11 research outputs found

    Keypoint-Augmented Self-Supervised Learning for Medical Image Segmentation with Limited Annotation

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    Pretraining CNN models (i.e., UNet) through self-supervision has become a powerful approach to facilitate medical image segmentation under low annotation regimes. Recent contrastive learning methods encourage similar global representations when the same image undergoes different transformations, or enforce invariance across different image/patch features that are intrinsically correlated. However, CNN-extracted global and local features are limited in capturing long-range spatial dependencies that are essential in biological anatomy. To this end, we present a keypoint-augmented fusion layer that extracts representations preserving both short- and long-range self-attention. In particular, we augment the CNN feature map at multiple scales by incorporating an additional input that learns long-range spatial self-attention among localized keypoint features. Further, we introduce both global and local self-supervised pretraining for the framework. At the global scale, we obtain global representations from both the bottleneck of the UNet, and by aggregating multiscale keypoint features. These global features are subsequently regularized through image-level contrastive objectives. At the local scale, we define a distance-based criterion to first establish correspondences among keypoints and encourage similarity between their features. Through extensive experiments on both MRI and CT segmentation tasks, we demonstrate the architectural advantages of our proposed method in comparison to both CNN and Transformer-based UNets, when all architectures are trained with randomly initialized weights. With our proposed pretraining strategy, our method further outperforms existing SSL methods by producing more robust self-attention and achieving state-of-the-art segmentation results. The code is available at https://github.com/zshyang/kaf.git.Comment: Camera ready for NeurIPS 2023. Code available at https://github.com/zshyang/kaf.gi

    TetCNN: Convolutional Neural Networks on Tetrahedral Meshes

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    Convolutional neural networks (CNN) have been broadly studied on images, videos, graphs, and triangular meshes. However, it has seldom been studied on tetrahedral meshes. Given the merits of using volumetric meshes in applications like brain image analysis, we introduce a novel interpretable graph CNN framework for the tetrahedral mesh structure. Inspired by ChebyNet, our model exploits the volumetric Laplace-Beltrami Operator (LBO) to define filters over commonly used graph Laplacian which lacks the Riemannian metric information of 3D manifolds. For pooling adaptation, we introduce new objective functions for localized minimum cuts in the Graclus algorithm based on the LBO. We employ a piece-wise constant approximation scheme that uses the clustering assignment matrix to estimate the LBO on sampled meshes after each pooling. Finally, adapting the Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping algorithm for tetrahedral meshes, we use the obtained heatmaps to visualize discovered regions-of-interest as biomarkers. We demonstrate the effectiveness of our model on cortical tetrahedral meshes from patients with Alzheimer's disease, as there is scientific evidence showing the correlation of cortical thickness to neurodegenerative disease progression. Our results show the superiority of our LBO-based convolution layer and adapted pooling over the conventionally used unitary cortical thickness, graph Laplacian, and point cloud representation.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper to Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2023) conferenc

    Envisioning a Next Generation Extended Reality Conferencing System with Efficient Photorealistic Human Rendering

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    Meeting online is becoming the new normal. Creating an immersive experience for online meetings is a necessity towards more diverse and seamless environments. Efficient photorealistic rendering of human 3D dynamics is the core of immersive meetings. Current popular applications achieve real-time conferencing but fall short in delivering photorealistic human dynamics, either due to limited 2D space or the use of avatars that lack realistic interactions between participants. Recent advances in neural rendering, such as the Neural Radiance Field (NeRF), offer the potential for greater realism in metaverse meetings. However, the slow rendering speed of NeRF poses challenges for real-time conferencing. We envision a pipeline for a future extended reality metaverse conferencing system that leverages monocular video acquisition and free-viewpoint synthesis to enhance data and hardware efficiency. Towards an immersive conferencing experience, we explore an accelerated NeRF-based free-viewpoint synthesis algorithm for rendering photorealistic human dynamics more efficiently. We show that our algorithm achieves comparable rendering quality while performing training and inference 44.5% and 213% faster than state-of-the-art methods, respectively. Our exploration provides a design basis for constructing metaverse conferencing systems that can handle complex application scenarios, including dynamic scene relighting with customized themes and multi-user conferencing that harmonizes real-world people into an extended world.Comment: Accepted to CVPR 2023 ECV Worksho

    OTRE: Where Optimal Transport Guided Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation Meets Regularization by Enhancing

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    Non-mydriatic retinal color fundus photography (CFP) is widely available due to the advantage of not requiring pupillary dilation, however, is prone to poor quality due to operators, systemic imperfections, or patient-related causes. Optimal retinal image quality is mandated for accurate medical diagnoses and automated analyses. Herein, we leveraged the Optimal Transport (OT) theory to propose an unpaired image-to-image translation scheme for mapping low-quality retinal CFPs to high-quality counterparts. Furthermore, to improve the flexibility, robustness, and applicability of our image enhancement pipeline in the clinical practice, we generalized a state-of-the-art model-based image reconstruction method, regularization by denoising, by plugging in priors learned by our OT-guided image-to-image translation network. We named it as regularization by enhancing (RE). We validated the integrated framework, OTRE, on three publicly available retinal image datasets by assessing the quality after enhancement and their performance on various downstream tasks, including diabetic retinopathy grading, vessel segmentation, and diabetic lesion segmentation. The experimental results demonstrated the superiority of our proposed framework over some state-of-the-art unsupervised competitors and a state-of-the-art supervised method.Comment: Accepted as a conference paper to The 28th biennial international conference on Information Processing in Medical Imaging (IPMI 2023

    OmniMotionGPT: Animal Motion Generation with Limited Data

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    Our paper aims to generate diverse and realistic animal motion sequences from textual descriptions, without a large-scale animal text-motion dataset. While the task of text-driven human motion synthesis is already extensively studied and benchmarked, it remains challenging to transfer this success to other skeleton structures with limited data. In this work, we design a model architecture that imitates Generative Pretraining Transformer (GPT), utilizing prior knowledge learned from human data to the animal domain. We jointly train motion autoencoders for both animal and human motions and at the same time optimize through the similarity scores among human motion encoding, animal motion encoding, and text CLIP embedding. Presenting the first solution to this problem, we are able to generate animal motions with high diversity and fidelity, quantitatively and qualitatively outperforming the results of training human motion generation baselines on animal data. Additionally, we introduce AnimalML3D, the first text-animal motion dataset with 1240 animation sequences spanning 36 different animal identities. We hope this dataset would mediate the data scarcity problem in text-driven animal motion generation, providing a new playground for the research community.Comment: The project page is at https://zshyang.github.io/omgpt-website