justified by a recent perturbative QCD calculation of hadronic rare B decays in the heavy quark limit.Comment: 21 pages; CLEO measurements of several charmless B decay modes are updated. Discussion of the unitarity angle gamma in the \rho\pi mode is revise

    Random antiferromagnetic quantum spin chains: Exact results from scaling of rare regions

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    We study XY and dimerized XX spin-1/2 chains with random exchange couplings by analytical and numerical methods and scaling considerations. We extend previous investigations to dynamical properties, to surface quantities and operator profiles, and give a detailed analysis of the Griffiths phase. We present a phenomenological scaling theory of average quantities based on the scaling properties of rare regions, in which the distribution of the couplings follows a surviving random walk character. Using this theory we have obtained the complete set of critical decay exponents of the random XY and XX models, both in the volume and at the surface. The scaling results are confronted with numerical calculations based on a mapping to free fermions, which then lead to an exact correspondence with directed walks. The numerically calculated critical operator profiles on large finite systems (L<=512) are found to follow conformal predictions with the decay exponents of the phenomenological scaling theory. Dynamical correlations in the critical state are in average logarithmically slow and their distribution show multi-scaling character. In the Griffiths phase, which is an extended part of the off-critical region average autocorrelations have a power-law form with a non-universal decay exponent, which is analytically calculated. We note on extensions of our work to the random antiferromagnetic XXZ chain and to higher dimensions.Comment: 19 pages RevTeX, eps-figures include

    Griffiths Effects in Random Heisenberg Antiferromagnetic S=1 Chains

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    I consider the effects of enforced dimerization on random Heisenberg antiferromagnetic S=1 chains. I argue for the existence of novel Griffiths phases characterized by {\em two independent dynamical exponents} that vary continuously in these phases; one of the exponents controls the density of spin-1/2 degrees of freedom in the low-energy effective Hamiltonian, while the other controls the corresponding density of spin-1 degrees of freedom. Moreover, in one of these Griffiths phases, the system has very different low temperature behavior in two different parts of the phase which are separated from each other by a sharply defined crossover line; on one side of this crossover line, the system `looks' like a S=1 chain at low energies, while on the other side, it is best thought of as a S=1/2S=1/2 chain. A strong-disorder RG analysis makes it possible to analytically obtain detailed information about the low temperature behavior of physical observables such as the susceptibility and the specific heat, as well as identify an experimentally accessible signature of this novel crossover.Comment: 16 pages, two-column PRB format; 5 figure

    Quantification of the boron speciation in alkali borosilicate glasses by electron energy loss spectroscopy

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    Transmission electron microscopy and related analytical techniques have been widely used to study the microstructure of different materials. However, few research works have been performed in the field of glasses, possibly due to the electron-beam irradiation damage. In this paper, we have developed a method based on electron energy loss spectroscopy (EELS) data acquisition and analyses, which enables determination of the boron speciation in a series of ternary alkali borosilicate glasses with constant molar ratios. A script for the fast acquisition of EELS has been designed, from which the fraction of BO(4) tetrahedra can be obtained by fitting the experimental data with linear combinations of the reference spectra. The BO(4) fractions (N(4)) obtained by EELS are consistent with those from (11)B MAS NMR spectra, suggesting that EELS can be an alternative and convenient way to determine the N(4) fraction in glasses. In addition, the boron speciation of a CeO(2) doped potassium borosilicate glass has been analyzed by using the time-resolved EELS spectra. The results clearly demonstrate that the BO(4) to BO(3) transformation induced by the electron beam irradiation can be efficiently suppressed by doping CeO(2) to the borosilicate glasses

    Phenomenological Analysis of B->PP Decays with QCD Factorization

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    In this paper, we study nonleptonic charmless B decays to two light pseudoscalar mesons within the frame of QCD factorization, including the contributions from the chirally enhanced power corrections and weak annihilation. Predictions for the CP-averaged branching ratios and CP-violating asymmetries are given. Within the reasonable range of the parameters, we find that our predictions for the branching ratios of B -> PP are consistent with the present experimental data. But because of the logarithmic divergences at the endpoints in the hard spectator scatterings and weak annihilation, there are still large uncertainties in these predictions.Comment: 34 pages, 5 figures. to appear in PR

    Suppression of the structural phase transition and lattice softening in slightly underdoped Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2 with electronic phase separation

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    We present x-ray powder diffraction (XRPD) and neutron diffraction measurements on the slightly underdoped iron pnictide superconductor Ba(1-x)K(x)Fe2As2, Tc = 32K. Below the magnetic transition temperature Tm = 70K, both techniques show an additional broadening of the nuclear Bragg peaks, suggesting a weak structural phase transition. However, macroscopically the system does not break its tetragonal symmetry down to 15 K. Instead, XRPD patterns at low temperature reveal an increase of the anisotropic microstrain proportionally in all directions. We associate this effect with the electronic phase separation, previously observed in the same material, and with the effect of lattice softening below the magnetic phase transition. We employ density functional theory to evaluate the distribution of atomic positions in the presence of dopant atoms both in the normal and magnetic states, and to quantify the lattice softening, showing that it can account for a major part of the observed increase of the microstrain.Comment: 7 pages, 4 figure

    Charming penguin contributions to charmless B decays into two pseudoscalar mesons

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    We present estimates of the charming penguin contribution to B => K pi, pi pi,K eta, K eta' decays due to intermediate charmed meson states. We find that this contribution is indeed significant for B => K pi decays, and its inclusion, together with the tree and penguin terms, produces large branching ratios in agreement with data, though the analysis is affected by large theoretical uncertainties. On the other hand, for B => pi pi, K eta, K eta' decays, the effect of the charming penguin contribution is more modest. We also compute CP asymmetries for B => K pi, pi pi decays and we obtain rather large results.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figures, LaTeX2e with epsfig. Minor changes in the text, this version will appear in Phys. Rev.